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Gramática de uso del español A1-A2

teoria y práctica con solucionario

2013 || Paperback || Palencia del Burgo e.a. || Intertaal


Eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau A1-A2 met theorie en oefeningen. Met oplossingen en woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits.

eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau A1-A2

op de linkerpagina steeds de theorie en op de rechterpagina de oefeningen

met uitgebreide woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits

met oplossingen, ideaal om zelfstandig mee te werken

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Email English

With new social media section and phrase bank of useful expressions

2013 || Paperback || Paul Emmerson || Macmillan

Email English will help students of English to write effective and convincing communications, whether for work or study, whether by email or via social media. Based on hundreds of real examples, Email English deals systematically with key language for constructing effective and convincing emails in English as well as developing an appropriate voice through social media. Basics, including opening and closing emails, giving information, making requests, arranging meetings and checking understan...

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Arts and Culture: / 4th Edition

An Introduction to the Humanities : Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Janetta Benton e.a. || Pearson

For an undergraduate introductory level course in humanities. An introduction to the world's major civilizations. This Fourth Edition is an introduction to the world's major civilizations-to their artistic achievements, their history, and their cultures.

Through an integrated approach to the humanities, Arts and Culture offers an opportunity to view works of art, read literature, and listen to music in historical and cultural contexts. In studying the humanities, we focus our attention on wor...

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Practical People Engagement

Leading Change Through the Power of Relationships

2013 || Paperback || Patrick M Mayfield || Elbereth Publishing

From research into high performers and from his own experience, Patrick Mayfield concludes that many of us leading change have prioritised and focused on the wrong things. Great change leaders understand this. Could their focus and different behaviours be the reason for their achievements? Patrick believes the evidence has been 'hiding in plain sight'. Practical People Engagement provides a better approach as well as a rich source of practices and techniques that help the reader get better re...

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met 5% korting 35,63

De WerkplekWijzer

Ingredienten voor een effectieve, efficiente en prettige werkomgeving

2013 || Paperback || Gerry Hofkamp e.a. || Center for People and Buildings

Wat is er nodig om een werkomgeving te realiseren die mens en organisatie in staat stelt om prettig, effectief en efficiënt te werken? Deze vraag vormde in 2006 het startpunt voor een gezamenlijk initiatief van het Center for People and Buildings en de Rijksgebouwendienst om een eerste werkplekwijzer te publiceren. De publicatie diende als praktische gids en inspiratiebron voor iedereen die op de een of andere manier betrokken is bij het denken over en ontwikkelen van nieuwe werkomgevingen. ...

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Die Judenbuche

Empfohlen für das 8.-10. Schuljahr. Textausgabe. Text - Erläuterungen - Materialien

2013 || Paperback || Annette Droste-Hülshoff e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag

Die Textausgabe Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe steht der Originaltext, ergänzt um

- knappe schülergerechte Worterklärungen direkt am Originaltext,

- eine kurze Autorenbiografie und Sachinformationen,

- Zusatzmaterialien zu Entstehung und Rezeption.

Für einen interessanten und abwechslungsreichen Deutschunterricht Die Reihe Cornelsen Literathek enthält beliebte und exemplarische Werke, die einen festen Platz im Deutschunterricht haben und häufig in der Sekundarstufe II prüfungsrelevant sind. ...

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met 5% korting 14,25

De nieuwsfabriek / Druk 1

hoe media ons wereldbeeld vervormen

2013 || Paperback || Rob Wijnberg || De Bezige Bij

Journalistiek is verworden tot een ordinaire nieuwsfabriek, waar kijkcijfers, lezersaantallen, advertentie-inkomsten en winstgevendheid gelden als onbetwiste graadmeters voor succes. De bedoeling is om burgers permanent gebiologeerd te houden met spectaculaire, vermakelijke of anderszins aandachttrekkende berichten, niet om inzicht te kweken in de wereld om ons heen. Van genociden in Afghanistan tot de nieuwste haardracht van Gordon: alles wordt zonder enige maatstaf van publiek belang de eth...

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Optoelectronics & Photonics: Principles & Practices / 2nd edition

International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Safa Kasap || Pearson

For one-semester, undergraduate-level courses in Optoelectronics and Photonics, in the departments of electrical engineering, engineering physics, and materials science and engineering. This text takes a fresh look at the enormous developments in electo-optic devices and associated materials-such as Pockels (Lithium Niobate) modulators.

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Financial Accounting / 3rd edition

A Business Process Approach

2013 || Paperback || Jane L. Reimers || Pearson

For introductory Financial Accounting courses that are not using debits and credits. Relevance for majors and non-majors-accounting concepts explained in a business context. Financial Accounting: A Business Process Approach explains accounting concepts in a way all majors can understand by organizing the material around how a business works.

This text's business process approach presents a business topic and then shows the accounting concepts behind it-rather than solely explaining accounting...

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Minna No Nihongo Shokyu Translation and Grammer / 2nd Edition

2013 || Paperback || 3A Corporation

With this book, learners can confirm the meaning and content of Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Dai 2-Han Honsatsu (Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Second Edition - Main Text) in English. This book is very useful when learners are studying by themselves, particularly for class preparation or for reviewing what has been studied in class, or when the instructor does not have time to introduce new vocabulary. Learning efficiency will improve if the learner looks up the vocabulary before class.

At the beginn...