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Resultaten (43)
Optimization in Operations Research: Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Ronald Rardin || Pearson
For first courses in operations research, operations management. Covers a broad range of optimization techniques, including linear programming, network flows, integer/combinational optimization, and nonlinear programming. Emphasizes the importance of modeling and problem formulation, this text teaches students how to apply algorithms to real-world problems to arrive at optimal solutions.
dinsdag verzonden
Computer Networks and Internets / 6th edition
Global Edition
2015 || Paperback || Douglas Comer || Pearson
Appropriate for all introductory-to-intermediate courses in computer networking, the Internet, or Internet applications; students need no background in networking, operating systems, or advanced mathematics. Leading networking authority Douglas Comer presents a wide-ranging, self-contained tour of the concepts, principles, and technologies that enable today's Internet to support applications ranging from web browsing to telephony and multimedia. Comer begins by illuminating the applications a...
maandag verzonden
Creativity Works!
Unleash your Creativity, Beat the Robot and Work Happily ever after
2018 || Paperback || Coen Luijten e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Welcome in a new era! Robotization strikes hard: the entire job market will be on fire soon. The key to durable employability is developing one’s creativity. This book explains straight forward how to do so. And, good to know: it’s loved for it’s entertaining tone of voice.
Scientists say half the work we do could soon be done by robots. The other half of our labor is changing rapidly. All this makes durable employability the number one challenge for employers and employees. Creativity ...
The Final Edition
2021 || Paperback || Richard H. Thaler e.a. || Penguin
*Once again a New York Times bestseller! First the original edition, and now the new Final Edition* An essential new edition revised and updated from cover to cover of one of the most important books of the last two decades, by Nobel Prize winner Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein More than 2 million copies sold Since the original publication of Nudge more than a decade ago, the title has entered the vocabulary of businesspeople, policy makers, engaged citizens, and consumers everywhere. ...
maandag verzonden
Procurement and Supply Chain Management / 8th edition
2022 || Paperback || Arjan van Weele e.a. || Cengage Learning
Now in its eighth edition, this trusted Procurement and Supply Chain Management text provides a complete introduction to the important principles underlying the subject area using a flexible managerial perspective. Fully updated and restructured to reflect contemporary thinking and practice, this highly respected textbook covers the latest developments in procurement and supply chain management with clear and well-structured content. Strong case studies that are relevant and engaging compleme...
dinsdag verzonden
Elements of Journalism / 4th edition
What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect
2021 || Paperback || Bill Kovach e.a. || Crown
A timely new edition of the classic journalism text, now featuring updated material on the importance of reporting in the age of media mistrust and fake news and how journalists can use technology to navigate its challenges
More than two decades ago, the Committee of Concerned Journalists gathered some of America's most influential newspeople and asked them, "What is journalism for?" Through exhaustive research, surveys, interviews, and public forums, the committee identified the essential el...
Mann's Introductory Statistics / 9th edition
2017 || Paperback || Prem S. Mann || Wiley
Mann's Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only prerequisite is knowledge of elementary algebra. Introductory Statistics is known for its realistic examples and exercises, clarity and brevity of presentation, and soundness of pedagogical approach.
dinsdag verzonden
Core Java / 12th edition
Fundamentals, Volume 1
2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson
The #1 Java Guide for Serious Programmers: Fully Updated through Java 17
"This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."
---Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine
Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals, Twelfth Edition,
is the definitive guide to writing robust, maintainable code. Whatever version of Java you are using---up to and including Java 17---this book will help you achieve a deep and practical understanding of the language and APIs. With ...
Visualizing Physical Geography / 2nd edition
2012 || Paperback || Timothy Foresman e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
With its unique approach, Visualizing Physical Geography 2nd Edition captures the reader's attention and demonstrates why physical geography is relevant to them. It relies heavily on the integration of National Geographic and other visuals with narrative to explore key concepts. New emphasis is placed on environmental issues, such as climate change, overpopulation and deforestation, from a geographical perspective.
Readers will appreciate this approach because it vividly illustrates the inter...
MRI from Picture to Proton / 3rd Revised edition
2017 || Paperback || Donald W. McRobbie e.a. || Cambridge University Press
MR is a powerful modality. At its most advanced, it can be used not just to image anatomy and pathology, but to investigate organ function, to probe in vivo chemistry, and even to visualise the brain thinking. However, clinicians, technologists and scientists struggle with the study of the subject.
The result is sometimes an obscurity of understanding, or a dilution of scientific truth, resulting in misconceptions. This is why MRI from Picture to Proton has achieved its reputation for practic...