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Studieboeken (211)
Waarom de laagsteprijsgarantie ervoor zorgt dat jij te veel betaalt
Antwoorden op vragen die economen niet durven te stellen
2025 || Paperback || Jona van Loenen || Spectrum
Dit boek geeft antwoord op de belangrijkste vragen die economen niet durven te stellen
Waarom houden cafés elke week, maar boekenwinkels nooit een happy hour?
Waarom geven kappers altijd, maar slagers nooit studentenkorting?
Waarom is het juist goed als overheden blunders maken?
En waarom zorgt de laagsteprijsgarantie ervoor dat jij veel te veel betaalt?
Hoewel de economie ons leven en de maatschappij compleet beheerst, weten de meesten van ons geen antwoord te geven op deze simpele vr...
Providing for National Security
A Comparative Analysis
2014 || Paperback || Andrew M. Dorman e.a. || Stanford University Press
Providing for National Security: A Comparative Analysis argues that the provision of national security has changed in the 21st century as a result of a variety of different pressures and threats. In this timely volume experts from both the academic and policy worlds present 13 different country case studies drawn from across the globe-including established and newer states, large and smaller states, those on the rise and those in apparent decline-to identify what these key players consider to...
Waarom we bang moeten zijn om oud te worden
2020 || Paperback || Ann Peuteman || Uitgeverij Vrijdag || met inkijkexemplaar
Op een dag komen ze je huis binnen. Ze nemen je rijbewijs in beslag en brengen je oude Volvo naar een opkoper. Je moet een document ondertekenen waardoor je het beheer van je bankrekeningen en beleggingen afstaat. Zelf koken mag niet meer. In plaats daarvan krijg je elke dag een voedzame maaltijd aan huis geleverd. Voor jou geen frieten of pizza meer. Wil je nog vrijen, dan moet je dat zo stil en snel mogelijk doen. Er kan immers elk moment iemand binnenkomen. De misdaad die zo'n straf legiti...
Lobbying for Change
Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society
2017 || Paperback || Alberto Alemanno || Icon Books
'We need effective citizen-lobbyists - not just likers, followers or even marchers - more than ever. I have no hesitation in lobbying you to read this book.'Bill Emmott, former editor in chief, the EconomistMany democratic societies are experiencing a crisis of faith. Citizens are making clear their frustration with their supposedly representative governments, which instead seem driven by the interests of big business, powerful individuals and wealthy lobby groups.
What can we do about it? Ho...
Inventing Human Rights
A History
2008 || Paperback || Lynn Hunt || WW Norton & Co
How were human rights invented, and how does their tumultuous history influence their perception and our ability to protect them today? From Professor Lynn Hunt comes this extraordinary cultural and intellectual history, which traces the roots of human rights to the rejection of torture as a means for finding the truth. She demonstrates how ideas of human relationships portrayed in novels and art helped spread these new ideals and how human rights continue to be contested today.
After the Caliphate
The Islamic State and the Future of the Terrorist Diaspora
2019 || Paperback || Colin P. Clarke || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In 2014, the declaration of the Islamic State caliphate was hailed as a major victory by the global jihadist movement. But it was short-lived. Three years on, the caliphate was destroyed, leaving its surviving fighters - many of whom were foreign recruits - to retreat and scatter across the globe.
So what happens now? Is this the beginning of the end of IS? Or can it adapt and regroup after the physical fall of the caliphate? In this timely analysis, terrorism expert Colin P. Clarke takes sto...
International Humanitarian Law
2020 || Paperback || Emily Crawford e.a. || Cambridge University Press
The law that regulates armed conflicts is one of the oldest branches of international law, and yet continues to be one of the most dynamic areas of law today. This book provides an accessible, scholarly, and up-to-date examination of international humanitarian law, offering a comprehensive and logical discussion and analysis of the law. The book contains detailed examples, extracts from relevant cases, useful discussion questions, and a recommended reading list for every chapter.
Emerging tre...
Human Rights / 4th Edition
Theory and Practice
2022 || Paperback || Michael Goodhart || Oxford University Press
Human Rights: Theory and Practice is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary text written by a global team of experts with coverage and content unrivaled by any other text on the market. With contributions from an international panel of experts, including political scientists, lawyers, philosophers, and policy-makers, this text is unmatched in its ability to provide students with a practical, comprehensive and 21st century perspectives on the theory, study and practice ofhuman rights. In addition ...
ISE Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies / 13th edition
2020 || Paperback || Jay Coakley || McGraw-Hill
Sports in Society provides a comprehensive introduction to understanding the issues and controversies surrounding sports in society. Coakley delivers a critical approach toward sports related issues with an emphasis on social class, race, and ethnicity within the sports world. The new Connect course includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience.
This technology encourages readers to apply their knowledge and consider the role sports plays in their personal experiences, schools,...
Social Influence and Compliance Gaining International Student Edition
2022 || Paperback || Robert H Gass e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The seventh edition of this field-leading textbook provides an accessible and rigorous presentation of major theories of persuasion and their applications to a variety of real-world contexts. In addition to presenting established theories and models, this text encourages students to develop and apply general conclusions about persuasion in real-world settings. Along the way, students are introduced to the practice of social influence in an array of contexts (e.g., advertising, marketing, poli...