Studieboeken (34)

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Marketing 3.0 / 1st edition

From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit

2010 || Hardcover || Philip Kotler e.a. || Wiley

Understand the next level of marketing. The new model for marketing-Marketing 3.0-treats customers not as mere consumers but as the complex, multi-dimensional human beings that they are. Customers, in turn, are choosing companies and products that satisfy deeper needs for participation, creativity, community, and idealism. In Marketing 3.0, world-leading marketing guru Philip Kotler explains why the future of marketing lies in creating products, services, and company cultures that inspire, in...

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met 5% korting 94,99

Algemene kunstgeschiedenis / Druk 16 (Heruitgave)

2010 || Hardcover || Hugh Honour e.a. || J.M. Meulenhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

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Hotel Front Office Management / 5th edition

2010 || Hardcover || James A. Bardi || Wiley

The Fifth Edition of Hotel Front Office Management is one of the leading texts in addressing the demands for instructing future leaders of the hotel industry. Educators who are preparing professionals for roles as front office managers and general managers in hotels are required to meet the challenges of operations, technology, training, empowerment, and international applications. This latest edition of Hotel Front Office Management continues to encourage students to take an active role in a...

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Learning to Change

2010 || Hardcover || Leon De Caluwe e.a. || SAGE

Learning to Change provides a comprehensive overview of organizational change theories and practices developed by both European and North American change theorists. The authors compare and contrast different theories or approaches to planned change and discuss in detail the activities or steps change agents take - diagnosis, change strategy, the intervention plan, and interventions. In addition, the authors explore what makes someone a successful change agent and provide advice for career and...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Systems Analysis for Sustainable Engineering: Theory and Applications

Theory and Applications

2010 || Hardcover || Ni-Bin Chang || McGraw-Hill

Helps you implement system analysis tools in sustainable engineering. This title provides a proven framework for applying systems analysis tools to account for environmental impacts, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, socioeconomic implications, and ecosystem health in engineering solutions.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Earth Structure / 2nd Editon

An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics

2010 || Hardcover || Stephen Marshak e.a. || WW Norton & Co

The Second Edition also benefits from new artwork that clearly illustrates complex concepts. New to the Second Edition: New Chapter: 15, "Geophysical Imaging," by Frederick Cook Within Chapters 21 and 22, four new essays on "Regional Perspectives" discuss the European Alps, the Altaids, the Appalachians, and the Cascadia Wedge. New and updated art for more informative illustration of concepts.

The Second Edition now has 570 black & white figures

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

The Oxford Handbook of Religious Diversity

2010 || Hardcover || Oxford University Press

Studies in religion are flourishing internationally, and one of the central topics discussed in the field today-perhaps the most discussed topic-is religious diversity. With the influx of religious traditions in the West and the growing diversity of religious adherents and practitioners worldwide, people across the globe are currently nterested in exploring issues in religious diversity. The present work is a response to this ubiquitous interest.

It is a substantial volume of thirty-three ori...

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met 5% korting 94,81

Bosecologie en bosbeheer / Druk 1

2010 || Hardcover || Jan Ouden e.a. || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

Bossen vervullen een belangrijke functie in het Nederlandse en Vlaamse landschap. Lag vroeger de nadruk vooral op de productie van hout als hernieuwbare grondstof, tegenwoordig is het belang van bossen voor natuurbehoud, recreatie en milieubescherming sterk toegenomen. Dit vraagt om een hoog kennisniveau van de beheerder. Bovendien vereisen veranderingen in de maatschappelijke en natuurlijke omgeving, zoals klimaatverandering, inzicht in de processen die in het bosecosysteem plaatsvinden. Dez...

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met 5% korting 139,89

Handboek Projectontwikkeling 2e druk / Druk 2

2019 || Hardcover || Ed Nozeman e.a. || Vakmedianet

© Vakmedianet BouwCommunities



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Het Handboek Projectontwikkeling beschrijft het volledige projectontwikkelingsproces. Van initiatiefase tot en met de exploitatie van onroerend goed wordt helder uiteengezet welke wet- en regelgeving van toepassing zijn, welke werkvormen er bestaan en hoe verantwoordelijkheden zijn of kunnen worden verdeeld. Dit naslagwerk helpt u om de benodigde wetten en regels, werkvormen, defi...

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met 5% korting 39,52

Technische leergangen Pneumatiek / Druk 2

2010 || Hardcover || R. van den Brink || MK Publishing

Pneumatiek is de aandrijf- en besturingstechniek die werkt op basis van perslucht. Niet alleen de toepassingen maar ook de mogelijkheden met deze techniek nemen nog dagelijks toe. Perslucht is eenvoudig te verkrijgen, lucht is immers overal beschikbaar, via slangen en leidingen te transporteren en is eenvoudig om op te slaan.

Deze Technische leergang bevat een dvd met presentaties van alle afbeeldingen uit het boek, extra (foto)informatie, animaties, video’s en het Berko Persluchtvademecum.