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Studieboeken (279)
Outside In
2012 || Paperback || Kerry Bodine Harley Manning || New Harvest
What simple innovation brought billions in new investments to Fidelity? What basic misunderstanding was preventing Office Depot from achieving its growth potential? What surprising insights helped the Mayo Clinic better serve both doctors and patients?
Flip Your Classroom
2012 || Paperback || Jonathan Bergmann e.a. || International Society for Technology in Education
It started with a simple observation: Students need their teachers present to answer questions or to provide help if they get stuck on an assignment; they don't need their teachers present to listen to a lecture or review content. From there, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams began the flipped classroom: Students watched recorded lectures for homework and completed their assignments, labs, and tests in class with their teacher available. What Bergmann and Sams found was that their students dem...
Novum Testamentum Graece-FL / 28th edition
2012 || Hardcover || German Bible Society || Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
Das weltweit verbreitete Standardwerk unter den griechischen Urtextausgaben des Neuen Testaments erscheint jetzt in einer grundlegend überarbeiteten und verbesserten Auflage (28. Aufl.). Ein Schwerpunkt der Überarbeitung lag auf dem textkritischen Apparat, der durchgängig einfacher strukturiert wurde. So wird jetzt verzichtet auf die Verknüpfung von Varianten durch "sed" oder "et" und auf die Unterscheidung zwischen ständigen Zeugen erster und zweiter Ordnung. Außerdem werden in dieser ...
Munro's Statistical Methods for Health Care Research / 6th edition
2012 || Paperback || CPH ScD Stacey Plichta Kellar e.a. || Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
This text provides students with a solid foundation for understanding data analysis and specific statistical techniques. Focusing on the most current and frequently used statistical methods in today's health care literature, the book covers essential material for a variety of program levels including in-depth courses beyond the basic statistics course. Well-organized, clear text discussions and great learning tools help students overcome the complexities and fully comprehend the concepts of t...
International Economics
Theory, Application, and Policy
2012 || Paperback || Charles van Marrewijk || Oxford University Press
Covering both trade and international finance, this innovative text provides a thoroughly up-do-date and comprehensive treatment of each area. Throughout, the theory is illustrated with empirical evidence and an abundance of relevant case studies. It includes an online study guide.
The Molecules of Life
Physical and Chemical Principles
2012 || Paperback || John Kuriyan e.a. || WW Norton & Co
This textbook provides an integrated physical and biochemical foundation for undergraduate students majoring in biology or health sciences. It is particularly suitable for students planning to enter the pharmaceutical industry. This new generation of molecular biologists and biochemists will harness the tools and insights of physics and chemistry to exploit the emergence of genomics and systems-level information in biology, and will shape the future of medicine.
Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat C2. Lehrbuch mit integrierter Audio-CD
2012 || Paperback || Various authors || Hueber Verlag
Richtet sich an alle Lernenden mit Sprachkenntnissen auf dem Niveau C2, die sich auf die Prüfung Goethe-Zertifikat C2 /Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom vorbereiten wollen. Das Material macht mit den Inhalten und dem Format der Prüfung vertraut, vermittelt Prüfungsstrategien, erklärt, worauf es in der Prüfung ankommt, und gibt authentisches Übungsmaterial an die Hand. Im Anhang finden sich Lösungsschlüssel und Transkriptionen sowie ein "Antwortbogen". Die eingelegte Audio-CD enthält die...
Essentials of Global Marketing / 2nd Edition
2012 || Paperback || Svend Hollensen || Pearson
Essentials of Global Marketing offers a concise and manageable approach to the subject. The accessible structure takes the reader through the entire international marketing planning process, and fundamental concepts are illuminated by examples from a wide range of companies, small and large, from around the world.
The Functional Art
2012 || Alberto Cairo || Pearson
Unlike any time before in our lives, we have access to vast amounts of free information. With the right tools, we can start to make sense of all this data to see patterns and trends that would otherwise be invisible to us. By transforming numbers into graphical shapes, we allow readers to understand the stories those numbers hide. In this practical introduction to understanding and using information graphics, you'll learn how to use data visualizations as tools to see beyond lists of numbers ...
Leespraat, Vertel eens & de Leesomgeving
de leesomgeving; vertel eens
2018 || Paperback || Aidan Chambers || NBD Biblion || ook als eBook
De twee populaire boeken van Aiden Chambers, Vertel eens en De Leesomgeving zijn samengevoegd en herzien!
Deze uitgave is een must voor iedereen die met kinderen werkt of dat in de toekomst gaat doen. Vragen als - Op welke manier kun je kinderen het beste enthousiasmeren voor lezen? Hoe kun je kinderen helpen om goed te praten over datgene wat zij gelezen hebben? - worden in de tekst beantwoord.
Chambers' ideeën over het lezen van kinderen berusten op zijn jarenlange ervaring in vrijwel alle...