Studieboeken (17)

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English Vocabulary in Use / 3rd edition

Advanced Book with Answers: Vocabulary Reference and Practice

2020 || Paperback || Michael McCarthy e.a. || Cambridge University Press

The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for advanced level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities.

Quickly expand your vocabulary with over 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and remember words more effectively with lots of opportunities for personali...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

Disasters and History

The Vulnerability and Resilience of Past Societies

2020 || Paperback || Bas van Bavel e.a. || Cambridge University Press

Disasters and History offers the first comprehensive historical overview of hazards and disasters. Drawing on a range of case studies, including the Black Death, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and the Fukushima disaster, the authors examine how societies dealt with shocks and hazards and their potentially disastrous outcomes. They reveal the ways in which the consequences and outcomes of these disasters varied widely not only between societies but also within the same societies according to so...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

Global Distributive Justice

An Introduction

2020 || Paperback || Chris Armstrong || Cambridge University Press

This is the first textbook to focus exclusively on issues of distributive justice on the global scale. It gives clear and up-to-date accounts of the major theories of global justice and spells out their significance for a series of political issues, including climate change, international trade, human rights and migration.

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

International Human Rights Law and Practice / 3rd edition

2020 || Paperback || Ilias Bantekas e.a. || Cambridge University Press

This unique textbook merges human rights law with its practice, from the courtroom to the battlefield. Human rights are analysed in their particular context, and the authors assess, among other things, the impact of international finance, the role of NGOs, and the protection of rights in times of emergency, including the challenges posed by counter-terrorism. In parallel, a series of interviews with practitioners, case studies and practical applications offer multiple perspectives and challen...

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

The Study of Language / 7th edition

2020 || Paperback || George Yule || Cambridge University Press

This bestselling textbook is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction for beginner students. Broad yet concise, this overview of key topics draws students in. The seventh edition has substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, forty new study questions and more than twenty new tasks.

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Buddhist Ethics

2020 || Paperback || Maria Heim || Cambridge University Press

This Element offers a brief overview of Buddhist thought and modern scholarly approaches to its diverse forms of moral reflection. It then explores two of the most prominent philosophers from the main strands of the Indian Buddhist tradition - Buddhaghosa and Santideva - in a comparative fashion.

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Vocabulary in Language Teaching / 2nd Edition

2020 || Paperback || Norbert Schmitt || Cambridge University Press

Internationally recognised as one of the leading texts in its field, this volume offers a comprehensive introduction to vocabulary for language teachers who would like to know more about the way vocabulary works. Two leading specialists make research and theory accessible, providing the background knowledge necessary for practitioners to make informed choices about vocabulary teaching and testing. This second edition retains the popular format of the first edition, and has been rewritten to t...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Research Methods in Business Studies

2020 || Paperback || Pervez Ghauri e.a. || Cambridge University Press

This accessible guide provides clear, practical explanations of key research methods in business studies, presenting a step-by-step approach to data collection, analysis and problem solving. Readers will learn how to formulate a research question, choose an appropriate research method, argue and motivate, collect and analyse data, and present findings in a logical and convincing manner. The authors evaluate various qualitative and quantitative methods and their consequences, guiding readers t...

Levertijd onbekend

An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge / 2nd edition

2020 || Paperback || Noah Lemos || Cambridge University Press

Now revised and containing three new chapters, this book provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental problems in the theory of knowledge. Written primarily for students taking a first course in epistemology, it will be of interest to anyone wanting to know more about this important area of philosophy.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

International Organizations / 4th edition

Politics, Law, Practice

2020 || Paperback || Ian Hurd || Cambridge University Press

As international organizations become ever more prominent in global politics it is increasingly urgent to understand their power, their limits, and their effects. Now in its fourth edition, this leading textbook provides the definitive introduction to modern international organizations, from the legal charters of their beginnings, to the issues they engage with in the contemporary world. In his analysis of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Criminal Court and ...