Studieboeken (16)
vandaag verzonden
Understanding Cultural Geography / 3rd edition
Places and Traces
2021 || Paperback || Jon Anderson || Taylor & Francis
This book outlines how the theoretical ideas, empirical foci, and methodological techniques of cultural geography make sense of the 'culture wars' that define our time. It is on the battleground of culture that our opportunities, rights, and futures are determined and Understanding Cultural Geography showcases how this discipline can be used to understand these battles and how we can engage in them. Through doing so, the book not only introduces the reader to the rich and complex history of c...
vandaag verzonden
Data and Society
A Critical Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Anne Beaulieu e.a. || SAGE
The standard teaching text for Data and Society modules explaining to undergraduates, in different social-science disciplines, the Big Data Revolution in an accessible and critical way.
vandaag verzonden
Thinking Through Communication / 9th International Student Edition
An Introduction to the Study of Human Communication
2021 || Paperback || Sarah Trenholm || Taylor & Francis
The 9th edition of this textbook for hybrid introductory communication courses provides a balanced introduction to the fundamental theories and principles of communication. The book explores communication in a variety of contexts-including interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass media-and provides students the theoretical knowledge and the research and critical thinking skills they'll need to succeed in advanced communication courses and communication professions. The first section exp...
vandaag verzonden
The Data Revolution / 2nd Edition
A Critical Analysis of Big Data, Open Data and Data Infrastructures
2021 || Paperback || Rob Kitchin || SAGE
Widely acknowledged as being the first academic text to provide a critical overview of the (big) data revolution and the classification of data which it outlined is now widely used/recognised as the taxonomy in social science. The Data Revolution a canonical text in data studies and the wider social sciences.
The Princeton Guide to Historical Research
2021 || Paperback || Zachary Schrag || Princeton University Press
The essential handbook for doing historical research in the twenty-first centuryThe Princeton Guide to Historical Research provides students, scholars, and professionals with the skills they need to practice the historian's craft in the digital age, while never losing sight of the fundamental values and techniques that have defined historical s
Small Places, Large Issues - Fourth Edition
An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
2021 || Paperback || Thomas Hylland Eriksen || Pluto Press || met inkijkexemplaar
This introduction to social and cultural anthropology has become a modern classic, revealing the rich global variation in social life and culture across the world. Presenting a clear overview of anthropology, it focuses on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems, offering a wealth of examples that demonstrate the enormous scope of anthropology and the importance of a comparative perspective. Unlike other texts on the subject, Small Places, Large Issues incorpor...
Plantation Life / 1st edition
Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone
2021 || Paperback || Tania Murray Li e.a. || Duke University Press
In Plantation Life Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi examine the structure and governance of Indonesia's contemporary oil palm plantations in Indonesia, which supply 50 percent of the world's palm oil. They attend to the exploitative nature of plantation life, wherein villagers' well-being is sacrificed in the name of economic development. While plantations are often plagued by ruined ecologies, injury among workers, and a devastating loss of livelihoods for former landholders, small-scale inde...
Understanding Digital Societies
2021 || Paperback || Jessamy Perriam e.a. || SAGE
Understanding Digital Societies provides a framework for understanding our changing, technologically shaped society and how sociology can help us make sense of it.
Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action
2021 || Paperback || Andrew Reeves e.a. || SAGE
This is your essential guide to standards and ethics in the psychological therapies. The book introduces you to key ethical values and principles and discusses how to practice in accordance with these.
Team Human
2021 || Paperback || Douglas Rushkoff || WW Norton & Co
In one hundred lean and incisive statements, Douglas Rushkoff argues that we are essentially social creatures and that we achieve our greatest aspirations when we work together-not as individuals. Yet today society is threatened by a vast antihuman infrastructure that undermines our ability to connect. Money, once a means of exchange, is now a means of exploitation; education, conceived as a way to elevate the working class, has become another assembly line; and the internet has only further ...