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Studieboeken (43)
Organic Structures from Spectra / 6th edition
2020 || Paperback || L.D. Field e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The derivation of structural information from spectroscopic data is now an integral part of organic chemistry courses at all Universities. A critical part of any such course is a suitable set of problems to develop the students' understanding of how organic structures are determined from spectra. The book builds on the very successful teaching philosophy of learning by hands-on problem solving; carefully graded examples build confidence and develop and consolidate a student's understanding of...
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry / 8th edition
2021 || Paperback || David L. Nelson e.a. || Macmillan
Available for the first time in Achieve, the definitive reference text for biochemistry Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8e helps students focus on the most important aspects of biochemistry- the principles! Dave Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins identify the most important principles of biochemistry and direct student attention to these with icons and resources targeted to each principle.
The 8th edition has been fully updated for focus, approachability, and up-to-dat...
Organic Chemistry / 9th edition
2015 || Paperback || John McMurry || Cengage Learning
Master organic chemistry with the help of this proven best-seller! John McMurry's ORGANIC CHEMISTRY is consistently praised as the most clearly written book available for the course. In John McMurry's words: "I wrote this book because I love writing. I get great pleasure and satisfaction from taking a complicated subject, turning it around until I see it clearly from a new angle, and then explaining it in simple words." Through his lucid writing and ability to show the beauty and logic of org...