Resultaten (52)

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met 5% korting 37,95

Caspar Berger


2024 || Hardcover || Joke de Wolf e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

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Weather in the City

How Design Shapes the Urban Climate

2025 || Paperback || Sanda Lenzholzer || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Revised edition of the highly successful publication

Including the latest case studies, methods and technologies

The ideal reference work and source of inspiration for all engaged in creating a liveable city

Ten years after its well-received publication, Weather in the City is more relevant than ever. Prolonged heat waves are a source of many heat stress related problems, especially in our cities, which tend to exacerbate already high temperatures. At the same time, there is a growing aware...

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Repository of Methods for Writing Urban Places

2022 || Paperback || Klase Havik e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Repository. 49 Methods and Assigments for Writing Urban Places biedt een reeks methoden en opdrachten die bedoeld zijn om nieuwe benaderingen in architectuur, stedelijk onderzoek en andere gebieden van ruimtelijke ontwikkeling te stimuleren en uit te nodigen tot creatieve, actieve en speelse interventies in de materiële en immateriële dimensies van stedelijke omgevingen.

Dit Repository verzamelt 49 methoden – hier gedefinieerd als systematische procedures, technieken en handelwijzen – o...

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Reflections: Renewing Paleis Het Loo

2023 || Hardcover || Floris Alkemade e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Reflections tells the story of the renovation of the largest seventeenth-century palace of the House of Orange and the new underground extension. Spectacular photography and captivating texts showcase KAAN Architecten’ ingenious design for the project, the history of the palace, the convergence of old and new and the palace's current role as an museum.

The underground extension is inextricably linked to the historical building even while leaving the facade and the interior of the palace unt...

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Nature-inclusive Urban Development

From experiments to governance

2024 || Paperback || Gideon Spanjar e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Leverbaar vanaf 18 april

The Notebooks of Herman Hertzberger

Explorations, considerations and observations of an engaged architect (2001-2004)

2025 || Paperback || Herman Hertzberger e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

An incomparable source of information for every architecture aficionado

Herman Hertzberger’s sketches, reflections and ideas, brought together in a unique (gift) slipcase

Hertzberger’s views on the changes in society, post 65 architecture and the adaptive reuse of this heritage

Herman Hertzberger never went anywhere without one of his black, unlined notebooks close to hand. Every tiny detail that caught his attention was immortalized in a note, reflection or a sketch. Hertzberger was for...

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Landscape and energy / druk 1

designing transition

2014 || Hardcover || Dirk Sijmons e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

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met 5% korting 40,80

How to make a Japanese house

2012 || Paperback || Cathelijne Nuijsink || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Nergens ter wereld hebben architecten zoveel kleine en bijzondere huizen gebouwd als in Japan en nergens met zoveel vindingrijkheid en succes. How to Make a Japanese House presenteert 21 hedendaagse huizen en plaatst die in de ontwikkeling van de huisvesting in Japan. Tegelijkertijd biedt het boek inzicht in de unieke ontwerpaanpak van drie generaties Japanse architecten. In de in het boek opgenomen interviews lichten architecten als Jun Aoki, Ryue Nishizawa en Sou Fujimoto op persoonlijke wi...

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Kees Visser


2022 || Paperback || Hubert Besacier e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Dutch artist Kees Visser is one of the most important representatives of today’s geometric and conceptual art. His work is characterized by an investigation into color and form and is inspired by Mondriaan, De Stijl and Matisse. His long career is closely linked to the evolution of Icelandic art in the 1970s and 1980s, where Visser was part of a cosmopolitan art scene with a strong focus on Fluxus, minimalism and conceptual art. Visser combined these influences in his research into shape an...

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African Water Cities

2023 || Paperback || Kunlé Adeyemi e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers