Resultaten (18)
Maps of Meaning
The Architecture of Belief
1999 || Paperback || Jordan B. Peterson || Taylor & Francis
Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality, and structure of the world itself? From the author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos comes a provocative hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals, myths, and religious stories have long narrated. A cutting-edge work that brings together neuropsycho...
Women of Algiers in Their Apartment
1999 || Paperback || Assia Djebar || University of Virginia Press
The cloth edition of Assia Djebar's Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, her first work to be published in English, was named by the American Literary Translators Association as an ALTA Outstanding Translation of the Year. Now available in paperback, this collection of three long stories, three short ones, and a theoretical postface by one of North Africa's leading writers depicts the plight of urban Algerian women who have thrown off the shackles of colonialism only to face a postcolonial re...
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The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945 / druk 1
the units and commanders of the German Ground Forces during World War II
1999 || Paperback || Andries J. Kursietis || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
'The Wehrmacht at War 1939 -1945'is the culmination of twenty five years of research and three years of writing, and is a unique, in-depth presentation of the order of battle and commanders of the German Army ground forces during World War II. Although there are numerous other books that have been published on the order of battle of the German Army, none contain the depth of detail concerning the commanders of the units and the biographies of the Generals that are included in this work. Indee...
Optimality Theory
1999 || Paperback || Rene Kager || Cambridge University Press
Optimality Theory's central idea is that surface forms of language reflect resolutions of conflicts between competing constraints. Exercises with chapters 1-7 and sections on further reading. For linguists with a knowledge of derivational Generative Phonology.
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Essentials of Animal Behaviour / 1st edition
1999 || Paperback || Peter J. B. Slater || Cambridge University Press
Essentials of Animal Behaviour is an introduction to the study of animal behaviour and is primarily intended for first or second year undergraduates attending short courses in the subject. The book concentrates on putting across the basic principles as briefly and lucidly as possible with the aid of carefully selected examples from both the recent and classic literature, together with numerous illustrations. It will enthuse readers with this active and exciting area of research, and will lay ...
Egodocumenten The diary of Elizabeth Richards (1798-1825)
form the Wexford Rebellion in Ireland to family life in the Netherlands
2017 || Paperback || E. Richards || Verloren b.v., uitgeverij
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Learning to See / 1st Edition
Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate Muda
1999 || Paperback || Mike Rother e.a. || Lean Management Instituut
Much more important, these simple maps - often drawn on scrap paper - showed where steps could be eliminated, flows smoothed, and pull systems introduced in order to create a truly lean value stream for each product family.
In 1998 John teamed with Mike Rother of the University of Michigan to write down Toyota's mapping methodology for the first time in Learning to See. This simple tool makes it possible for you to see through the clutter of a complex plant. You'll soon be able to identify al...
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
Meditations on First Philosophy
1999 || Paperback || Rene Descartes || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
This edition contains Donald Cress's completely revised translation of the Meditations (from the corrected Latin edition) and recent corrections to Discourse on Method , bringing this version even closer to Descartes's original, while maintaining the clear and accessible style of a classic teaching edition.
Models of Working Memory
Mechanisms of Active Maintenance and Executive Control
2020 || Paperback || Akira Miyake e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Working memory is currently a 'hot' topic in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Because of their radically different scopes and emphases, however, comparing different models and theories and understanding how they relate to one another has been a difficult task. This volume offers a much-needed forum for systematically comparing and contrasting existing models of working memory.
It does so by asking each contributor to address the same comprehensive set of important theoretical questions ...
Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History
1999 || Paperback || Jan Patocka || Open Court Publishing Co ,U.S.
This is a translation of Patocka's final work in which he treats prehistory through the concepts of Husserl and Heidegger. He believes the technological society to be decadent, and in the 20th century, war has become the basic reality which prevails through apparent "peace".