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Studieboeken (24)
Story Structure and Development
A Guide for Animators, VFX Artists, Game Designers, and Virtual Reality
2017 || Paperback || Craig Caldwell || Taylor & Francis
Professor Craig Caldwell's Story Structure and Development offers a clear approach to the essentials of story. It lays out the fundamental elements, principles, and structure for animators, designers, and artists so they can incorporate these concepts in their work. As a practical guide it includes extensive insights and advice from industry professionals.
Readers will learn the universal patterns of story and narrative used in today's movies, animation, games, and VR. With over 200 colorful ...
Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits / 7th edition
2017 || Paperback || Mahmood Nahvi e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Textbook too pricey?Fortunately, there's Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 500 fully-solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 25 detailed videos featuring math instructors who explain how to solve the most commonly tested problems-it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You'll find everything you need to build your confidence, skills, ...
Introduction to Human Factors
Applying Psychology to Design
2017 || Paperback || Nancy J. Stone e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This is a comprehensive, but accessible text that introduces students to the fields of human factors and ergonomics. The book is intended for undergraduate students, written from the psychological science perspective along with various pedagogical components that will enhance student comprehension and learning. This book is ideal for those introductory courses that wish to introduce students to the multifaceted areas of human factors and ergonomics along with practical knowledge the students ...
Schritte International Neu
dreibandige Ausgabe
2017 || Paperback || Silke Hilpert e.a. || Max Heuber Verlag
Zielniveau A2 Lehrwerk für Anfänger, die zielgerichtet Deutsch lernen und sich auf das Zertifikat Deutsch B1 vorbereiten wollen. Grundlegende Überarbeitung des bewährten Lehrwerks mithilfe von Rückmeldungen von Kursleitern aus verschiedenen Ländern (Europa, Asien, Latein/Südamerika). - Hoher emotionaler Faktor durch neue Foto-Hörgeschichte - Audiovisuelle Elemente bereichern die Lektionen (verschiedene Videos) - Mehr Lernhilfen: Genusmarkierungen, Formensymbolik für Verb/Subjekt - Gr...