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Studieboeken (180)
English Result Pre-intermediate: Student's Book with DVD Pack
2010 || Paperback || Mark Hancock e.a. || Oxford University
The 2-page lesson format makes this course look fresh and appealing to students. The colourful visual text on the left page grabs students' attention, and the right page has the lesson activities. Every lesson builds to a practical outcome.
Together, these elements create an enjoyable, motivating learning experience for students. The book also includes a DVD for class and self-study.
Ethnography and Language Policy
2010 || Paperback || Teresa L. McCarty || Taylor & Francis
Illuminating, through ethnographic inquiry, how individual agents "make" language policy in everyday social practice, this volume advances the growing field of language planning and policy using a critical sociocultural approach. From this perspective, language policy is conceptualized not only as official acts and documents, but as language-regulating modes of human interaction, negotiation, and production mediated by relations of power. Using this conceptual framework, the volume addresses ...
Attachment Theory and the Teacher-student Relationship
A Practical Guide for Teachers, Teacher Educators and School Leaders
2010 || Paperback || Philip Riley || Taylor & Francis
How teachers form and maintain classroom and staffroom relationships is crucial to the success of their work. A teacher who is able to accurately interpret the underlying relationship processes can learn to proactively, rather than reactively, influence the dynamics of any class. These are skills that can be taught.
This invaluable text explains how adult attachment theory offers new ways to examine professional teaching relationships, classroom management and collegial harmony: equally impor...
The OEE Primer
Understanding Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Reliability, and Maintainability
2010 || Paperback || D.H. Stamatis || Taylor & Francis
Breaking down the OEE methodology from a historical perspective, this book explores the overall effectiveness of machines and unveils novel design improvement methods, including hazard analysis, rate of change of failure analysis, failure rate finite element analysis, and theory of inventive problem solving. Explains what OEE is and how it can be used to address capacity issues and achieve overall effectiveness of machines Examines the issues of OEE and breaks down the methodology from a hist...
Urban Flood Management
2010 || Paperback || Chris Zevenbergen || Taylor & Francis
Along with windstorms, floods are the most common and widespread of all natural disasters. Although they can often be predicted, they cause loss of life, damage and destruction, as many urban communities are located near coasts and rivers. In terms of victims, floods are responsible for more than half the deaths caused by natural catastrophes.
As flood events appear to be rapidly increasing world-wide, an advanced and universal approach to urban flooding and how to manage will help reduce flo...
Deutsch für das Berufsleben B1 Kursbuch + 2 Audio-CDs
2010 || Paperback || Guenat || Intertaal
Deutsch für das Berufsleben is een eentalige leergang die zich richt op het gebruiken van de Duitse taal in de werksfeer. Zo leren cursisten hoe ze een telefonische afspraak maken, hoe ze zich voorstellen in een zakelijke context en hoe ze hun onderneming kunnen beschrijven.
Het Kursbuch besteedt met name aandacht aan de vaardigheden luisteren, spreken en lezen. De zes hoofdstukken zijn thematisch ingedeeld in verschillende communicatieve situaties, zoals Am Telefon, Sich kennen lernen en M...
A Choreographer's Handbook
2010 || Paperback || Jonathan Burrows || Taylor & Francis
On choreography: "Choreography is a negotiation with the patterns your body is thinking"On rules: "Try breaking the rules on a need to break the rules basis"A Choreographer's Handbook invites the reader to investigate how and why to make a dance performance. In an inspiring and unusually empowering sequence of stories, ideas and paradoxes, internationally renowned dancer, choreographer and teacher Jonathan Burrows explains how it's possible to navigate a course through this complex process. I...
The Fundamentals of Workplace Learning
Understanding How People Learn in Working Life
2010 || Paperback || Knud Illeris || Taylor & Francis
Fundamentals of Workplace Learning is a comprehensive guide to how people learn in the workplace, and the issues and challenges involved. Examining the essential aspects of workplace learning and unravelling the various influences which affect the success of work-based learners, Knud Illeris presents a holistic model to explain how diverse individuals can be encouraged and invited to learn at work. Approaching workplace learning from the perspective of learners as human beings, with complex s...
Inleiding tot de toegepaste statistiek / Druk 6
praktische statistiek voor het hoger onderwijs
2010 || Paperback || J.H. Blankespoor || ThiemeMeulenhoff bv
Dit complete boek biedt een overzicht van alle basisbeginselen van de beschrijvende en toegepaste statistiek. Het accent ligt duidelijk op praktijktoepassingen met aandacht voor statistische toepassingen in de kwaliteitskunde en de procesbeheersing, die vooral in de bedrijfskundige en technische sector een rol spelen.
* Motiverende opgaven
* Voorbeelden van Excel toepassingen
* Oefenmateriaal beschikbaar voor student!
* Herzien september 2010!
Actueel en toegankelijk
Voorkennis van statistiek...
Living With Earth
2010 || Paperback || Travis Hudson || Taylor & Francis
For many students with no science background, environmental geology may be one of the only science courses they ever take. Living With Earth: An Introduction to Environmental Geology is ideal for those students, fostering a better understanding of how they interact with Earth and how their actions can affect Earth's environmental health. The informal, reader-friendly presentation is organized around a few unifying perspectives: how the various Earth systems interact with one another; how Eart...