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met 5% korting 66,45

Leerboek oogheelkunde / Druk 3

2025 || Paperback || H. Tan e.a. || BSL Media & Learning

Dit rijk geïllustreerde Nederlandse leerboek biedt de medische en paramedische student een goed inzicht in de oogheelkunde en de oogheelkundige praktijk.

Het Leerboek oogheelkunde is prettig leesbaar en compact, en behandelt de meest voorkomende oogheelkundige aandoeningen en bijkomende problemen. Na een viertal hoofdstukken waarin de fundamenten van de oogheelkunde besproken worden, zoals de anatomie, fysiologie, refractie, het algemene onderzoek en het speciële onderzoek, komen in elf spe...

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Noninvasive Prenatal Testing

Applied Genomics in Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis

2018 || Paperback || Lieve Page-christiaens || Academic Pr

Since its introduction in 2012, cell-free (cf) DNA based Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) has been employed to test for fetal chromosome abnormalities, and gene mutations that lead to a variety of genetic conditions, by millions of pregnant women, in more than 90 countries worldwide. With Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Applied Genomics in Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis, Dr Lieve Page-Christiaens and Dr Hanns-Georg Klein have compiled the first authoritative volume on cfDNA NIPT me...

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Drama as Therapy Volume 1 / 2nd edition

Theory, Practice and Research

2007 || Paperback || Phil Jones || Taylor & Francis

Presents a review of the practice and theory of Dramatherapy. Featuring practical guidance, clinical examples and research vignettes, this book considers developments in the field and researches the impact of the 'core processes' on clinical practice. It shows how Dramatherapy is used with a wide range of clients and applied to individual needs.

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Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests / 2nd edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Chad Cook e.a. || Pearson

For courses in orthopedics, physical therapy, athletic training, and physical examination, in programs for healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, athletic trainers, physician's assistants, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. This is the field's most comprehensive evidence-based guide to clinical tests for orthopedic physical examination. It presents complete explanations and photography visualizing all commonly used physical exam tests for all body regions, including...

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Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach / 8th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Dee Silverthorn || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Human Physiology. Move beyond memorization: Prepare students for tomorrow's challengesHuman Physiology: An Integrated Approach is the #1 best-selling 1-semester human physiology text world-wide. The 8th Edition engages students in developing a deeper understanding of human physiology by guiding them to think critically and equipping them to solve real-world problems.

Updates, such as new Try It activities and detailed teaching suggestions in the new Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules...

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Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses / 5th Edition

2019 || Paperback || Edward S. Bennett e.a. || Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Up to date, easy to use, and well-illustrated, Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses, 5th Edition, helps both students and practitioners fit, evaluate, and troubleshoot contact lens issues in everyday practice. Written by renowned experts in the field, this practical guide is designed for quick access to key information, and includes sample cases, nomograms, and proficiency checklists that summarize and emphasize important points. Thoroughly rev...

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Motivational Interviewing / 3rd edition

Helping People Change

2012 || Hardcover || William R. Miller e.a. || Guilford Publications

*A to Z revision of a bestseller (250,000 in print); the bible of a proven, highly effective therapeutic technique. *Enjoys worldwide popularity; off-the-shelf and text sales are bolstered by author workshops and frequent MI training events. *Reorganized around the co-creators' evolving framework for teaching and implementing MI.

*Strong demand for MI titles: originally developed for treating addictions, the approach is now widely used throughout mental health and health care. *Value-added on...

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Molemans praktische psychofarmacologie / Druk 6

2022 || Hardcover || P. Naarding e.a. || Prelum Uitgevers

Molemans praktische psychfarmacologie is al jarenlang een bestseller in de psychiatrie. Via systematische stappen en overwegingen helpt deze praktijkgerichte leidraad bij het voorschrijven van geneesmiddelen bij psychiatrische patiënten. Het boek is daarmee een aanrader voor psychiaters, huisartsen, verpleegkundig specialisten, apothekers, specialisten ouderengeneeskunde en alle andere voorschrijvers van psychofarmaca.

Onder redactie van dr. Paul Naarding, dr. Arne Risselada en prof. dr. mr....

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Medical Pharmacology at a Glance / 9th edition

2020 || Paperback || Michael J. Neal || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The internationally best-selling Medical Pharmacology at a Glance is the ideal companion for all medical and healthcare students, providing a visual overview of pharmacology, and describing the basic principles of drug action, interaction, absorption, and excretion. Clear and accessible chapters organised around common diseases and conditions facilitate efficient clinical learning, and include references to drug classes and side effects, disease pathophysiology, prescribing guidelines, and mo...

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met 5% korting 123,50

Sobotta deel 1 Algemene anatomie en bewegingsapparaat / Druk 6

Atlas van de menselijke anatomie

2024 || Hardcover || Friedrich Paulsen || BSL Media & Learning

Bij de 5e druk van de Sobotta deel 1 – Algemene anatomie en bewegingsapparaat ligt de nadruk op de relevantie voor tentamens:·         Nieuwe en inhoudelijk aangepaste afbeeldingen en tabellen als basis voor het begrip van anatomische structuren·         Overzicht houden, de details van een preparaat herkennen en snel de   anatomische v...