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Resultaten (166)
The Tangled Bank
An Introduction to Evolution
2013 || Paperback || Carl Zimmer || Macmillan
Used widely in non-majors biology classes, The Tangled Bank is the first textbook about evolution intended for the general reader. Zimmer, an award-winning science writer, takes readers on a fascinating journey into the latest discoveries about evolution. In the Canadian Arctic, paleontologists unearth fossils documenting the move of our ancestors from sea to land. In the outback of Australia, a zoologist tracks some of the world’s deadliest snakes to decipher the 100-million-year evolution...
Filmmaking in Action
Your Guide to the Skills and Craft
2015 || Paperback || Michael Goldman e.a. || Macmillan
With storytelling and collaboration as core principles, industry insiders Adam Leipzig (former President of National Geographic Films), and Barry Weiss (former head of animation at Sony Pictures), with Michael Goldman (prominent journalist and industry expert), guide students through the skills and the craft of video and filmmaking.
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Email English
With new social media section and phrase bank of useful expressions
2013 || Paperback || Paul Emmerson || Macmillan
Email English will help students of English to write effective and convincing communications, whether for work or study, whether by email or via social media. Based on hundreds of real examples, Email English deals systematically with key language for constructing effective and convincing emails in English as well as developing an appropriate voice through social media. Basics, including opening and closing emails, giving information, making requests, arranging meetings and checking understan...
Earth System History
2017 || Paperback || Steven M. Stanley || Macmillan
Historical geology from a widely trusted author team.
Steven Stanley's classic textbook, now co-authored with John Luczaj, remains a trusted textbook for any historical geology course written from a truly integrated earth systems perspective. This edition includes important new coverage on mass extinctions, climate change, and Proterozoic history, plus a range of interactive studying and teaching tools.
Discovering the Universe
2018 || Paperback || Neil Comins || Macmillan
Opening the door for curiosity and discovery in introductory astronomy.
Combining a student-centered approach with the reliability of a familiar and proven text, Discovering The Universe invites students to follow their curiosity and ask questions about astronomy, through features including What If? questions that explore alternative solar systems and universes and Meet the Discoverer interviews with working scientists throughout the text.
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A History of World Societies, Volume 2 / 12th edition
2020 || Paperback || Merry E Wiesner-Hanks e.a. || Macmillan
Long praised by instructors and students for its accessible regional chapter structure, readability, and sustained attention to social history, the Twelfth Edition of A History of World Societies includes even more features and tools to engage todays students and save instructors time.
Evolution, Third edition
2019 || Paperback || Douglas J. Emlen e.a. || Macmillan
Helping students make sense of evolution.
Evolutionary biologist Douglas Emlen and Science writer Carl Zimmer continue to improve their widely-praised evolution textbook. Emlen, an award-winning evolutionary biologist at the University of Montana, has infused Evolution: Making Sense of Life with the technical rigor and conceptual depth that today’s biology majors require. Zimmer, an award-winning New York Times columnist, brings compelling storytelling to the book, bringing evolutionary res...
The Bedford Handbook
2023 || Paperback || Diana Hacker e.a. || Macmillan
Approachable and comprehensive, the Bedford Handbook gives students the guidance and practice they need to become stronger writers. Trusted authors Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers offer coverage on key topics ranging from composing and revising to grammar and style. With how-to guides, model papers, exercises and class-tested examples, university writers will find practical support to help apply these techniques to their own work.
College Physics
2021 || Paperback || Roger Freedman e.a. || Macmillan
Transform every student’s potential with Freedman’s College Physics and Achieve.
Now available for the first time with Macmillan’s new online learning tool Achieve, Freedman’s College Physics makes it easy for instructors to support every student by using best teaching practices in their algebra-based physics courses. With resources for before, during, and after class, students of all backgrounds are engaged and supported at every step of the learning process. The text further support...
Thirteenth edition
2020 || Paperback || David Myers e.a. || Macmillan
The go-to authors for guiding students through the science of psychology.
From its first edition Myers and DeWall's Psychology has found extraordinarily effective ways to involve students with the remarkable research underlying our understanding of human behaviour. But while the content and learning support evolves, the text itself continues to be shaped by the same established goals, to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present ...