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Studieboeken (426)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Imagineering: Innovation in the Experience Economy

2014 || Paperback || Gabrielle Kuiper e.a. || CABI Publishing

To survive in today's complex economies, it is imperative for companies to understand their consumers in terms of how and why they like to use their products. Distinction based on quality no longer provides competitive advantage. Imagineers use design methods to create meaningful experiences that connect consumers to brands, employees to companies and consumers to consumers.

This book explains the background of the need for experiences and then focusses on how to design them. Bringing theory ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Reading Between the Signs

Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters

2022 || Paperback || Anna Mindess || John Murray Press

In Reading Between the Signs, Anna Mindess provides a perspective on a culture that is not widely understood - American Deaf culture. With the collaboration of three distinguished Deaf consultants, Mindess explores the implications of cultural differences at the intersection of the Deaf and hearing worlds.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Rare Diseases & Orphan Drugs

Keys to Understanding and Treating the Common Diseases

2014 || Hardcover || Jules J. Berman || Elsevier

Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs shows that much of what we now know about common diseases has been achieved by studying rare diseases. It proposes that future advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common diseases will come as a consequence of our accelerating progress in the field of rare diseases. Understanding the complex steps in the development of common diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic diseases, has proven a difficult problem.

Rare diseases...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Becoming a High Expectation Teacher

Raising the bar

2014 || Paperback || Christine Rubie-Davies || Taylor & Francis

We constantly hear cries from politicians for teachers to have high expectations. But what this means in practical terms is never spelled out. Simply deciding that as a teacher you will expect all your students to achieve more than other classes you have taught in the same school, is not going to translate automatically into enhanced achievement for students.

Becoming a High Expectation Teacher is a book that every education student, training or practising teacher, should read. It details the...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Using Political Ideas / 6th edition

2014 || Paperback || Barbara Goodwin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Using Political Ideas is a unique blend of political philosophy, political theory and history of political thought. It combines a critique of the major ideologies of recent and contemporary society with an analysis of the ideas that form the very stuff of political debate.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Nursing Diagnoses 2015-2017

Definitions and Classification

2014 || Paperback || NANDA International || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification is the definitive guide to nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by NANDA-I. The 2015-2017 edition of the classic and internationally recognised text has been rigorously updated and revised, and now provides more linguistically congruent diagnoses as a result of the Diagnostic Development Committee's attentiveness to understanding the translation of the diagnostic label, definition, defining characteristics, related factors, and risk fac...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

2014 || Hardcover || Judith Gersting || Macmillan

This new edition made the textbook the first discrete mathematics textbook to be revised in order to meet the proposed new ACM/IEEE standards of the course. It features new material, including new sections on probability, coding theory, matrices and order of magnitude.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen


Understanding the Subtle Power of Human Connection

2014 || Paperback || Ziyad Marar || Taylor & Francis

The hope for intimacy lies deep within us all. That moment of feeling uniquely understood, the antidote to isolation, is what gives us value, validation and self-belief. But as Ziyad Marar shows in this fascinating and engaging study, intimacy is a tricky business.

The prevalence of social media, for example, is a sign of our desire for human connection, yet is a symptom of how little we truly achieve it. Often confused with love, intimacy is in many ways more important. Marar's investigation...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Thinking Art

2014 || Softback || Antoon van den Braembussche || Springer || ook als eBook

In the twentieth century, avant-garde movements have pushed the concept of art far beyond its traditional boundaries. In this dynamical process of constant renewal the prestige of thinking about art as a legitimizing practice has come to the fore. So it is hardly surprising that the past decades have been characterized by a revival or even breakthrough of philosophy of art as a discipline.

However, the majority of books on aesthetics fail to combine a systematical philosophical discourse with...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Doing Bayesian Data Analysis / 2nd edition

A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan

2014 || Hardcover || John Kruschke || Elsevier

Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan, Second Edition provides an accessible approach for conducting Bayesian data analysis, as material is explained clearly with concrete examples. Included are step-by-step instructions on how to carry out Bayesian data analyses in the popular and free software R and WinBugs, as well as new programs in JAGS and Stan. The new programs are designed to be much easier to use than the scripts in the first edition.

In particular, there ar...