Studieboeken (13)
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Onderzoeksmethoden voor Sportstudies / 3th edition
2015 || Paperback || Ian Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Onderzoeksmethoden voor Sportstudies is een veelomvattend, toegankelijk en praktisch tekstboek. Het biedt een complete basis in kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve onderzoeksmethoden voor sportstudies studenten. Het boek omvat een stapsgewijze begeleiding vanaf het ontwerpen van een onderzoeksproject tot het verzamelen en analyseren van data en het rapporteren hierover.
Het is rijk geillustreerd met sportgerelateerde case studies en met internationale voorbeelden. Deze volledig herziene, geactualis...
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The Athletic Skills Model / 1st edition
Optimizing Talent Development Through Movement Education
2017 || Paperback || Rene Wormhoudt e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The Athletic Skills Model offers an alternative to dominant talent development theories in the form of holistic broad-based movement education, focusing on health and wellbeing. It places the emphasis on 'physical intelligence' - including attributes such as agility, flexibility and stability - through adaptable and varied training programmes, creating a skilled athlete before introducing sport specialization. The book sets out the scientific underpinnings of the ASM before going on to offer ...
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De marathon: magisch of waanzin?
2022 || Paperback || Ilse van de Zande e.a. || Expertboek
Wat is dat toch met die marathon? We zien
42,195 kilometer af, hebben kramp en blaren,
maar negeren de gefronste wenkbrauwen van
de mensen die het bestempelen als WAANZIN.
We rennen door naar de meet, naar dat shot euforie.
Het heeft iets betoverends, iets MAGISCH.
Twintig marathonlopers omschrijven dit gevoel.
Al lezend ren je met hen mee, proef je het zweet
en voel je de adrenaline. Het is een blijk van
herkenning of wellicht een voorproefje op een
Strength Training Anatomy / 4th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Frederic Delavier || Human Kinetics Publishers
Over two million people have turned to Strength Training Anatomy for an inside look at how the body performs during exercise. Now with new exercises, stretches, and exercise variations, and with more of Frederic Delavier's signature art, the fourth edition of this classic work sets the standard by which all other strength training resources will be judged. No other resource combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with expert strength training advice.
Over 700 anatomical illustrations,...
Sport Public Relations
2023 || Paperback || G. Clayton Stoldt e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Sport Public Relations presents an engaging look at the full range of functions conducted by public relations practitioners in sport. Readers will learn the importance of consistent brand communication and how to manage organizational relationships to attain key strategic goals.
Talent Identification and Development in Sport / 2nd edition
International Perspectives
2020 || Paperback || Joseph Baker e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Identifying and developing talented athletes to their fullest potential is a central concern of sport scientists, sports coaches, and sports policy makers. The second edition of this popular text offers a state of the science synthesis of current knowledge in talent identification and development in sport, from the biological basis of talent to the systems and processes within sport through which that talent is nurtured. Written by a team of leading international experts, the book explores ke...
Research Methods for Sport Management / 1st edition
2014 || Paperback || James Skinner || Taylor & Francis
Research methods courses have become a compulsory component of most degree programs in sport management. This is the first introductory research methods textbook to focus exclusively on sport management. Through the use of examples, cases and data taken from the real world of sport management it opens up a traditionally dry area of study, helping the student to understand the vital importance of sound methodology in their studies and subsequent professional practice.
The book covers the full ...
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology / 8th edition
2023 || Paperback || Robert S. Weinberg e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading textbook that offers a comprehensive view of sport and exercise psychology. It draws connections between research and practice, and it captures the excitement of the world of sport and exercise. Internationally respected authors Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould have built a text that addresses emerging trends and remains relevant with each new edition.
Every chapter has been updated with the latest...
Sport Policy and Development
An Introduction
2009 || Paperback || Daniel Bloyce e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Who makes sport policy and why do we need it? What is the purpose of sport development programmes? Sport Policy and Development answers these questions and more by closely examining the complex relationships between modern sport, sport policy and development and other aspects of the wider society. These important issues are explored via detailed case studies of key aspects of sport policy and sport development activity, including: school sport and physical educationsocial inclusionhealthelite...
Research Methods for Sports Studies / 4th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Ian Jones || Taylor & Francis
Complete introduction to research methods for any sport or exercise-related degree courseCovers qualitative and quantitative methodsExplores the full research process, from choosing a research question to writing a research reportIncludes international sport and exercise related cases and examples in every chapterStraightforward and engaging but not simplistic; substantial enough for any graduate level courseFully revised fourth edition includes expanded coverage of key and emering topics inc...