Studieboeken (5)
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Export Management: A European Perspective
2010 || Paperback || Hans Veldman || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
This new English edition of Export Management is more accessible and transparent, using the export strategy as its structuring principle. The book focuses on the integration of all aspects of the export business and the implementation of export strategies in the daily business practice.
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Individual Differences / Gent custom edition
2010 || Paperback || Barbara De Clercq || Pearson
This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with your school and professors to aid your studies. Get ahead now and give your education a boost!
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De ondernemende ondernemer / Druk 5 (Heruitgave)
leer jezelf ontwikkelen tot een entprepreneur
2010 || Paperback || Martijn P. Driessen || Freeman Media B.V.
PMC Compact / Druk 1
projectmatig creƫren binnen handbereik
2020 || Hardcover || Jo Bos e.a. || Scriptum || met inkijkexemplaar
Projectmatig Creeren is een van de toonaangevende methoden op gebied van projectmanagement in Nederland. Sinds de eerste publicatie in 1998 hebben persoonlijk commitment, leiderschap, energie, bezieling en verbinding een vaste plaats veroverd in de 'normale' projectmanagementtaal. Inmiddels hebben duizenden projectmanagers zich de principes van Projectmatig Creeren (PMC) eigen gemaakt en is deze aanpak bij tal van organisaties tot de standaard verheven.
Vele malen kregen wij het verzoek om de...
Proactive Law for Managers
A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage
2010 || Hardcover || George J Siedel || Taylor & Francis
Savvy managers no longer look at contracts and the law reactively but use them proactively to reduce their costs, minimize their risks, secure key talent, collaborate to innovate, protect intellectual property, and create value for their customers that is superior to that offered by competitors. To achieve competitive advantage in this way managers need a plan. Proactive Law for Managers provides this plan; The Manager's Legal PlanTM.