Resultaten (15)
maandag verzonden
The Cognitive Sciences
An Interdisciplinary Approach
2013 || Hardcover || Sobel || SAGE
An essential introduction to the cognitive sciences which examines both historical and contemporary research findings of the core cognitive science disciplines.
maandag verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Child Research
2013 || Hardcover || Melton || SAGE
"It is refreshing to see a book such as this which is both broad in its conceptualization of the field of child research and deep in its focus. The volume's editors are paragons of awareness when it comes to the need for interdisciplinary research and theory to illuminate the lives and experience of children" - Professor James Garbarino, Loyola University Chicago
maandag verzonden
Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action
2013 || Hardcover || Stewart || SAGE
With over 25,000 copies sold since its first edition, this book provides an unrivalled introduction to the core concepts and basic techniques of transactional analysis (TA).
maandag verzonden
Understanding Media Economics
2013 || Hardcover || Doyle || SAGE
Long waited second edition of this popular exploration of media economics. Will be adopted on courses across media management, media policy and the creative industries.
maandag verzonden
Strategic Leadership Across Cultures
GLOBE Study of CEO Leadership Behavior and Effectiveness in 24 Countries
2013 || Hardcover || House || SAGE
The third GLOBE book is unique in its focus, methodology, and impact. The research reported in this book was obtained during the third phase of the GLOBE project which lasted approximately 10 years. It examines strategic leadership effectiveness for executive and top-level management.
maandag verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Applied Memory
2013 || Hardcover || Perfect || SAGE
This unique handbook synthesizes a vibrant and progressive field, cutting across cognitive, forensic and experimental psychology, with world-leading scholars at the helm. This is the first handbook of its kind to focus on applied memory.
maandag verzonden
Research in Early Childhood
2013 || Hardcover || Nolan e.a. || SAGE
This innovative guide to research in early childhood takes you step-by-step through the research process.
maandag verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication
Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice
2013 || Hardcover || Oetzel || SAGE
The Second Edition of the award-winning The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication emphasizes constructive conflict management from a communication perspective which places primacy in the message as the focus of conflict research and practice.
maandag verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies
2013 || Hardcover || Rodrigue || SAGE
An authoritative survey of contemporary transportation systems in view of economic, social, technical and environmental challenges.
maandag verzonden
Using Photographs in Social and Historical Research
2013 || Hardcover || Tinkler || SAGE
Written by one of the world's leading authorities on image-based methods this is the first book to investigate, in depth, the use of photographs and photo images in research. Using real world case studies and over 40 images it explains the conceptual and methodological approaches needed to study photographs and images.