Studieboeken (15)
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Architecting the Cloud / 1st edition
Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS)
2014 || Hardcover || MJ Kavis || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
An expert guide to selecting the right cloud service model for your business Cloud computing is all the rage, allowing for the delivery of computing and storage capacity to a diverse community of end-recipients. However, before you can decide on a cloud model, you need to determine what the ideal cloud service model is for your business. Helping you cut through all the haze, Architecting the Cloud is vendor neutral and guides you in making one of the most critical technology decisions that yo...
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Practice of Computing Using Python / 3rd Global Edition
2016 || Hardcover || William Punch || Pearson
For courses in Python Programming
Now in its 3rd Edition, Practice of Computing Using Python continues to introduce both majors and non-majors taking CS1 courses to computational thinking using Python, with a strong emphasis on problem solving through computer science. The authors have chosen Python for its simplicity, powerful built-in data structures, advanced control constructs, and practicality. The text is built from the ground up for Python programming, rather than having been translate...
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Dit is agile
2015 || Hardcover || Sander Hoogendoorn || Pearson Benelux B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Dit is agile is een fascinerende reis langs alle facetten van agile, zoals backlogs, stand-up meetings, retrospectives, specification by example, agile dashboards en test driven development. Sander Hoogendoorn deelt in dit boek zijn ruime kennis en ervaring met het coachen van en werken in agile teams. Dankzij de vele illustraties en praktijkvoorbeelden is Dit is agile niet alleen een duidelijke gids voor beginners, maar bevat het ook talloze tips en nieuwe inzichten voor de ervaren lezer.
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The Rise and Fall of Software Recipes
2016 || Hardcover || Darius Blasband || Reality Bites Publishing B.V.
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SmarTEST / Druk 2
effectieve informatiesystemen door slim testen
2008 || Hardcover || E. Bouman || Boom
SmarTEST:slim testen van informatiesystemen
Egbert Bouman is productmanager
testen bij Valori.
Hij heeft meer dan twintig jaar ervaring met IT-kwaliteit en testen van informatiesystemen.
Als testmanager, adviseur, docent en publicist heeft hij zijn sporen verdiend.
Testen in de echte wereld
SmarTEST combineert systematisch testen met moderne systeemontwikkeling in complexe IT-projecten.
Voor iedereen Ook voor opdrachtgevers en projectleiders die effectief willen (laten) testen, een helder boek zoek...
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Over de betekenis van ons bestaan
De mens en AI in kosmisch perspectief
2024 || Hardcover || Bert Koene || Amsterdam University Press
Mensen zijn denkende stukjes van de evoluerende kosmos. Onze samenleving lijkt
echter een noodtoestand te naderen qua klimaat, milieu en mondiale conflicten.
Bert Koene, natuurkundige en historisch onderzoeker, verkent onze voor-
geschiedenis en onderzoekt toekomstscenario’s.
Hij laat zien dat de fysieke wereld heel anders in elkaar zit dan wij intuïtief
denken, maar ook dat zij als het ware is gemáákt voor leven. Oorzaak van onze
huidige crises is volgens Koene het feit dat het gevoel n...
Security in Computing
2020 || Hardcover || Charles Pfleeger e.a. || Pearson
The New State of the Art in Information Security: Now Covers Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Cyberwarfare Students and IT and security professionals have long relied on Security in Computing as the definitive guide to computer security attacks and countermeasures. Now, the authors have thoroughly updated this classic to reflect today's newest technologies, attacks, standards, and trends. Security in Computing, Fifth Edition, offers complete, timely coverage of all aspects of comp...
Rules of Play
Game Design Fundamentals
2023 || Hardcover || Katie (Professor) Salen Tekinbas e.a. || MIT Press
An impassioned look at games and game design that offers the most ambitious framework for understanding them to date.
Why Machines Learn
the Elegant Maths Behind Modern AI
2024 || Hardcover || Anil Ananthaswamy || Allen Lane
Machine-learning systems are making life-altering decisions for us: approving mortgage loans, determining whether a tumour is cancerous, or deciding whether someone gets bail. They now influence discoveries in chemistry, biology and physics - the study of genomes, extra-solar planets, even the intricacies of quantum systems.
We are living through a revolution in artificial intelligence that is not slowing down. This major shift is based on simple mathematics, some of which goes back centuries...
Security Engineering / 3rd Edition
A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
2021 || Hardcover || Ross Anderson || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Now that there's software in everything, how can you make anything secure? Understand how to engineer dependable systems with this newly updated classic In Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Third Edition Cambridge University professor Ross Anderson updates his classic textbook and teaches readers how to design, implement, and test systems to withstand both error and attack. This book became a best-seller in 2001 and helped establish the discipline of se...