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morgen verzonden
Kwaliteitsmanagement en interne auditing
2009 || Paperback || B. van Pampus || Boom
Kwaliteitsmanagement is het doorlopend verbeteren van interne processen. Regelmatig moet worden getoetst of het systeem nog doeltreffend is of dat er verbeteringen nodig zijn. De interne audit is een onderzoek om zwakke plekken in het kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem op te sporen.
In Kwaliteitsmanagement en interne auditing komt aan de orde hoe het proces van de interne audit verloopt, wat verwacht kan worden van de auditor en wat er gebeurt met de resultaten. Het boek bevat verder praktische tips ...
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Managing to Learn (Nederlandse versie)
gebruik van het managementproces A3: problemen oplossen, overeenstemming bereiken, coachen en aansturen
2009 || Paperback || John Shook || Lean Management Instituut
Managing to Learn beschrijft het A3 Management proces voor probleemoplossing, mentoring, ontwikkeling van mensen en Lean leiderschap. Managing to Learn toont hoe een echte leider in actie eruit ziet, gemakkelijk te begrijpen en vertaalbaar naar echte gedragsverandering.
Managing to Learn is geschreven door Toyota-veteraan John Shook. Shook was de eerste westerse manager bij Toyota in Japan, voordat Toyota internationaal ging uitbreiden. Eén van zijn belangrijkste opdrachten was het ‘vertal...
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Vele tinten grijs
2009 || Paperback || Alexander J.J.A. Maas || SWP
Vele tinten grijs brengt in kaart hoe de wereld van ouderen, zorgprofessionals, zorgmanagers en beleidsmakers wordt bezien als wij een sociale gedragstheorie hanteren. Het belangrijkste argument is dat we in een samenleving waar individualisme en het denken in entiteiten (zoals markt, instelling, beleid, technologie) hoogtij viert, veronachtzamen dat mensen meestal met elkaar samenwerken of zich verbinden. Door interactie en communicatie krijgt de wereld en onze identiteit betekenis. Als gevo...
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology / 2nd editionn
2023 || Hardcover || Alan Barnard || Taylor & Francis
Written by leading scholars in the field, this comprehensive and readable resource gives anthropology students a unique guide to the ideas, arguments and history of the discipline. The fully revised and expanded second edition reflects major changes in anthropology in the past decade.
Biomolecular Crystallography
Principles, Practice, and Application to Structural Biology
2009 || Hardcover || Bernhard Rupp || Taylor & Francis
Synthesizing over thirty years of advances into a comprehensive textbook, Biomolecular Crystallography describes the fundamentals, practices, and applications of protein crystallography. Deftly illustrated in full-color by the author, the text describes mathematical and physical concepts in accessible and accurate language. It distills key concepts for understanding the practice and analysis of protein crystal structures and contains examples of biologically-relevant molecules, complexes, and...
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
2009 || Hardcover || Travis Bradberry e.a. || TalentSmart
FOREWORD BY PATRICK LENCIONI, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose--increasing your EQ. Here's what people are saying about it: "Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way." --THE DALAI LAMA "A fast read with compelling anecdotes and good context in which to understand and improve." --NEWSWEEK "Gives abundant, practical findings ...
Elementary Statistics for Geographers / 3rd edition
2009 || Hardcover || James E. Burt e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Widely adopted, this uniquely comprehensive text introduces the techniques and concepts of statistics in human and physical geography. Unlike other texts that gloss over the conceptual foundations and focus solely on method, the book explains not only how to apply quantitative tools but also why and how they work. Students gain important skills for utilizing both conventional and spatial statistics in their own research, as well as for critically evaluating the work of others.
Most chapters a...
Essential Japanese Expressions Grammatical Points Dictionary
Donna toki do tsukau Nihongo hyogen bunkei jiten
2009 || Hardcover || 友松 悦子 e.a.
This Nihongo Hyogen Bunkei Jiten is a comprehensive dictionary to Japanese expressions, perfect for all levels. Dictionaries are probably one of the most important materials for learners of a foreign language, but sometimes even dictionaries cannot help, especially when it comes to expressions. You will find it quite difficult to look up a Japanese expression with a general dictionary as most just show the single vocabularies and not the combined expression.However, this dictionary contains t...
Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
2009 || Hardcover || James M. Nelson || Springer
Over a century ago, psychologists who were fascinated with religion began to study and write about it. People with a background in psychology often lack a solid understanding of the religious traditions they wish to study, and theologians may not be up to date on the latest developments in psychology.
The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition
2009 || Hardcover || Zeev Sternhell || Yale University Press
Presents a controversial view of the origins of fascism, locating them in the eighteenth century with the advent of the Anti-Enlightenment, a far earlier date than most historians. This book contends that J G Herder, Edmund Burke, and Joseph de Maistre can be connected to the origins of the Anti-Enlightenment.