
2021 (161)
2020 (147)
2022 (144)
» Toon alle opties (21)
Noordhoff (124)
Boom (115)
Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (81)
» Toon alle opties (92)
Coutinho (62)
Pearson (48)
Pearson Benelux B.V. (33)
ThiemeMeulenhoff bv (28)
Vakmedianet (25)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (24)
SWP (21)
Koninklijke Van Gorcum (15)
Taylor & Francis (13)
Boom Beroepsonderwijs (11)
Business Contact (11)
Elsevier (11)
McGraw-Hill (11)
Cambridge University P... (10)
Penguin (10)
STC Publishing (9)
Macmillan (8)
O'Reilly (8)
Oxford University Pres... (8)
AcademicStore (7)
Acco (7)
SAGE (7)
Ten Brink Uitgevers (7)
BIS Publishers (6)
Kogan Page Ltd (6)
Syntax Media (6)
Van Haren Publishing (6)
Cantal Uitgeverij (5)
Convoy Uitgevers BV (5)
Springer (5)
Aeneas (4)
Amsterdam University P... (4)
Cengage Learning (4)
Eburon (4)
Hachette (4)
Hogeschool Rotterdam (4)
Hueber Verlag (4)
Lannoo (4)
Maklu, Uitgever (4)
Malmberg (4)
Noordhoff - Studie Bij... (4)
Ruslan Ltd (4)
Scriptum (4)
Singel Uitgeverijen (4)
Sogang University Pres... (4)
Uitgeverij Thema (4)
nai010 uitgevers publi... (4)
Academic service (3)
Alk & Heijnen, De (3)
Atlas Contact (3)
Boom uitgevers Den Haa... (3)
Bouwen met Staal (3)
CLE International (3)
Concept uitgeefgroep (3)
Dokmar Maritime Publis... (3)
Faber & Faber (3)
Garant (3)
HarperCollins (3)
Harvard Business Revie... (3)
Infotax (3)
Sinolingua (3)
Tijdstroom, Uitgeverij... (3)
Uitgeverij Pica (3)
Van Duuren Media (3)
Academia Press / Lanno... (2)
Bloomsbury Publishing (2)
CROW (2)
Difusion (2)
Epsilon Uitgaven (2)
Expertise Vastgoed (2)
Express Publishing (2)
Gallimard (2)
Gennep B.V., Uitgeveri... (2)
Groupe Hatier Internat... (2)
Have, Ten (2)
Intertaal (2)
Japan Times (2)
Klett Sprachen (2)
MIT Press (2)
MK Publishing (2)
Maven Publishing (2)
Montessori-Pierson (2)
Nieuw Amsterdam (2)
Prelum Uitgevers (2)
Prometheus (2)
Pumbo.nl B.V. (2)
S2 Uitgevers (2)
SUN (2)
Simon & Schuster (2)
Uitgeverij Stili Novi (2)
Vintage Publishing (2)
Vrije Uitgevers, De (2)
Management algemeen (107)
Economie en bedrijf al... (64)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (34)
» Toon alle opties (107)
Marketing (23)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (23)
Mens en maatschappij a... (22)
Technische wetenschapp... (22)
Economie, recht en bed... (21)
Logopedie (21)
Geneeskunde algemeen (19)
Mens en maatschappij H... (18)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (18)
Fysiotherapie (17)
Psychologie algemeen (17)
Technische en nautisch... (17)
Algemene sociale weten... (15)
Accountancy en adminis... (14)
Taalonderwijskunde (14)
Welzijnswerk (14)
Didactiek (13)
Specialistische genees... (13)
Statistiek en methodol... (13)
Pedagogiek (12)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (11)
Exacte vakken en infor... (10)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (9)
Communicatiekunde alge... (9)
Scheikunde algemeen (9)
Bouwkunde (8)
Informatica algemeen (8)
Onderwijskunde (8)
Personeel en organisat... (8)
Geschiedenis algemeen (7)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (7)
Literaire fictie algem... (7)
Programmeertalen (7)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (7)
Taalkunde (7)
Filosofie algemeen (6)
Non-boeken algemeen (6)
Technische en nautisch... (6)
Bedrijfseconomie (5)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (5)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (5)
Engelse taal, letterku... (5)
Informatica & manageme... (5)
Leidinggeven, coachen (5)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (5)
Talen algemeen (5)
Creatief denken (4)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (4)
Economie, recht en bed... (4)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (4)
Franse taal, letterkun... (4)
