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Basisgrammatica Portugees / druk 10
2004 || Paperback || F. Venancio || Coutinho
Deze Basisgrammatica Portugees gaat uit van het dagelijkse taalgebruik en behandelt de basisonderwerpen van de grammatica van het Portugees. Het boek laat grammaticale verschijnselen die alleen in formele taal gebruikt worden buiten beschouwing. De onderwerpen die aan de orde komen, worden uitgebreid behandeld.
De auteur maakt de stof toegankelijk met behulp van veel overzichten en voorbeelden. Waar het Braziliaans afwijkt van het Portugees, wordt dit steeds vermeld. Dankzij het trefwoordenre...
The Return of the Soldier
2004 || Paperback || Rebecca West || Random House
Set during World War I on an isolated country estate just outside London, Rebecca West's haunting novel The Return of the Soldier follows Chris Baldry, a shell-shocked captain suffering from amnesia, as he makes a bittersweet homecoming to the three women who have helped shape his life. Will the devoted wife he can no longer recollect, the favorite cousin he remembers only as a childhood friend, and the poor innkeeper's daughter he once courted leave Chris to languish in a safe, dreamy past--...
How to Teach Writing
2004 || Paperback || Jeremy Harmer || Pearson
How to Teach Writing offers a practical guide to help get your students writing, structured on clear and consise educational theory.
This new series entry delivers an uncomplicated analysis of the nature of writing, particularly in terms of process, product, and genre. Descriptions of a broad range of writing tasks enable teachers to select those that will be most effective in developing students' writing skills.
Room of One's Own
2004 || Paperback || Virginia Woolf || Penguin
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution.
They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
Moll Flanders
A Norton Critical Edition
2004 || Paperback || Daniel Defoe || WW Norton & Co
This Norton Critical Edition is again based on the first edition text (1722), the only text known to be Defoe's own. It is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations and the editor's essay outlining the novel's textual history. "Contexts" collects related documents on criminal transport, contemporary accounts of lives of crime, and colonial laws as they applied to servants, slaves, and runaways.
"Criticism" includes eleven interpretations by Juliet McMaster, Everett Zimmerman, Maximillia...
A BBC Radio 4 Book at Bedtime, by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021
2004 || Paperback || Abdulrazak Gurnah || Bloomsbury Publishing
**By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021**A BBC RADIO 4 Book at Bedtime SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 1994'A poetic and vividly conjured book about Africa and the brooding power of the unknown' Independent on Sunday'Lingering and exquisite' Guardian'An obliterated world is enthrallingly retrieved' Sunday Times____________________________Born in East Africa, Yusuf has few qualms about the journey he is to make. It never occurs to him to ask why he is accompanying Uncle Aziz or ...
How the garcia girls lost their accents
2004 || Paperback || Julia Alvarez || Bloomsbury Publishing
Yolanda Garcia is taking a trip to the Dominican Republic to revisit the country where she was born, and which her family was forced to flee for New York when she was a child. Previously privileged and wealthy, the family finds it hard to adjust to immigrant life in the Bronx, particularly their tough old-world father, Papi. As they try immerse themselves in the American way of life, Yolanda and her three sisters begin to rebel against Papi's traditions and values, each in their own way.
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (Int'l Ed) / 7th Edition
2004 || Paperback || Warren McCabe e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Includes separate chapters that are devoted to each of the principle unit operations, grouped into 4 sections: fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer and equilibrium stages, and operations involving particulate solids. This book contains its balanced treatment of theory and engineering practice, with many practical, illustrative examples.
Le Roman
2004 || Paperback || Jacqueline Villani || Berlin Education
Focalisation, analepses et narrateur homodiégétique : ces concepts cruciaux et quelques autres sont enfin abordés dans une langue claire et une perspective d'esthétique de la réception. Destiné aux étudiants en lettres, du premier cycle à l'agrégation, en passant par les Écoles Normales Supérieures, cet ouvrage propose une approche aussi complète que possible (histoire littéraire, narratologie, sémiologie...) des problématiques romanesques. On y trouvera les bases, toujours app...
Waiting for the Barbarians
2004 || Paperback || J.M. Coetzee || Vintage Publishing
Coetzee – soon to be a major film starring Mark Rylance, Robert Pattinson and Johnny DeppFor decades the Magistrate has run the affairs of a tiny frontier settlement, ignoring the impending war between the barbarians and the Empire, whose servant he is.