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Resultaten (410)
Thompson & Thompson Genetics and Genomics in Medicine
9th edition
2023 || Paperback || Ronald Cohn e.a. || Elsevier
First published in 1966, Thompson and Thompson Genetics and Genomics in Medicine has become an essential textbook for medical students, genetic counseling students, students in laboratory medicine, and more advanced trainees. With its focus on fundamental principles in human genetics and genomics and their application to medicine, the book has served many as a well-thumbed resource they return to over and over. Such students can continue to depend on this valuable text, joining those in newer...
Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics: From the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, 6th edition
2021 || Hardcover || John A. Herring || Elsevier
With complete coverage appropriate for residents through experienced pediatric orthopaedic surgeons, Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics, 6th Edition, continues a 50-year tradition of excellence as the most comprehensive, authoritative guide to diagnosing and treating pediatric musculoskeletal disorders. Editor John Herring, MD, and experts from the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children offer step-by-step instruction and detailed visual guidance on both surgical and non-surgical approaches...
Medical Microbiology / 9th edition
2020 || Paperback || Patrick R. Murray e.a. || Elsevier
The foremost text in this complex and fast-changing field, Medical Microbiology, 9th Edition, provides concise, up-to-date, and understandable explanations of key concepts in medical microbiology, immunology, and the microbes that cause human disease. Clear, engaging coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials of microbiology?effectively preparing you for your coursework, exams, and beyond. A...
Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease / 8th edition
2021 || Hardcover || Roberta L. Hines e.a. || Elsevier
A valuable resource for anesthesia providers at all levels of training and practice, Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 8th Edition, provides concise, thorough coverage of pathophysiology of the most common diseases and their medical management relevant to anesthesia. Noted authority Dr. Roberta L. Hines and new editor Dr. Stephanie Jones lead a stellar team of contributing authors who provide clear, detailed guidance on successfully managing or avoiding complications stemming fr...
Goodman and Snyder's Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists
Screening for Referral
2022 || Paperback || Elsevier
Learn how to screen for systemic and medical conditions, and when to make a physician referral! Goodman and Snyder's Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists, 7th Edition helps you identify the signs and symptoms of systemic disease that can mimic neuromusculoskeletal conditions. A step-by-step approach includes the screening tools you need to make an accurate differential diagnosis, describing both red flags and yellow flags as well as risk factors. This edition includes a new Screenin...
The Illustrated Horse's Foot
A comprehensive guide
2015 || Hardcover || Christopher C. Pollitt || Elsevier
Achieve optimal results in equine foot care and treatment! The Illustrated Horse's Foot: A Comprehensive Guide uses clear instructions in an atlas-style format to help you accurately identify, diagnose, and treat foot problems in horses. Full-color clinical photographs show structure and function as well as the principles of correct clinical examination and shoeing, and a companion website has videos depicting equine foot cases. Written by internationally renowned expert Christoher Pollitt, t...
Crash Course Metabolism and Nutrition
2018 || Paperback || Olivia Vanbergen e.a. || Elsevier
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. A winning formula now for over 20 years, each series volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated - with an improved full-colour layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essentia...
Gray's Anatomy / 42nd edition
The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice
2020 || Hardcover || Susan Standring || Elsevier
Susan Standring, MBE, PhD, DSc, FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS Trust Gray's. Building on over 160 years of anatomical excellence In 1858, Drs Henry Gray and Henry Vandyke Carter created a book for their surgical colleagues that established an enduring standard among anatomical texts. After more than 160 years of continuous publication, Gray's Anatomy remains the definitive, comprehensive reference on the subject, offering ready access to the information you need to ensure safe, effective practice.
Aulton's Pharmaceutics / 6th edition
The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
2021 || Paperback || Kevin M.G. Taylor e.a. || Elsevier
The essential pharmaceutics textbook One of the world's best-known texts on pharmaceutics, Aulton's Pharmaceutics offers a complete course in one book for students in all years of undergraduate pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences degrees. Thoroughly revised, updated and extended by experts in their fields and edited by Professors Kevin Taylor and Michael Aulton, this new edition includes the science of formulation, pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug delivery. All aspects of pharmaceutics ...
The Muscle Test Handbook
Functional Assessment, Myofascial Trigger Points and Meridian Relationships
2013 || Ringband || Joseph Shafer e.a. || Elsevier
Especially prepared for the international audience, the English language edition of this highly successful handbook describes Professional Applied Kinesiology muscle testing procedures. A departure from the classic understanding of muscle testing for weakness and rehabilitation, these procedures can be used for detecting more subtle, functional abnormalities. Included within the chapters are stretch tests and post-isometric relaxation procedures for the hypertonic, shortened muscle.
Muscle an...