Literaire non-fictie a... (4)
Literaire roman, novel... (4)
Naslagwerken algemeen (4)
Productie, inkoop, log... (4)
Psychiatrie (4)
Psychotherapie en ande... (4)
Wiskunde algemeen (4)
Computertechniek (3)
Databases (3)
Exacte vakken en infor... (3)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (3)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (3)
Maritiem (3)
Maritieme techniek (3)
Natuurkunde algemeen (3)
Non-fictie informatief... (3)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (3)
Orthopedagogiek (3)
Paramedisch algemeen (3)
Populaire fiction alge... (3)
Recht algemeen (3)
Technische en nautisch... (3)
123 (2)
Aardwetenschappen alge... (2)
Agogiek (2)
Algemene economie (2)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (2)
Besturingsprogramma's (2)
Bewegingstherapie, erg... (2)
Cel- en moleculaire bi... (2)
Elektrotechniek (2)
Energie (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Farmacie;farmacotherap... (2)
Fiscaal recht (2)
Fysische geografie (2)
Gezondheid algemeen (2)
Humanistiek (2)
Kinderboeken algemeen (2)
Laboratoriumtechniek (2)
Leidinggeven, coachen|... (2)
Management algemeen|Ma... (2)
Medische handboeken (p... (2)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (2)
Natuur populair algeme... (2)
Nederlandse taal- en l... (2)
Organisatiepsychologie (2)
Politicologie (2)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (2)
Sociale geografie alge... (2)
Sociale kennistheorie ... (2)
Sportorganisatie, - be... (2)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (2)
Toegepaste communicati... (2)
Toepassingsgerichte wi... (2)
Vormgeving en design (2)
Nederlands (776)
Engels (252)
Frans (15)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Social Work (84)
Technische Bedrijfskun... (65)
Bedrijfskunde (46)
» Toon alle opties (226)
International Business (46)
Master Begeleidingskun... (45)
Engels (43)
Logopedie (40)
Verpleegkunde (40)
Finance & Control (39)
PABO (39)
Bouwkunde (37)
Ondernemerschap & Reta... (36)
Logistics Management (34)
Commerciële Economie (33)
Human Resource Managem... (33)
Aardrijkskunde (30)
Werktuigbouwkunde (29)
Facility Management (28)
Ad Pedagogisch Educati... (27)
Communicatie (26)
Accountancy (25)
Business IT & Manageme... (25)
Built Environment (24)
Leraar Gezondheidszorg... (24)
Management in de Zorg (24)
Maritiem Officier (24)
Wiskunde (24)
Automotive (23)
Pedagogisch Educatief ... (23)
Communication and Mult... (22)
Frans (22)
Geschiedenis (21)
Master Consultancy and... (21)
Ad Engineering (20)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (20)
Fysiotherapie (20)
Master in Internationa... (20)
Medische Hulpverlening (20)
Maatschappijleer (19)
Nederlands (19)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (19)
Chemische Technologie (18)
Duits (18)
Ergotherapie (18)
Mens en Techniek (18)
Pedagogiek (18)
Elektrotechniek (17)
Informatica (17)
Integraal Bouwmanageme... (17)
Ad Integraal BouwManag... (16)
Chemie (16)
Engineering (16)
ICT Service Management (16)
Mechatronica (16)
Natuurkunde (16)
Ad Management in de Zo... (15)
Ad Sales & Accountmana... (15)
Biologie en Medisch La... (15)
International Business... (15)
Ad Maintenance & Mecha... (14)
Ad Sociaal Werk in de ... (14)
Leraar Nederlands (14)
Master Leren en Innove... (14)
Ad Management (13)
Ad Ondernemen (13)
International Business... (13)
Leraar Basisonderwijs (13)
Software (13)
Vastgoed en Makelaardi... (13)
Vastgoedkunde (13)
Biologie (12)
Fysiotherapeut (12)
Geneeskunde (12)
Global Marketing en Sa... (12)
Leraar Frans (12)
Leraar Omgangskunde (12)
Maritieme Techniek (12)
Civiele Techniek (11)
HBO-ICT (11)
Hotel Management (11)
International Hotel & ... (11)
Leraar Duits (11)
Leraar Scheikunde (11)
Logistics Engineering (11)
Managing New Retail (11)
Marketing of Social Bu... (11)
