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Studieboeken (155)
For All Practical Purposes (International Edition)
Mathematical Literacy in Today's World
2022 || Paperback || COMAP || Macmillan
Bringing contemporary mathematical thinking to non-specialists.
For All Practical Purposes emphasises the valuable connections between contemporary mathematics and modern society. This foundational resource introduces students to real math applications without simply listing equations, but offering practice that is geared towards understanding what these equations do and what they can reveal. A series of independent chapters also focus on high-interest topics, including business management, d...
Connections (International Edition)
Empowering College and Career Success
2022 || Paperback || Paul A. Gore e.a. || Macmillan
Combined with new coverage on mental health, resilience, and mindset, Your College Experience speaks to the real needs of today's students, helping them overcome their barriers to success and become successful students in academic communities they can call their own.
Psychology in Everyday Life (International Edition)
2023 || Paperback || David G. Myers e.a. || Macmillan
Think critically, consider diverse perspectives, and improve your everyday life.
Best-selling authors David Myers' and Nathan DeWall’s briefest introduction to psychology speaks to all students, with no assumptions made in the vocabulary, examples, or presentation. The manageable and effective chapters help students apply psychological concepts to their own lives in meaningful and engaging ways.
Language Policy
2013 || Paperback || D. Johnson || Macmillan
A detailed overview of the theories, concepts, research methods, and findings in the field of language policy is provided here in one accessible source. The author proposes new methodological, theoretical, and conceptual directions and offers guidance for doing language policy research.
Connections Essentials
Empowering College and Career Success
2017 || Paperback || Paul Gore e.a. || Macmillan
This brief, affordable, and engaging text offers the ideal balance of motivational, study, and life skills.
This is an ideal text for first-year experience courses, freshman seminar courses (particularly courses that are one or two credits) and modules on Personal Development and Employability.
Step by Step to College and Career Success
2018 || Paperback || John Gardner e.a. || Macmillan
Do you want a compact college success book with robust technology coverage? This brief title focuses on the most crucial skills and the most important choices students make in order to succeed in college and beyond.This is an ideal text for students taking first-year experience courses and freshman seminar courses.
A Writer's Reference
2020 || Paperback || Diana Hacker e.a. || Macmillan
A Writer’s Reference helps you engage in and meet the challenges of your writing course. Clear How-to boxes help you complete common writing assignments like argument and analysis. Guidance about paraphrasing and fact-checking sources help you become a more responsible writer and reader. And Notes-to-self help you reflect on your progress and plan your revision. If your instructor has assigned Achieve, you have new ways to engage with course material and with your instructor and peers. Revi...
World Regional Geography
Global Patterns, Local Lives
2019 || Paperback || Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher e.a. || Macmillan
Bringing global issues to life.
Pulsipher’s World Regional Geography shows the rich diversity of human life and demystifies global issues by representing the daily lives of different people in the various regions of our globe. A thematic framework and consistent end of chapter support helps students think critically about the local and global impacts of environment, gender and population, urbanization, globalization and development, and power and politics.
Christmas at Claridges
2013 || Paperback || Karen Swan || Macmillan
'This was where her dreams drifted to if she didn't blot her nights out with drink; this was where her thoughts settled if she didn't fill her days with chat. She remembered this tiny, remote foreign village on a molecular level and the sight of it soaked into her like water into sand, because this was where her old life had ended and her new one had begun.'Portobello - home to the world-famous street market, Notting Hill Carnival and Clem Alderton. She's the queen of the scene, the girl ever...
A History of World Societies, Volume 2
2017 || Paperback || Merry E Wiesner-Hanks e.a. || Macmillan
A regional and global approach to world history that highlights society and culture Long praised by instructors and students for its accessible regional chapter structure, readability, and sustained attention to social history, the Eleventh Edition of A History of World Societies includes even more features and tools to engage today's students and save instructors time. This edition includes more help with historical thinking skills, an expanded primary source program in print and online, and...