Resultaten (127)

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The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order

Shi'ite Sufi Masters against Islamic Fundamentalism in 19th-Century Persia

2021 || Paperback || Reza Tabandeh || Leiden University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

How were the Ni‘matullāhī masters successful in reviving Ni‘matullāhī Sufism in Shi‘ite Persia? This book investigates the revival of Ni‘matullāhī Sufi order after the death of the last Indian Ni‘matullāhī master, Riḍā ‘Alī Shāh (d. 1214/1799) in the Deccan.

After the fall of Safavids, the revival movement of the Ni‘matullāhī order began with the arrival in Persia of the enthusiastic Indian Sufi master, Ma‘ṣūm ‘Alī Shāh, during the last quarter of the eigh...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 96,85

The Open Door to Hidden Paganism

Abraham Rogerius’s Account of South Indian Hinduism (1651): Critical Introduction, Dutch Text, and Annotated English Translation

2025 || Paperback || Benjamin Leathley || Leiden University Press

This book presents the first-ever English translation of 'The Open Door to Hidden Paganism', one of the earliest and most detailed studies of South Indian Hinduism. Written in 1651 by Abraham Rogerius, a Dutch East India Company clergyman and missionary, it offers an unexpectedly balanced account of the customs and traditions of the South Indian Brahmins. This made it a cornerstone of early European Indology.

In addition to the Dutch original, this edition includes a full English translation...

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met 5% korting 45,55

Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies

Colonial Military Labour Markets, 1848-1914

2024 || Paperback || Philipp Krauer || Leiden University Press

Between 1848 and 1914, around 5,800 Swiss Mercenaries enlisted in the Dutch Colonial Army (KNIL) to fight in the Dutch East Indies, now modern-day Indonesia. This book traces the paths of these mercenaries beyond the boundaries of the Dutch Empire, shedding light on the intricacies of nineteenth-century military labour markets. It delves deep into their social backgrounds, motivations, intimate relationships, and their role in the violent expansion of the colonial empire. In doing so, it unve...

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The exposition of artistic research / druk 1

publishing art in academia

2013 || Paperback || M. Schwab e.a. || Leiden University Press

The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia introduces the pioneering concept of 'expositions' in the context of art and design research, where practice needs to be exposed as research to enter academic discourse. It brings together reflective and methodological approaches to exposition writing from a variety of artistic disciplines including fine art, music and design, which it links to questions of publication and the use of technology. The book proposes a novel relati...

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Principles for Progress

Essays on Religion and Modernity by Abdu’l-Bahā

2018 || Paperback || Sen McGlinn || Leiden University Press

This book presents three of the works of Abduʾl-Bahā, son of the founder of the Bahāʾi Faith, dealing with social and political issues.

In ‘The Secret of Divine Civilization’ (1875) Abduʾl-Bahā supports the administrative and broader social reforms of Mirzā Hosayn Khān, but looks mainly for organic reform through the efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and educate the masses. In this work, Abduʾl-Bahā gives virtuous and progressive Islamic clerics a leading role among th...

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Tussen honger en zwaard

Nederlands Atlantische rijk in de zeventiende eeuw

2018 || Paperback || Wim Klooster || Leiden University Press

Dat de Nederlanders in de zeventiende eeuw in Azië aan een koloniaal rijk bouwden weet iedereen. Het is veel minder bekend dat hetzelfde ook in het Atlantische gebied gebeurde. In Tussen honger en zwaard laat Wim Klooster zien dat het Atlantische imperium van de Republiek een grote verscheidenheid aan regio’s omvatte: de Afrikaanse Goudkust, eilanden in het Caribisch gebied, een lange strook langs de Noordamerikaanse oostkust en Brazilië. Dit imperium was niet alleen het werk van Nederlan...

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The Colonization of Freed African Americans in Suriname

Archival Sources relating to the U.S.-Dutch Negotiations, 1860-1866

2019 || Paperback || Michael J. Douma || Leiden University Press

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln’s administration engaged in protracted negotiations with representatives of the Netherlands to aid in the voluntarily colonization of free African Americans to Suriname. Scores of diplomatic letters in Dutch, English, and French, dating to the period 1862 to 1866 attest to the very real possibility that such a migration stream could have become a reality. They also indicate reasons why this scheme failed: it was bogged down by differe...

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Being Muslim in Indonesia

Religiosity, Politics and Cultural Diversity in Bima

2021 || Paperback || Muhammed Adlin Sila || Leiden University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

How Muslims in Indonesia consider their religious practices, politics and culture as Islamic is described in this volume. By examining the various ways Bima Muslims constitute their Islamic identities and agencies through rituals and festivals, this book argues that religious practice is still vigorous in present Bima. It explores the reproduction of religious meanings among various local Muslims and the differences between social groups. Islam is represented as divided between the traditiona...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Monsoon Asia

A reader on South and Southeast Asia

2023 || Paperback || Nira Wickramasinghe e.a. || Leiden University Press

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Archeological Studies Leiden University Case Studies in Archaeological Predictive Modelling

2007 || Paperback || Philip Verhagen || Leiden University Press

Een geschiedenis van de ontwikkeling en toepasbaarheid van voorspellingsmodellen ontwikkeld bij RAAP Archeologisch Adviesbureau

Het afgelopen decennium was een periode van ingrijpende verandering voor de Nederlandse archeologie in het algemeen, en in het bijzonder voor RAAP Archeologisch Adviesbureau, dat in die periode aan de wieg stond van de ontwikkeling van archeologische verwachtingskaarten. De papers in deze dissertatie bespreken de hier verschillende ontwikkelde voorspellingsmodellen en...