Geen verdere filters gevondenStudieboeken (2)
Food Science and Technology / 2nd edition
2014 || Hardcover || Geoffrey Campbell-Platt || Wiley
Food Science and Technology, Second Edition is a comprehensive text and reference book designed to cover all the essential elements of food science and technology, including all core aspects of major food science and technology degree programs being taught worldwide. The book is supported by the International Union of Food Science and Technology and comprises 21 chapters, carefully written in a user-friendly style by 30 eminent industry experts, teachers, and researchers from across the world...
Mann's Introductory Statistics / 9th edition
2017 || Paperback || Prem S. Mann || Wiley
Mann's Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only prerequisite is knowledge of elementary algebra. Introductory Statistics is known for its realistic examples and exercises, clarity and brevity of presentation, and soundness of pedagogical approach.