Mondzorgkunde (11)
Sales & Accountmanagem... (11)
Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (11)
Toegepaste Psychologie (11)
Tourism Management (11)
Ad ICT Service Managem... (10)
Integrale Veiligheidsk... (10)
Leraar Engels (10)
Leraar Natuurkunde (10)
Leraar Spaans (10)
Leraar Techniek (10)
Maintenance & Mechanic... (10)
Management (10)
Ondernemen (10)
Ad Smart technology (9)
Algemene- en Bedrijfse... (9)
International Event Ma... (9)
Leraar Geschiedenis (9)
Leraar Wiskunde (9)
Vaktherapie (9)
Verloskunde (9)
Watermanagement (9)
Ad Logistiek Managemen... (8)
Ad Ondernemerschap & R... (8)
Ad Sociaal Financiële... (8)
Biologie, voeding & ge... (8)
Gezondheidszorg Techno... (8)
KOP-opleiding (8)
Leraar Aardrijkskunde (8)
Leraar Biologie (8)
Smart technology (8)
Technische Natuurkunde (8)
Theologie (8)
Ad Accountancy (7)
Bedrijfsmanagement MKB... (7)
Crossmediale communica... (7)
European Studies (7)
Godsdienst & Levensbes... (7)
Huidtherapie (7)
Industrieel Product On... (7)
Leraar Nederlandse Geb... (7)
Logistiek Management (7)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (7)
Algemene Economie (6)
Creative Business (6)
Elektrotechniek en Tec... (6)
International Business... (6)
Journalistiek (6)
Learning and Developme... (6)
Minor Begeleidingskund... (6)
Sociaal Financiële Di... (6)
Sociaal-Juridische Die... (6)
Sportmarketing (6)
Applied Data Science &... (5)
Bewegingstechnologie (5)
Commercieel Management (5)
GL Bachelor DTO (5)
International Tourism ... (5)
Internet of Things (5)
Master Shipping & Tran... (5)
Sportkunde (5)
Tandprothetiek (5)
Technische Informatica (5)
Toegepaste Wiskunde (5)
Voeding en Dietetiek (5)
Ad Crossmediale commun... (4)
Ad Eventmanager (4)
Ad Health & Social Wor... (4)
Ad Pastoraal Werk (4)
Ad Social Work (4)
Applied Science (4)
Bachelor Vertalen Fran... (4)
Creative Marketing en ... (4)
Creative Media and Gam... (4)
Electrical Engineering (4)
Farmakunde (4)
Forensisch Laboratoriu... (4)
Gezondheidszorgtechnol... (4)
Industrial Engineering... (4)
Internationale Communi... (4)
Milieukunde (4)
Optometrie (4)
Toegepaste Biologie (4)
Ad Commercieel Managem... (3)
Ad Commerciële Econom... (3)
Ad Events & Experience... (3)
Ad Facility Management (3)
Ad Information Securit... (3)
Ad Internet of Things (3)
Ad Zorg en Technologie (3)
Bachelor Vertalen Enge... (3)
Basistheorie Vastgoedd... (3)
Bedrijfseconomie (3)
Bestuurskunde/Overheid... (3)
Biobased Chemie (3)
Biobased Chemische Tec... (3)
Bouwtechnische Bedrijf... (3)
Chemische Productinnov... (3)
Educatief Professional... (3)
Fashion & Textile Tech... (3)
Food en Pharma (3)
Forensisch Chemisch On... (3)
HBO-rechten (3)
Lichamelijke Opvoeding (3)
Master Speltherapie (3)
Orthoptie (3)
Pastoraal Werk (3)
Teacher Education in F... (3)
Aarde en Klimaat (2)
Ad Diermanagement (2)
Ad Human Resource Mana... (2)
Ad ICT (2)
Ad Online Contentcreat... (2)
Assistent Makelaar (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Duit... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Ital... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Russ... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Spaa... (2)
Biomedisch Onderzoek (2)
Biotechnologie (2)
Bos- en Natuurbeheer (2)
Electrical and Electro... (2)
Embedded Systems Engin... (2)
Entrepreneurship (2)
Evenementen & Hotelman... (2)
GL Master (2)
HBO - Rechten (2)
Haptonomie (2)
Haptonomisch Counselor (2)
Haptotherapeut (2)
Interior Design & Styl... (2)
International Business... (2)
International Finance ... (2)
International Financia... (2)
International Public P... (2)
Level Up (2)
Mens en Techniek - Gez... (2)
Podotherapie (2)
Sociaal Financieel Die... (2)
SportMarketing en Mana... (2)
Teacher Education in E... (2)
Teacher Education in G... (2)
Vertaalacademie (2)

