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Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach / 8th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Dee Silverthorn || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Human Physiology. Move beyond memorization: Prepare students for tomorrow's challengesHuman Physiology: An Integrated Approach is the #1 best-selling 1-semester human physiology text world-wide. The 8th Edition engages students in developing a deeper understanding of human physiology by guiding them to think critically and equipping them to solve real-world problems.

Updates, such as new Try It activities and detailed teaching suggestions in the new Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules...

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Statistics, Global Edition / 13th edition

2018 || Paperback || James T. McClave || Pearson

For courses in introductory statistics.

Classic, yet contemporary; theoretical, yet applied—McClave & Sincich’s Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasises inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. This edition is extensively revised with an eye on clearer, more con...

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Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry / 7th edition

2018 || Paperback || James Miller e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry 7th edition provides a clear, accessible introduction to main statistical methods used in modern analytical laboratories. It continues to be the ideal companion for students in Chemistry and related fields keen to build their understanding of how to conduct high quality analyses in areas such as the safety of food, water and medicines, environmental monitoring, and chemical manufacturing. With a focus on the underlying statistical ideas, th...

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Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications / 7th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Allan Hambley || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Electrical Engineering. Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major courses The #1 title in its market, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the over...

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Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections / 2nd edition

2018 || Paperback || Dean Appling || Pearson

For courses in biochemistry. Engage students in biochemistry visually and through real-world applications. Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections engages students with a unique approach to visualization, synthesis of complex topics, and connections to the real world. The author team builds quantitative reasoning skills and provides students with a rich, chemical perspective on biological processes. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts and connections, showing how biochemistry relates to p...

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Practical Skills in Forensic Science / 3rd edition

2018 || Paperback || Alan Langford e.a. || Pearson

If you are studying forensic science, or a related course such as forensic chemistry or biology, then this book will be an indispensable companion throughout your entire degree programme. This 'one-stop' text will guide you through the wide range of practical, analytical and data handling skills that you will need during your studies. It will also give you a solid grounding in the wider transferable skills such as teamwork and study skills.

This third edition of Practical Skills in Forensic S...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles / 5th edition

2018 || Hardcover || Christie Geankoplis e.a. || Pearson

Today, chemical engineering students need a thorough understanding of momentum, heat, mass transfer, and separation processes. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Fifth Edition offers a unified and up-to-date treatment of all these topics. Thoroughly updated to reflect the field's latest methods and software technologies, it covers both fundamental principles and practical applications.

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Computer Security: Principles and Practice / 4th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || William Stallings e.a. || Pearson

For courses in computer/network security Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, is ideal for courses in Computer/Network Security. The need for education in computer security and related topics continues to grow at a dramatic rate—and is essential for anyone studying Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Written for both an academic and professional audience, the 4th Edition continues to set the standard for computer security with a balanced presentation of principles ...

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Introductory Mathematical Analysis / 14th edition

for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences

2018 || Hardcover || Ernest Haeussler e.a. || Pearson

NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide.

Haeussler, Paul, and Wood establish a strong algebraic foundation that sets this text apart from other applied mathematics texts, paving the way for students ...

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Skill Sheets / 3rd edition

An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management

2018 || Paperback || Rob van Tulder || Pearson || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

In today's society, there is a growing need for so-called 21st century skills, which can range from sophisticated analytical skills and practical social skills to dealing with great complexity and uncertainty. Whether you are a student, a manager or a researcher, vital skills are interconnected and require real-time application. Skill development is an integrated and lifelong accumulative process that requires a solid understanding of the type of motivation and attitude needed to make the exp...