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Studieboeken (108)
Typical and Atypical Motor Development
2013 || Hardcover || David Sugden e.a. || Mac Keith Press
Sugden and Wade, leading authors in this area, comprehensively cover motor development and motor impairment, drawing on sources in medicine and health-related studies, motor learning and developmental psychology. A theme that runs through the book is that movement outcomes are a complex transaction of child resources, the context in which movement takes place, and the manner in which tasks are presented. The core themes of the book involve descriptions of motor development from conception thr...
Improving Patient Care / 3rd edition
The Implementation of Change in Health Care
2023 || Hardcover || Michel Wensing e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Strategies for successfully updating and improving health care organizations of all kinds Health care is always evolving and improving. However, the rapid speed of medical advancement can make the adoption of new technologies and practices a challenging process - particularly in large organizations and complex networks. Any projected impact upon quality and outcomes of care must be carefully evaluated so that changes may be implemented in the most efficacious and efficient manner possible.
Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology / 7th edition
2018 || Hardcover || Robert A. Novelline || Harvard University Press
Medical students preparing for a career in clinical practice must become familiar with a wide range of diagnostic imaging techniques and image-guided interventions. They must learn to identify the indications for radiological examination and recognize the role each procedure plays in the workup, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of patients. That is why Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology has been such an important, long-standing resource for medical students, physicians, and other profess...
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology / 9th edition
The Basic Science of Poisons
2018 || Hardcover || Curtis Klaassen || McGraw-Hill
The gold-standard text on the science of poisons - updated to capture the latest breakthroughs and developments
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Sciences of Poisons is the most trusted all-in-one overview of the biomedical and environmental aspects of toxicology. Presented in full color, it delivers a skill-building review of the basic components of toxicology, including general principles, modes of action, and chemical-specific toxicity. Spanning the entire field, Casarett & ...
The Foundations of Chinese Medicine / 3rd edition
A Comprehensive Text
2015 || Hardcover || Giovanni Maciocia || Elsevier || ook als eBook
The latest edition of this hugely popular volume continues to provide readers in the West with a clear explanation of the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Richly illustrated and fully updated throughout, Foundations of Chinese Medicine 3e retains its careful structure to present the subject in a systemized manner which ranges from first principles to the diagnosis and management of a wide range of disease states. NOW WITH AN ACCOMPANYING WEBSITE containing an extensive bank of review ...
Abdominal Ultrasound / 4th edition
How, Why and When
2022 || Hardcover || Nicola Davidson || Elsevier
Abdominal Ultrasound has become the core text in the UK for trainee sonographers learning to scan the abdominal area. Now fully updated to reflect the latest evidence and technology, the fourth edition provides a solid foundation to abdominal ultrasound for practitioners of all levels. This highly illustrated book covers everything from basic principles through to discussion of complex features and ultrasound findings for a large range of conditions.
It includes basic related anatomy, techniq...
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Protocollaire zorg Chronische Nierschade (CNS)
2019 || Hardcover || S.T. Houweling e.a. || Langerhans School of Diabetes
Mensen met chronische nierschade krijgen terecht steeds meer aandacht in de eerste lijn. De NHG-Standaard Chronische Nierschade biedt huisartsen en praktijkondersteuners houvast, maar is vaak niet direct en makkelijk te implementeren in de huisartsenpraktijk. Net zoals in ons boek Protocollaire Diabeteszorg hebben wij de NHG-Standaard (dit keer Chronische Nierschade) in dit boek uitgewerkt in heldere denkstappen en implementeerbare onderdelen.
Naast dit boek verzorgt DIHAG-Langerhans ook lan...
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Forensische geneeskunde
Een handleiding
2023 || Hardcover || Wim Van de Voorde || Owl Press
Als er een dode valt, heeft het lichaam altijd nog een verhaal te vertellen.
Elk contact tussen twee of meerdere personen laat sporen na. Maar zelfs de kleinste fout bij de verzameling van bewijs kan grote gevolgen hebben voor de rechtsgang. Daarom moeten zowel de mensen van het labo van de wetenschappelijke technische politie, als de in moordonderzoek gespecialiseerde of ervaren rechercheurs een grondige kennis hebben van de forensische geneeskunde.
In dit boek behandelt professor Wim Van de...
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A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach / 2nd Edition
Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A clinician's guide
2013 || Hardcover || Anne Whitworth e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This is a second edition of the highly popular volume used by clinicians and students in the assessment and intervention of aphasia. It provides both a theoretical and practical reference to cognitive neuropsychological approaches for speech-language pathologists and therapists working with people with aphasia. Having evolved from the activity of a group of clinicians working with aphasia, it interprets the theoretical literature as it relates to aphasia, identifying available assessments and...
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Prometheus Anatomische atlas 3 / Druk 4
2017 || Hardcover || Michael Schünke e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
PROMETHEUS deel 3 bevat de anatomie van het hoofd en de hals, twee anatomische gebieden met elk een veelvoud aan dicht opeengepakte anatomische structuren. Daarnaast wordt de neuroanatomie behandeld, een gebied met maar weinig zichtbare verbanden tussen een specifieke anatomische structuur en de functie van die structuur.Anatomie is een vak dat vanaf het eerste moment op de ‘snijzaal’ spannend is. Het is een vak dat zich kenmerkt door een grote hoeveelheid feitenkennis. Deze enorme berg a...