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Resultaten (272)
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Spelenderwijs opvoeden van uw pup
volledig nieuwe editie van de meest gebruikte leermethode
2005 || Hardcover || Peter Beekman || Bloemendal Uitgevers
Er zijn verschillende manieren om honden op te voeden. De eerste methode gaat uit van het principe dat een hond ongenadig op zijn kop moet krijgen als hij niet doet wat hij eigenlijk wel zou moeten doen. Zodat hij uit angst voor de correctie doet wat wij willen. Een andere manier is om het voor een hond zo leuk te maken als hij iets voor ons moet doen, dat hij het graag en met plezier doet. Dit boek gaat uit van de laatstgenoemde methode.
NBD|Biblion recensie
Stap voor stap worden...
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Engines Pull Wagons, 1933-1945
2019 || Paperback || Paul Siegel || Paul & Co Pub Consortium
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Argumentatie en formele structuur / Druk 1
basisboek logica
2005 || Paperback || W.R. de Jong || Boom
William Shakespeare: The Complete Works
2005 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Oxford University Press
The second Oxford edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works reconsiders every detail of their text and presentation in the light of modern scholarship. The nature and authority of the early documents are re-examined, and the canon and chronological order of composition freshly established. Spelling and punctuation are modernized, and there is a brief introduction to each work, as well as an illuminating and informative General Introduction.
Included here for the firsttime is the play The Reign ...
Studying Human Rights
2005 || Todd Landman || Taylor & Francis
This book draws on key theories and methods from the social sciences to develop a framework for the systematic study of human rights problems. It argues that solid empirical analysis of human rights problems rests on examining the observable practices from state and non-state actors that constitute human rights violations to provide plausible explanations for their occurrence and provide deeper understanding of their meaning. Such explanations and understanding draws on the theoretical insigh...
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Dialogue Mapping
Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems
2005 || Paperback || Jeffrey Conklin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In contrast to the use of agendas and restrictive structures, dialogue mapping is a facilitation technique that allows the intelligence and learning of the group to emerge naturally. Each participant can see how their comments contribute (or don't) to the coherence and order of the group's thinking. The first full-length book to bring dialogue mapping to a wider audience, Dialogue Mapping provides an exciting new conceptual framework that will change the way readers view projects and project ...
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The Action Research Dissertation : A Guide for Students and Faculty
2005 || Kathryn Herr || SAGE
'This book fills an important gap in the action research literature by specifically addressing the growing practice of action research master's studies and doctoral dissertations in colleges and universities throughout the world. Like the authors' previous work, this book provides a broad and clear overview of the varieties of action research. The discussion of the underlying choices that action researchers operating in a university degree program need to make and how such choices affect the ...
Dairy Science and Technology / 2nd Edition
2005 || Hardcover || P. Walstra e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Building upon the scope of its predecessor, Dairy Science and Technology, Second Edition offers the latest information on the efficient transformation of milk into high-quality products. It focuses on the principles of physical, chemical, enzymatic, and microbial transformations. The authors, highly regarded educators and researchers, divide the content of this book into four parts.
Part I, Milk, discusses the chemistry, physics, and microbiology of milk. In addition to providing knowledge of...
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Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics
A Practical Guide for Students
2021 || Paperback || Jeremy J Foster e.a. || SAGE
Perfect for students without a mathematical background, the authors refresh important basics such as descriptive statistics and research design as well as introducing essential upper level techniques to cater for the advanced student.
Schritte international 1. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD zum Arbeitsbuch und interaktiven Übungen
2021 || Paperback || Daniela Niebisch e.a. || Hueber Verlag
Zielniveau A1/1
Nach dem riesigen Erfolg unseres neuen Grundstufenlehrwerks Schritte nun eine internationale Ausgabe für Deutschlernende weltweit.
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren in allen Grundstufenkursen (A1 bis B1) weltweit.
Lernziel: Schritte international orientiert sich genau an den Vorgaben des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens: Jeweils zwei Bände des sechsbändigen Lehrwerks führen zu den Niveaustufen A1, A2 und B1 und bereiten auf die Prüfungen Start D...