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Studieboeken (63)
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Essential Cell Biology / 6th International student edition
2023 || Paperback || Bruce Alberts e.a. || WW Norton & Co
Essential Cell Biology features lively, clear writing paired with exceptional illustrations and Dynamic Figures in the Norton Illumine Ebook, making it the ideal textbook for a first course in cell biology. The Sixth Edition incorporates new research throughout, highlighting emerging research areas like COVID-19. Check Your Understanding questions with rich answer-specific feedback throughout each chapter in the Illumine Ebook allow students to assess their reading comprehension, while Smartw...
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An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology / 4th edition
2012 || Paperback || Nicholas B. Davies e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Covers the influence of natural selection on behaviour an animal s struggle to survive and reproduce by exploiting and competing for resources, avoiding predators, selecting mates and caring for offspring, and how animal societies reflect both cooperation and conflict among individuals.
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iGenetics: A Molecular Approach
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Peter Russell || Pearson
With its modern chapter organization and new "Focus on Genomics" boxes, iGenetics: A Molecular Approach reflects the increasing molecular emphasis in today's experimental study of genes while helping students develop problem-solving skills and an appreciation for classic experiments. Although molecular topics are presented first, instructors can assign the chapters in any sequence. Pedagogical features such as chapter-opening "Key Questions" and strategically placed "Keynotes" help students t...
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Binas HAVO/VWO informatieboek / Druk 7
2022 || Paperback || Verkerk P.A.M. de Groot || Noordhoff
Al meer dan 40 jaar hét naslagwerk bij biologie, natuurkunde en scheikunde
Binas is een handig naslagwerk bij de vakken biologie, natuurkunde en scheikunde. De boeken zijn volledig in kleur uitgevoerd en mede daardoor helder en overzichtelijk. Binas is beschikbaar voor vmbo NaSk, vmbo biologie en voor havo/vwo bovenbouw. Ook is er een Binas English edition voor havo/vwo bovenbouw. Nieuw per november 2022 is de 7e editie van Binas havo/vwo bovenbouw. Aangepast naar de syllabiwijzigingen centr...
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The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity
2024 || Paperback || George S. Huntington || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
In the following pages an attempt has been made to emphasize the value of Embryology and Comparative Anatomy in elucidating the difficult and often complicated morphological problems encountered in the study of human adult anatomy.
Moreover, in addition to the direct advance in the method and scope of anatomical teaching afforded by these aids, it is further hoped that the broader interpretation, both of structure and function, obtained by ontogenetic and phylogenetic comparison, will impar...
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Principles of Development / 6th Revised Edition
2019 || Paperback || Lewis Wolpert || Oxford University Press
How does a single cell develop into myriad different specialised cell types, control the organization of these different cells into tissues and organs, and ultimately form an unimaginably complex living organism such as a human? Furthermore, how is it possible for some adult animals, but not others, to regenerate fully functioning limbs?Principles of Development opens up the fascinating field of developmental biology to those wanting to understand the answers to questions such as these. Cutti...
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Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective: 2024 Release Ise
11th edition
2024 || Paperback || Denise Anderson e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Perfect for the non-major/allied health student (and also appropriate for mixed majors courses), this text provides a rock solid foundation in microbiology. It has a concise and readable style, covers the most current concepts, and gives students the knowledge and mastery necessary to understand advances of the future. By carefully and clearly explaining the fundamental concepts, using a body systems approach in the coverage of disease, and offering vivid and appealing instructional art, Micr...
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Elements of Ecology / 9th Global Edition
2015 || Paperback || Robert Smith e.a. || Pearson
Elements of Ecology, Ninth Edition continues to explain ecological processes clearly and concisely, with a greater emphasis on the relevance of ecology to everyday life and the human impact on ecosystems. This dramatically revised edition discusses issues of human ecology throughout the text and provides a greater variety of opportunities for students to learn, practice, and develop quantitative and analytical skills. Current research examples and other content updates are supported by more ...
Biologie van de psychologie
Hoe onze hersenen ons gedrag mee bepalen
2025 || Paperback || Frederik Houben e.a. || Owl Press
Biologie van de psychologie neemt je mee in de fascinerende wisselwerking tussen biologie en psychologie. De mens is een complex wezen, niet alleen gevormd door biologische processen, maar ook door psychologische invloeden. Hoe beïnvloedt onze genetische opmaak ons gedrag? Welke rol speelt ons zenuwstelsel bij het aansturen van gedrag, gedachten en emoties? En hoe ontwikkelen onze hersenen zich, zelfs ver voorbij de volwassenheid?
Dit handboek biedt je unieke blik op hoe het menselijk brein ...
The Molecules of Life
Physical and Chemical Principles
2012 || Paperback || John Kuriyan e.a. || WW Norton & Co
This textbook provides an integrated physical and biochemical foundation for undergraduate students majoring in biology or health sciences. It is particularly suitable for students planning to enter the pharmaceutical industry. This new generation of molecular biologists and biochemists will harness the tools and insights of physics and chemistry to exploit the emergence of genomics and systems-level information in biology, and will shape the future of medicine.