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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Dutch Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || Gerdi Quist || John Murray Press

Master the rules of Dutch grammar and unlock your language learning potential.

Comprehensive and clear explanations of key grammar patterns and structures are reinforced and contextualized through authentic materials. You will not only learn how to construct grammar correctly, but when and where to use it so you sound natural and appropriate. Dutch Grammar You Really Need to Know will help you gain the intuition you need to become a confident communicator in your new language.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 77,90

Terrorismebestrijding / druk 2

2013 || Hardcover || N.J.M. Kwakman || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.

Gedurende de afgelopen jaren zijn er belangrijke wijzigingen aangebracht in ons straf(proces)recht, waarmee de overheid de beschikking heeft gekregen over een aantal nieuwe straf(proces)rechtelijke instrumenten ter voorkoming en ter bestrijding van het hedendaagse terrorisme. In deze studiepocket worden deze instrumenten besproken.

De opzet van deze studiepocket komt het best tot uitdrukking in het begrippenpaar 'overzicht' en 'inzicht'.

Er worden diverse overzichten gegeven. In deze overzich...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Teaching English Literature 16-19

An essential guide

2020 || Hardcover || Carol Atherton e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Teaching English Literature 16 - 19 is an essential new resource that is suitable for use both as an introductory guide for those new to teaching literature and also as an aid to reflection and renewal for more experienced teachers. Using the central philosophy that students will learn best when actively engaged in discussion and encouraged to apply what they have learnt independently, this highly practical new text contains: discussion of the principles behind the teaching of literature at t...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Soil and Water Contamination / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || Marcel van der Perk || Taylor & Francis

Soil and Water Contamination, Second Edition gives a structured overview of transport and fate processes of environmental contaminants. Dealing with all topics essential for understanding and predicting contaminant patterns in soil, groundwater and surface water, it contributes to the formation of a solid basis for adequate soil and water pollution control and integrated catchment management. A unique feature of this work is that it does not treat water and soil pollution as independent proce...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Community-Based Participatory Research

2013 || Paperback || Karen A. Hacker || SAGE

Presenting a practical approach to CBPR by describing how an individual researcher might understand and conduct CBPR research, this book includies a concise overview of CBPR theoretical underpinnings, methods considerations and ethical issues - all presented in an accessible format.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Discovering Our Past / 2nd Edition

2013 || Hardcover || SPIELVOGEL || McGraw-Hill

Connect to World History content with an accessible, student-friendly text built on the principles of Understanding by Design.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Sino-Japanese Relations After the Cold War / 1st edition

Two Tigers Sharing a Mountain

2013 || Paperback || Michael Yahuda || Taylor & Francis

Since the end of the Cold War China and Japan have faced each other as powers of relatively equal strength for the first time in their long history. As the two great powers of East Asia the way they both compete and cooperate with each other and the way they conduct their relations in the new era will play a big part in the evolution of the region as a whole. This textbook explores in detail the ways in which politics has shaped the thinking about history and identity in both China and Japan ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Health Economics / 1st edition

2013 || Paperback || Jay Bhattacharya e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing

Comprehensive in coverage this textbook, written by academics from leading institutions, discusses current developments and debates in modern health economics from an international perspective. Economic models are presented in detail, complemented by real-life explanations and analysis, and discussions of the influence of such theories on policymaking. Offering sound pedagogy and economic rigor, Health Economics focuses on building intuition alongside appropriate mathematical formality, trans...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Interpersonal Relationships

2013 || Paperback || UK) Diana (Association for the Teaching of Psychology Jackson-Dwyer || Taylor & Francis

With a more specific focus than the all-encompassing textbook, each title in the Foundations of Psychology series enables students who are new to psychology to get to grips with a key area of psychological research, while also developing an understanding of basic concepts, debates, and research methodologies. In this book Diana Jackson-Dwyer presents an introductory survey of classic and recent research on relationships and the theories that underpin them. The book starts with a brief overvie...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

An Introduction to Literary Studies / 3rd edition

2013 || Paperback || Mario Klarer || Taylor & Francis

In this classic beginner's guide to English literature, Mario Klarer offers a concise and accessible discussion of central issues in the study of literary texts, looking at:definitions of key terms such as literature and textthe genres of fiction, poetry, drama, and filmperiods and classifications of literaturetheoretical approaches to text the use of secondary resourcesguidelines for writing research essays. The new and expanded edition is fully updated to include:a wider range of textual ex...