
Paperback (237)
Hardcover (52)

Studieboeken (292)

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Requirements Engineering

2017 || Hardcover || Jeremy Dick e.a. || Springer

Written for those who want to develop their knowledge of requirements engineering process, whether practitioners or students.Using the latest research and driven by practical experience from industry, Requirements Engineering gives useful hints to practitioners on how to write and structure requirements. It explains the importance of Systems Engineering and the creation of effective solutions to problems. It describes the underlying representations used in system modeling and introduces the U...

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Economic Approaches to Organization / 6th edition

2017 || Paperback || Sytse Douma e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Now in its fifth edition, Economic Approaches to Organisations remains one of the few texts to emphasize the importance of economic issues and developments in the study of organisations and management. It explains in a non-technical way different economic approaches such as behavioural theory of the firm, game theory, agency theory, transaction cost economics, economics of strategy and evolutionary approaches. This latest edition is packed with practical examples from real-world companies, he...

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The Dutch Way in Education

Teach, learn and lead the Dutch Way

2017 || Paperback || E. Hooge || Uitgeverij OMJS B.V.

Let op: geschreven in het Engels.

The Dutch Way in Education gaat over het onderwijs, het leren en het leidinggeven op de Nederlandse manier.

Nederland doet het al jaren goed in Pisa rankings, scoren hoog als het gaat over het welbevinden van het kind en hebben een hoogwaardig onderwijssysteem met een goede balans tussen excellentie en gelijke kansen. Dat zijn nog maar een paar aspecten die aangeven dat de Nederlandse maatschapij en haar onderwijs ook nog genoeg te ontdekken hebben. "A hidden...

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Statistics / 5th edition

Informed Decisions Using Data

2017 || Paperback || Michael Sullivan || Pearson

For courses in introductory statistics. Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data gives students the tools to see a bigger picture and make informed choices. As a current introductory statistics instructor, Mike Sullivan III presents a text that is filled with ideas and strategies that work in today's classroom.

His practical emphasis resonates with students and helps them see that statistics is connected, not only to individual concepts, but also with the world at large.

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English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate / 2nd edition

with Answers + Audio

2017 || Paperback || Mark Hancock || Cambridge University Press

Understand and be understood in English with the best-selling English Pronunciation in Use. This book, with over four hours of free downloadable audio, includes 60 units of explanations, examples, practice exercises and answers for intermediate level (B1-B2) learners of English. You will become confident with all areas of English pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation, and can practise with simple 'listen and repeat' activities, modelled with ...

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Designing Customer Service Processes

2017 || Paperback || Jochen Wirtz || World Scientific Publishing Co Inc (USA)

From a customer's perspective, services are experiences. From the organization's perspective, services are processes that have to be designed and managed to create the desired customer experience. This makes processes the architecture of services. Designing Customer Service Processes will discuss how service processes can be designed and improved to deliver the promised value proposition. This book is the sixth volume in the Winning in Service Markets Series by services marketing expert Joche...

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The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings

2017 || Paperback || Nathaniel Hawthorne || WW Norton & Co

This second edition also includes: revised and expanded explanatory footnotes, a new preface and a note on the text by Leland S. Person; key passages from Hawthorne’s notebooks and letters that suggest the close relationship between his private and public writings, and seven new critical essays by Brook Thomas, Michael Ryan, Thomas R. Mitchell, Jay Grossman, Jamie Barlowe, John Ronan and John F.

Birk. A Chronology and revised and expanded Selected Bibliography is also included.

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Practical Skills in Chemistry / 3rd Global edition

2017 || Paperback || John Dean || Pearson

Practical skills form the cornerstone of chemistry. However, the diversity of skills required in the laboratory means that a student's experience may be limited. While some techniques do require specific skills, many of them are transferable generic skills that are required throughout the subject area.

Limited time constraints of the modern curriculum often preclude or minimise laboratory time. Practical Skills in Chemistry 3rd edition provides a general guidance for use in and out of practic...

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Business Driven Technology

2017 || Paperback || Paige Baltzan || McGraw-Hill

Business Driven Technology 7e provides the ultimate flexibility in tailoring content to the exact needs of your MIS or IT course! Business Driven Technology 7e offers flexibility to customize according to your needs and the course and student needs by covering essential concepts and topics in the five core units, while providing additional in-depth coverage in the business and the technology plug-ins. Plug-ins are fully developed modules of text that include student learning outcomes, case st...

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Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms / 4th Edition

2017 || Paperback || Ross Murfin e.a. || Macmillan

Engaging, authoritative, and affordably priced, The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms is a comprehensive reference that clearly and accessibly defines hundreds of important literary and critical terms from classical times to the present, making them real and relevant to twenty-first century students through examples drawn from contemporary literary and popular culture.