› Hogeschool Utrecht (9)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (4)
› Christelijke Hogeschoo... (3)
Studieboeken (96)
maandag verzonden
De nieuwsfabriek / Druk 1
hoe media ons wereldbeeld vervormen
2013 || Paperback || Rob Wijnberg || De Bezige Bij
Journalistiek is verworden tot een ordinaire nieuwsfabriek, waar kijkcijfers, lezersaantallen, advertentie-inkomsten en winstgevendheid gelden als onbetwiste graadmeters voor succes. De bedoeling is om burgers permanent gebiologeerd te houden met spectaculaire, vermakelijke of anderszins aandachttrekkende berichten, niet om inzicht te kweken in de wereld om ons heen. Van genociden in Afghanistan tot de nieuwste haardracht van Gordon: alles wordt zonder enige maatstaf van publiek belang de eth...
maandag verzonden
Het waterboek
het fascinerende verhaal van onze meest alledaagse vloeistof
2020 || Paperback || Alok Jha || Maven Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
'Uitzonderlijk en verbazingwekkend.' - ROBBERT DIJKGRAAF
Het waterboek laat je kennismaken met de meest fascinerende en mysterieuze vloeistof van ons universum. Water is overal: in de cellen van ons lichaam, in de lucht om ons heen, en in de oceanen, meren en rivieren. Water leeft in onze verhalen, inspireert onze kunstwerken en beïnvloedt onze economie. Water vormt de rode draad in ons bestaan en toch denken we er zelden bewust over na.
Water, voor ons zo gewoon en alledaags, blijkt eigenaa...
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
2014 || Paperback || Gabriela Saldanha e.a. || St Jerome Publishing
As an interdisciplinary area of research, translation studies attracts students and scholars with a wide range of backgrounds, who then need to face the challenge of accounting for a complex object of enquiry that does not adapt itself well to traditional methods in other fields of investigation. This book addresses the needs of such scholars – whether they are students doing research at postgraduate level or more experienced researchers who want to familiarize themselves with methods ...
African Novels and the Question of Orality
2019 || Hardcover || Eileen M. Julien || Indiana University Press
Demonstrates that the search for oral origins in African literature is a quest for African authenticity. In a critique and revision of the conceptual category of orality as it has been understood and used by scholars, this title stresses the transformation of narrative genres as an index of sociopolitical relations and authorial vision.
"This is an extremely well written and carefully argued book that is quite persuasive. It should be essential reading for every scholar in African literature....
The Riverside Chaucer / 3rd edition
Reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon
2008 || Paperback || Geoffrey Chaucer e.a. || Oxford University Press
The third edition of the definitive collection of Chaucer's Complete Works, reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon. Since F. N.
Robinson's second edition of the The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer was published in 1957, there has been a dramatic increase in Chaucer scholarship. This has not only enriched our understanding of Chaucer's art, but has also enabled scholars, working for the first time with all the source-material, to recreate Chaucer's authentic texts. For the third edition,...
Origins of Modern Japanese Literature
1993 || Paperback || Kojin Karatani || Duke University Press
"I have hopes that Karatani's book--one of those infrequent moments in which a rare philosophical intelligence rises to the occasion of full national and historical statement--will also have a fundamental impact on literary criticism in the West. . . . For "Origins" has some lessons for us about critical pluralism, in addition to its principal message, which turns on that old and new topic of modernity itself."--Fredric Jameson, from the Preface
Reading Lessons
An English Teacher’s Love Letter to the Books that Shape Us
2025 || Paperback || Carol Atherton || Penguin Books Ltd
The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature
2015 || Hardcover || Haruo Shirane e.a. || Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature provides, for the first time, a history of Japanese literature with comprehensive coverage of the premodern and modern eras in a single volume. The book is arranged topically in a series of short, accessible chapters for easy access and reference, giving insight into both canonical texts and many lesser known, popular genres, from centuries-old folk literature to the detective fiction of modern times. The various period introductions provide an ove...
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism
2015 || Paperback || Brian McHale || Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism surveys the full spectrum of postmodern culture - high and low, avant-garde and popular, famous and obscure - across a range of fields, from architecture and visual art to fiction, poetry, and drama. It deftly maps postmodernism's successive historical phases, from its emergence in the 1960s to its waning in the first decades of the twenty-first century. Weaving together multiple strands of postmodernism - people and places from Andy Warhol, Jeffers...
Chaucer's Language / 2nd edition
2012 || Paperback || Simon Horobin || Bloomsbury Publishing
In keeping with the first edition, this is a thorough yet concise introduction to Chaucer's language in the original, which does not assume prior knowledge of linguistics or Middle English. This updated, expanded edition features a glossary on Chaucer's words, along with sample quotes, and a section on how to use the Middle English Dictionary.