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Studieboeken (528)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Strategic Alliance Management / 3rd edition

2023 || Paperback || Brian Tjemkes e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Comprehensive, easy to read and systematic treatment of alliance management, suitable for Strategic Management students as well as reflective practitioners. New edition fully updated with two new chapters covering mindsets, new technologies and emerging themes, as well as new international case studies throughout; Online resources include chapter-by-chapter lecture slides, two long case studies and short interviews with alliance executives.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Leadership in Public and Nonprofit Organizations / 4th editoin

An Introduction

2023 || Paperback || Montgomery Van Wart e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Offers a comprehensive review of leadership theories in the field, from the classic to the cutting-edge, and how they relate specifically to the public sector and nonprofit contexts. Covers the major competency clusters in detail, portrayed in a leadership action cycle that aids readers in visually connecting theory and practice. Integrates expanded coverage of nonprofit leadership throughout the chapters, including in-depth discussions about managing volunteers, fundraising ethics, the nonpr...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Airline Operations and Management / 2nd edition

A Management Textbook

2023 || Paperback || Gerald N. Cook e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Airline Operations and Management: A Management Textbook presents a survey of the airline industry, with a strong managerial perspective. It integrates and applies the fundamentals of several management disciplines, particularly operations, marketing, economics and finance, to develop a comprehensive overview. It also provides readers with a solid historical background, and offers a global perspective of the industry, with examples drawn from airlines around the world.

Updates for the second ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Sage Handbook of Online Higher Education

2023 || Hardcover || Safary Wa-Mbaleka e.a. || SAGE

This Handbook presents a global study of current practice in online teaching and learning in higher education, exploring online course delivery, pedagogical approaches to online teaching, educational tools and more.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Complete Handbook of Coaching

2023 || Paperback || Elaine Cox e.a. || SAGE

This book provides a wide-ranging guide to the complex, multidisciplinary area of coaching, exploring coaching theories and approaches, genres and settings, and professional issues.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Social Research Methods

Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches

2023 || Paperback || Sigmund Gronmo || SAGE

Whether students are working with qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods approaches, this book demonstrates how good research is about asking and answering good questions—and guides readers new to methods in how to understand, structure, and successfully explore those questions.Â

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience

Neuroscientific Principles, Systems and Methods

2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE

This Handbook focusses on the foundational principles, methods and underlying systems in cognitive and systems neuroscience, as well as examining cutting-edge methodological advances and innovations.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

European Labour Law

2023 || Paperback || Teun Jaspers e.a. || Intersentia

This book provides for a comprehensive overview of the various areas of European labour law: fundamental rights, free movement of workers and posting, equal treatment, a-typical forms of employment, collective bargaining and collective agreements, restructuring of enterprises and health and safety.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Child-friendly Justice in Child Custody and Contact Cases after Parental Separation

An empirical-evaluative study of Belgian law and Flemish practice

2023 || Hardcover || Evelyn Merckx || Eleven international publishing

Nowadays, many children have to live with the repercussions of their parents’ decision to separate. Following that decision, arrangements on the children’s residence and visitation rights with a parent become necessary. These arrangements are often made during a time of emotional tribulation, when children are struggling to find a new balance. Generally, parents turn to the legal system to handle their separation or to manage conflicts that arise. However, these legal proceedings can beco...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Statistical Rethinking

A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and STAN

2023 || Hardcover || Richard McElreath || Taylor & Francis

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan, Second Edition builds knowledge/confidence in statistical modeling. Pushes readers to perform step-by-step calculations (usually automated.) Unique, computational approach.