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Studieboeken (77)
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Managing Maintenance Resources / 1st Edition
2006 || Paperback || Anthony Kelly || Elsevier
Managing Maintenance Resources shows how to reduce the complexity involved in engineering, or re-engineering, a maintenance organization. It recognises that this is a complex problem involving many inter-related decisions - such as whether or not resources should be centralized, contractor alliances be entered into or flexible working be adopted. This book provides a unique approach to modeling maintenance-production organizations.
It enables the identification of problems and delivers guidel...
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Les mots
2023 || Paperback || Jean-Paul Sartre || Gallimard
J'ai commencé ma vie comme je la finirai sans doute : au milieu des livres. Dans le bureau de mon grand-pere, il y en avait partout ; défense était de les faire épousseter sauf une fois l'an, avant la rentrée d'octobre. Je ne savais pas encore lire que, déja, je les révérais, ces pierres levées : droites ou penchées, serrées comme des briques sur les rayons de la bibliotheque ou noblement espacées en allées de menhirs, je sentais que la prospérité de notre famille en dépendait...
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Expression écrite, niveau 3
2006 || Paperback || Sylvie Poisson-Quinton e.a. || CLE International
Niveau(x) : IntermédiaireDiscipline(s) : Outils complémentairesLa collection Compétences regroupe une série d'ouvrages pratiques et ciblés pour développer les 4 compétences du français sur 3 niveaux.Cet ouvrage, consacré à l'expression écrite, suit les recommandations du Cadre européen commun de référence et s'adresse à des adultes ou grands adolescents après une soixantaine d'heures d'apprentissage du français. Il prépare à l'épreuve B1-B2+ du DELF.Une attention particuli...
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Maintenance Systems and Documentation / 1st Edition
2006 || Paperback || Anthony Kelly || Elsevier
Addresses the main systems necessary for the successful operation of a maintenance organization, such as performance control, work control and documentation. This work shows how they can be modelled, their function and operating principles, and the main problems encountered in operation.
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Things Fall Apart
2006 || Paperback || Chinua Achebe || Penguin
Okonowo is the greatest warrior alive. His fame has spread like a bushfire in West Africa and he is one of the most powerful men of his clan.But he also has a fiery temper. Determined not to be like his father, he refuses to show weakness to anyone - even if the only way he can master his feelings is with his fists.
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Bijzonder Onderwijs / Druk 1
christelijk geloof in de dagelijkse praktijk van basis- en voortgezet onderwijs
2006 || Paperback || R. de Graaf || VBK Media
In Bijzonder onderwijs vertellen meer dan veertig specialisten uit het protestants-christelijk, reformatorisch, gereformeerd en evangelisch onderwijs op persoonlijke wijze hoe ze in de praktijk van hun onderwijswerk willen aansluiten bij de Bijbel. Daarbij komen heel concrete zaken aan de orde. Wat maakt dat de les Frans op een christelijke of reformatorische school anders is dan op een openbare school? Wat heeft de christelijke identiteit te maken met het rekenen in het basisonderwijs? Kan h...
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Vlekkeloos Nederlands Spelling en grammatica / Druk 3
Taalniveau 3F en 4F
2006 || Paperback || D. Pak || Pak, Uitgeverij
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Strategic Maintenance Planning / 1st Edition
2006 || Paperback || A. Guildford || Elsevier
Strategic Maintenance Planning deals with the concepts, principles and techniques of preventive maintenance, and shows how the complexity of maintenance strategic planning can be resolved by a systematic 'Top-Down-Bottom-Up' approach. It explains how to establish objectives for physical assets and maintenance resources, and how to formulate an appropriate life plan for plant. It then shows how to use the life plans to formulate a preventive maintenance schedule for the plant as a whole, along...
The Gay Science
2006 || Paperback || Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche e.a. || Dover Publications Inc.
Although dour in appearance and formidable in reputation, Friedrich Nietzsche was an ardent practitioner of the art of poetry &; called in 12th-century Provencal "the gay science." This volume, which Nietzsche referred to as "the most personal of all my books," features the largest collection of his poetry that he ever chose to publish. It also offers an extensive and sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views most central to his thinking, as well as the ideas that proved m...
Postdramatic Theatre
2024 || Paperback || Germany) Hans-Thies (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Lehmann || Taylor & Francis
Newly adapted for the Anglophone reader, this is an excellent translation of Hans-Thies Lehmann’s groundbreaking study of the new theatre forms that have developed since the late 1960s, which has become a key reference point in international discussions of contemporary theatre. In looking at the developments since the late 1960s, Lehmann considers them in relation to dramatic theory and theatre history, as an inventive response to the emergence of new technologies, and as an historical...