Resultaten (1067)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Microbiology: a Human Perspective / 10th edition

2021 || Paperback || Denise Anderson e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Perfect for the non-major/allied health student (and also appropriate for mixed majors courses), this text provides a rock solid foundation in microbiology. It has a concise and readable style, covers the most current concepts, and gives students the knowledge and mastery necessary to understand advances of the future. By carefully and clearly explaining the fundamental concepts, using a body systems approach in the coverage of disease, and offering vivid and appealing instructional art, Micr...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Contemporary Logistics / 12th Global edition

2017 || Paperback || Jr. Paul Murphy e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For undergraduate and graduate courses in Logistics. A dynamic foundation to the global study of contemporary logistics A market--leading text, Contemporary Logistics explores modern logistics from a managerial perspective. These are characterized by geopolitical tensions in parts of the world, steadily increasing trade, supply chain vulnerabilities caused by severe natural disasters, and an unabated pace of technological advancement.

In it, readers see theory come to life through timely, pra...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Real Estate Investment and Finance / 2nd edition

Strategies, Structures, Key Decisions

2020 || Hardcover || Andrew E. Baum e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The fully revised and updated version of the leading textbook on real estate investment, emphasising real estate cycles and the availability and flow of global capitalReal Estate Investment remains the most influential textbook on the subject, used in top-tier colleges and universities worldwide. Its unique, practical perspective on international real estate investment focusses on real-world techniques which measure, benchmark, forecast and manage property investments as an asset class. The t...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Project Management / 13th edition

A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling

2022 || Hardcover || Harold Kerzner || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

PROJECT MANAGEMENT THE NEWEST EDITION OF THE #1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS In the newly revised 13th Edition of Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, project management pioneer, leader, and educator Dr. Harold Kerzner delivers a comprehensive and intuitive approach to project management. Widely known as the bestselling "bible" of project management, this book aligns with the concepts and standards outlined in PMI's latest...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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English Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive e-book / 5th ed.

A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English

2019 || Paperback || Raymond Murphy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet.

It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

2009 || Hardcover || Travis Bradberry e.a. || TalentSmart

FOREWORD BY PATRICK LENCIONI, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose--increasing your EQ. Here's what people are saying about it: "Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way." --THE DALAI LAMA "A fast read with compelling anecdotes and good context in which to understand and improve." --NEWSWEEK "Gives abundant, practical findings ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Scrum - Novice to Ninja

Methods for Agile, Powerful Development

2016 || Paperback || M David Greem || SitePoint Pty Ltd

Why should you use Scrum in your web projects? Simply put, it'll enable your team to get more done in less time. Scrum is the most popular agile project management methodology used in web projects today. While most Scrum books tend to be lengthy textbooks that cover every detail of Scrum for all types of organizations, this highly practical book concentrates solely on how best to apply Scrum in web and mobile development projects.

In it, you'll learn: An overview of Scrum fundamentals for web...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Strategy Safari

A Guided Tour Through The Wilds Of Strategic Management

2005 || Paperback || Henry Mintzberg e.a. || Simon & Schuster

Based on comprehensive research into strategic planning literature and its military antecedents, the successor to The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning offers a penetrating analysis of the ten dominant schools of strategic thought. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Physical Therapy of the Shoulder / 5th Edition

2011 || Paperback || Robert A. Donatelli || Elsevier

The leading reference on shoulder rehabilitation, Physical Therapy of the Shoulder, 5th Edition provides complete information on the functional anatomy of the shoulder, the mechanics of movement, and the evaluation and treatment of shoulder disorders. It promotes current, evidence-based practice with coverage of the latest rehabilitation and surgical techniques. Case studies show the clinical application of key principles, and follow the practice patterns from the APTA Guide to Physical Thera...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

30th Anniversary Edition

2020 || Paperback || Stephen R. Covey e.a. || Simon & Schuster

New York Times bestseller - over 25 million copies soldThe No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century "[Thirty] years after it first appeared, the wisdom of The 7 Habits is more relevant than ever. On an individual level people are burning out, and on a collective level we are burning up the planet.

So Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental, and spiritual resources are exactly...