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Resultaten (153)
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Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence
Improving Indonesian Law and Practice in Investigating Cybercrime
2020 || Paperback || Josua Sitompul || Eleven international publishing
The success of many cybercrime investigations depends on the accessibility of electronic evidence (e-evidence) stored abroad. Whereas cybercrime knows no frontiers and cyberspace remains an un-territorialised realm, a State has territorial boundaries. Indonesia and many other States have attempted to resolve problems of cross-border access in obtaining e-evidence from cyberspace. This book investigates aspects of international law, criminal procedure law, and data protection law as foundation...
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Credit rating agency liability in Europe
2021 || Paperback || D.J. Verheij || Eleven international publishing
The credit rating industry called for many debates on its civil liability since the origin of the industry at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 2013, the Union legislature introduced a right to damages, which issuers and investors can directly enforce against credit rating agencies under Article 35a CRA Regulation. This provision has drawn attention because of its remarkable structure: Article 35a CRA Regulation introduced a legal ground for civil liability at the European level, whi...
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Essays in honour of Prof. mr. dr. J.H.M. (Sjef) van Erp on the occasion of his retirement
2021 || Paperback || Bram Akkermans e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Since 1997 Sjef van Erp has been professor of civil law and European private law at Maastricht University. Throughout his career he established the field of comparative and European property law not only as a field of research, but also as a field to teach in. His pioneering work in comparative property education has been an example throughoutthe world. His work to gather property experts to make a Ius Commune Casebook on property law, widely used throughout the world as one of the first and ...
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Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19
2021 || Paperback || Bart Krans e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The unforeseen Covid-19 pandemic has propelled, and continues to propel, unprecedented transformations to civil proceedings and the landscape in which they operate. Courts have proven to be creative and innovative in their responses to the pandemic, and in their ability to implement digitisation of paperwork and remote hearings. This book contains a comparative study of how courts in 23 countries have coped with the pandemic, addressing selected innovations and adaptations to court proceedin...
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Different Lawyers
2022 || Paperback || Eric van de Luijtgaarden || Eleven international publishing
This text was presented as an inaugural speech by Eric van de Luijtgaarden at Maastricht University on 22nd September, 2022.
This is a bilingual publication. The Dutch title is Andere juristen and the text can be read in Dutch at the back of the book when turned upside-down.
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Sukuk Structures: Legal Engineering Under Dutch Law
legal engineering under Dutch law
|| Paperback || Omar Salah || Eleven international publishing
This book is the first to set out how sukuk transactions can be structured under Dutch private law and covers the Islamic and Dutch legal issues involved. The author explains the fundamentals of Islamic finance and analyses Islamic contract, property, corporate and finance law. He describes how Islamic finance principles such as riba (in short: prohibition on interest) and gharar (avoidance of contractual uncertainty) have contributed to the development of Islamic finance contracts. The autho...
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Fair and Just Solutions
alternatives to litigation in Nazi-looted art disputes: status quo and new developments
2014 || Paperback || Evelien Campfens || Eleven international publishing
The title of this book, Fair and Just Solutions?, refers to the norm for the assessment of ownership claims to Nazi-looted art as codified in the so-called Washington Principles in 1998:
If the pre-War owners of art that is found to have been confiscated by the Nazis and not subsequently restituted, or their heirs, can be identified, steps should be taken expeditiously to achieve a just and fair solution, recognizing this may vary according to the facts and circumstances surrounding a specific...
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Property Law Perspectives V
2017 || Paperback || Björn Hoops e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The Young Property Lawyers Forum is an international network of property law researchers, which has since its inception in 2008 organised seven conferences. Property Law Perspectives V contains a selection of peer reviewed papers presented at the sixth conference of the Young Property Lawyers Forum, which took place at the University of Groningen from 23 to 25 November 2015.
The contributors to this book deal with major challenges facing property law in the 21st century, such as inequality, E...
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Research Methodology for International Crimes
An Introduction to Research Methods
2017 || Paperback || Catrien Bijleveld || Eleven international publishing
International crimes are the gravest crimes we know. International crimes – under which are classified genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – entail murder, rape, looting, destruction, and in general the uprooting of families and entire societies. The study of these crimes is not without its own peculiarities and obstacles. The purpose of this book is to discuss the methodological and statistical particularities from a non-technical, conceptual point of view. The book has been...
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The Electronic CISG
7th MAA schlechtriem CISG conference
2017 || Paperback || Ingeborg Schwenzer e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In this book the authors engage with the interface between the rise of electronic communications and the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The contributors consider the opportunities, challenges and problems in adapting the CISG to deal with issues arising from the information age.
In revisiting the CISG in light of technological advances that have changed the world since it was drafted, this book collects chapters dealing with the intersection between the C...