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Studieboeken (253)
vandaag verzonden
Polymer Chemistry / 2nd edition
2023 || Hardcover || Sebastian Koltzenburg e.a. || Springer
Awarded the Literature Prize of the VCIThis comprehensive textbook describes the synthesis, characterization and technical and engineering applications of polymers. Polymers are unique molecules and have properties different from any other class of materials. We encounter them in everyday life, not only in the form of the well-known, large-volume plastics such as PE or PP or the many other special polymers, some of which are very specifically modified but also in nature as polymeric biomolecu...
vandaag verzonden
Inleiding sales / Druk 3
Een introductie in een veelzijdig vakgebied
2023 || Hardcover || Stefan Renkema || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit product bestaat uit een boek en een bijbehorend online leerplatform, hierop vind je o.a. het online boek.
Om succesvol te zijn in sales is er meer nodig dan een hoge gunfactor. Het leggen van relaties met nieuwe klanten én het onderhouden van bestaande klantrelaties is van wezenlijk belang voor elke organisatie. En dat is precies waar het vakgebied sales over gaat. In ‘Inleiding sales’ leer je alles over dit boeiende salesvak.
In het boek komen onder andere de volgende onderwerpen ui...
Molecular Biotechnology / 6th edition
Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA
2023 || Hardcover || R. Bernard || American Soc. for Microbiology
In continuous publication since 1994 and now in its sixth edition, Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA has been effective in introducing this complex field to students for more than 25 years. This textbook covers essentially every aspect of the field of molecular biotechnology, which is constantly changing and adapting in light of new advances.
This edition includes the latest techniques in DNA sequencing and genetic engineering of microbial, plant, and ani...
Exercise Physiology / 9th Edition
Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance
2023 || Hardcover || William McArdle e.a. || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
Now with Lippincott Connect! Learn more HERE. With a legacy spanning more than 40 years, Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance has helped nearly half a million students and exercise science practitioners build a solid foundation in the scientific principles underlying modern exercise physiology. This widely praised, trendsetting text presents a research-centric approach in a vibrant, engaging design to make complex topics accessible and deliver a comprehensive understa...
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy
2023 || Hardcover || Helge Jorgens e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This Handbook provides a state-of-the-art review of research on environmental policy and governance. The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy has a strong focus on new problem structures – a perspective that emphasizes the preconditions and processes of environmental policymaking – and a comparative approach that covers all levels of local, national, and global policymaking. The volume examines the different conditions under which environmental policymaking takes place in different ...
Motivational Interviewing / 4th edition
Helping People Change and Grow
2023 || Hardcover || William R. Miller || Guilford Publications
Now in a fully rewritten fourth edition, this is the authoritative presentation of motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change. It has been updated and streamlined to be even more user-friendly as a practitioner guide and course text. MI originators William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick elucidate the four tasks of MI--engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning--and vividly demonstrate what they look like in action. A wealth of vignettes and interview examples ...
2023 || Hardcover || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
Deze titel behandelt de meest relevante ondernemingsrechtelijke onderwerpen op het gebied van een bedrijfsovername. Daarnaast komen ook alle relevante processen van een bedrijfsovername aan bod. Dit handzame naslagwerk is onmisbaar voor juristen, overnameadviseurs, ondernemers en andere geïnteresseerden op het gebied van de bedrijfsovername. Bijna dagelijks gaat het in de media over voorgenomen, succesvolle of mislukte bedrijfsovernames. Niet alleen de achtergronden zijn boeiend, maar ook de...
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders / 5th edition
Text Revision (DSM-5-TR®)
2023 || Hardcover || American Psychiatric Association || American Psychiatric Association Publishing
DSM-5-TR is the most comprehensive, current, and critical resource for clinical practice available to today's mental health clinicians and researchers. With contributions from over 200 subject matter experts, this must-have updated volume boasts the most current text updates based on the current literature.
Ma première histoire de France
2023 || Hardcover || Jérôme Maufras || Librairie des Ecoles
Tous les enfants aiment entendre des histoires. Mais l'Histoire, avec un H majuscule, est plus passionnante encore : c'est une suite d'histoires vraies qui sont arrivées à vos parents, aux parents de vos parents et à leurs ancêtres. Dans ce livre, vous allez lire beaucoup de récits et apprendre beaucoup de choses que vous n'oublierez jamais. Quand vous serez adulte à votre tour, vous les raconterez à vos enfants.
Dès 7 ans, les enfants sont en mesure de découvrir l'histoire de France...
Feel-Good Productivity
How to Do More of What Matters to You
2023 || Hardcover || Ali Abdaal || Celadon Books
The secret to productivity isn't discipline. It's joy.
We think that productivity is all about hard work. That the road to success is lined with endless frustration and toil. But what if there's another way?
Dr Ali Abdaal - the world's most-followed productivity expert - has uncovered an easier and happier path to success. Drawing on decades of psychological research, he has found that the secret to productivity and success isn't grind - it's feeling good. If you can make y...