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Fuseren is topsport
praktijkgids voor het managen van fusies
2009 || Hardcover || Theo van Iperen || Mediawerf
Het bedrijfsleven en de not-for-profit sector zijn weinig succesvol in het managen van fusies. Veel tijd en geld gaan verloren zonder dat de fusiedoelen ook maar een stap dichterbij komen. Terwijl het anders kan. Fuseren is topsport bevat een concrete aanpak voor de verschillende fasen van het fusieproces. Stap voor stap. Hoe komen we tot een intentieverklaring die op draagvlak kan rekenen en de basis legt voor succes? Wat er moet gebeuren om de volgende stap te zetten: het daadwerkelijk fuse...
Well Completion Design
2009 || Hardcover || Jonathan Bellarby || Elsevier
Completions are the conduit between hydrocarbon reservoirs and surface facilities. They are a fundamental part of any hydrocarbon field development project. This book covers offshore, subsea, and landbased completions in various major hydrocarbon basins of the world.
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics
Strabismus - New Concepts in Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
2009 || Hardcover || Michael C. Brodsky || Springer
The 8 recurring volumes of the "Essentials in Ophthalmology" series cover the most recent developments in one of eight subspecialties in Ophthalmology. With four volumes published per year, each subspecialty is newly visited every 24 months, with a distinct focus on recent developments. By bridging the gap between original research and medical textbooks, the transfer of this developing knowledge into daily practice is greatly enhanced.
Design-Driven Innovation / 1st Edition
2009 || Hardcover || Roberto Verganti || Harvard Business School
Until now, the literature on innovation has focused either on radical innovation pushed by technology or incremental innovation pulled by the market. In Design-Driven Innovation: How to Compete by Radically Innovating the Meaning of Products, Roberto Verganti introduces a third strategy, a radical shift in perspective that introduces a bold new way of competing. Design-driven innovations do not come from the market; they create new markets.
They don't push new technologies; they push new mean...
Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
2009 || Hardcover || Geoffrey Alan Lawrance || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
At the heart of coordination chemistry lies the coordinate bond, in its simplest sense arising from donation of a pair of electrons from a donor atom to an empty orbital on a central metalloid or metal. Metals overwhelmingly exist as their cations, but these are rarely met ‘naked’ – they are clothed in an array of other atoms, molecules or ions that involve coordinate covalent bonds (hence the name coordination compounds). These metal ion complexes are ubiquitous in nature, and are cent...
The Automotive Chassis
Volume 1: Components Design
2008 || Hardcover || G.Genta e.a. || Springer-Verlag New York
The aim of the book is to be a reference book in automotive technology, as far as automotive chassis (i.e. everything that is inside a vehicle except the engine and the body) is concerned. The book is a result of a decade of work heavily sponsored by the FIAT group (who supplied material, together with other automotive companies, and sponsored the work).
The first volume deals with the design of automotive components and the second volume treats the various aspects of the design of a vehicle ...
Strengths Based Leadership
Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow
2009 || Hardcover || Gallup || Gallup Press
From the author of the long-running #1 bestseller StrengthsFinder 2.0 comes a landmark study of great leaders, teams and the reasons why people follow. A unique access code allows you to take a new leadership version of Gallup's StrengthsFinder program. The new version of this program provides you with specific strategies for leading with your top five strengths and enables you to plot the strengths of your team based on the four domains of leadership strength revealed in the book.
Nearly a d...
Chinese Herbal Medicines / 2nd edition
2009 || Hardcover || Yifan Yang || Elsevier
Students and practitioners of Chinese herbal medicine must learn hundreds of commonly used herbs as the first step in studying Chinese herbal medicine. Additionally, junior practitioners lack the clinical experience required to ensure that they can skilfully select the appropriate herbs to use in the formulas. This presents them with a major challenge.
Chinese Herbal Medicines: Comparisons and Characteristics presents a method of learning individual herbs through vivid and clear discussion of...
The Biology of Rocky Shores / 2 Revised Edition
2020 || Hardcover || Colin Little e.a. || Oxford University Press
This new edition offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to rocky shore ecology and has been completely revised and updated throughout. It describes the diverse biota (invertebrates, vertebrates, seaweeds, seagrasses and microalgae) that inhabit rocky shores, and the factors that determine their distributions, abundances and interactions. The book discusses the latest research on processes that control community structure, utilizing a global range of examplesfrom a wide range of shore...
Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research
2009 || Hardcover || Philip A. Schwartzkroin || Elsevier
As a truly translational area of biomedical investigation, epilepsy research spans an extraordinary breadth of subjects and involves virtually every tool that modern neuroscience has at its disposal. The Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research provides an up to date, comprehensive reference for all epilepsy researchers. With an expert list of authors, the encyclopedia covers the full spectrum of research activities from genes and molecules to animal models and human patients.
The encyclopedia...