Resultaten (44)
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Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed in Gelderland – KaDEr-stellingen
Onderzoek | Ontwerp | Praktijk
2021 || Paperback || Hielkje Zijlstra e.a. || TU Delft Open
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Harde stad, zachte stad
2016 || Paperback || Leeke Reinders || TU Delft Open || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit boek biedt een fijnmazig inzicht in de stedelijke ruimte van een naoorlogse wijk als object van politiek beleid en als alledaagse leefwereld. In hoofdstuk 2 wordt naar aanleiding van populaire representaties van de naoorlogse buitenwijken een aanzet gegeven voor een middle-ground perspectief, waarbij een discursieve benadering (aandacht voor beelden, verhalen en symbolen) gecombineerd wordt met een politieke benadering die de sociaalruimtelijke praktijken van bewoners en professionals pla...
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Stedebouwkundig(e) ontwerpen in woorden
|| Paperback || Maartenjan Hoekstra || TU Delft Open
The realisation of an urban design involves many players, such as designers, critics, politicians, journalists, public relations specialists and residents. In order to consult with each other they make use of drawings, but also frequently of words, to be able to interpret the drawn objects in the plans. But are these urbanistic notions used by everyone in the same way? And have there been noticeable changes in their usage or meaning over time? This urbanistic and linguistic doctoral research ...
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Landscape Metropolis #5
Park Politics
2019 || Paperback || Lisa Diedrich || TU Delft Open
In June 2018, professionals and scholars, from various fields dealing with public open spaces, put politics up for discussion. In the conference series x–LArch at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU/Vienna, issues are raised that are relevant for the profession of landscape architecture and have a direct impact on our environment, be it urban or rural. In the 2018 conference entitled ‘Park Politics’, practitioners and academics were invited to present findings an...
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Colour, Form and Space
Rietveld Schröder House challenging the Future
2019 || Paperback || Marie-Thérèse van Thoor || TU Delft Open
This new book on the Rietveld Schröder House (by Gerrit Th. Rietveld, 1924) sheds light on the thorough restorations of its exterior (1970s) and interior (1980s), and the principles for the furnishing when it opened as a museum house for the public, in 1987.
Since the restorations, carried out by architect Bertus Mulder (b. 1929), the house is once more a shining manifesto of De Stijl and modernist living. Few realize that this is one of the first examples of a restored modern heritage build...
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Haagse Hitte
het Haagse warmte-eiland in kaart gebracht
2018 || Paperback || Frank van der Hoeven e.a. || TU Delft Open
Het doel van het Haagse Hitte-project is het beter begrijpen van stedelijke warmte in Den Haag om vandaaruit een verband te leggen met de kenmerken van de fysieke ruimte van de stad en de gezondheid van de Haagse bevolking, met als resultaat aanbevelingen voor acties. Die inzichten moeten de stad Den Haag en haar inwoners bewuster én weerbaarder maken ten aanzien van het Haagse warmte-eiland effect, hier ook wel Haagse hitte genoemd.
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Open for business
2018 || Paperback || Marina Bos-de Vos || TU Delft Open
Architectural firms can be regarded as creative professional service firms. As such, architects need to navigate creative, professional and commercial goals, while simultaneously attempting to fulfil client, user and societal needs. This complex process is becoming increasingly difficult, as the historically established role of architects has become more blurred, contested and heterogeneous. While attempting to reclaim their role or to take on new roles in collaborations with other actors, ar...
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Energy performance progress of the Dutch non-profit housing stock: a longitudinal assessment
|| Paperback || Faidra Filippidou || TU Delft Open
This research seeks to provide insight into the energy performance progress, of the existing non-profit housing stock in the Netherlands, through the application of energy renovations. The non-profit housing stock comprises 30% of the housing market in the Netherlands and a large part of the policies towards a more efficient housing stock rely on the non-profit housing sector. To that end, we determine the energy renovation rate of the stock and the impact of the applied renovations on both t...
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January 17th 2019 – Munich
2019 || Paperback || Thomas Auer e.a. || TU Delft Open
The building skin has evolved enormously over the past decades. Energy performance and environmental quality of buildings are significantly determined by the building envelope. The façade has experienced a change in its role as an adaptive climate control system that leverages the synergies between form, material, mechanical and energy systems in an integrated design.
The PowerSkin Conference aims to address the role of building skins to accomplish a carbon neutral building stock. Topics suc...
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Robocar and Urban Space Evolution
Symposium 13.09.18
2019 || Paperback || Anca Ioana Ionescu e.a. || TU Delft Open
How can we create more human-centered, resilient, and sustainable cities in the tech age? Can we make use of technology and the opportunities presented rather than resisting its fast-paced evolution? What are the biggest and most likely spatial changes that autonomous vehicles will bring in cities? How can this change in mobility contribute to a better urban environment? To what extent do the spatial opportunities created by automated mobility respond to current urban issues and what is the r...