
2011 (2)

Resultaten (12)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden


a short introduction to European intellectual property law

2015 || Paperback || Paul A.C.E. van der Kooij e.a. || deLex B.V.

The aim of this short introduction to European Intellectual Property (IP) law is to provide students who have little or no prior knowledge of European IP with an overview of this field of law from a truly and entirely European

perspective. This book makes an attempt to explain the basics of intellectual property law with references to the European and the important international treaties. It is intended as a first introduction for students who are following a basic course in EU IP Law as part...

Vandaag besteld,
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Who owns the broadcasting archives?

2017 || Paperback || S Schroff || deLex B.V.

Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible

online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it em...

Vandaag besteld,
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Case law - Court of Appeal of the UPC 2023-2024

All decisions of the Court of Appeal 2023–2024 Summarized and commented by Willem Hoyng

2025 || Paperback || Willem Hoyng || deLex B.V.

Vandaag besteld,
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A century of Dutch copyright law

auteurswet 1912-2012

2012 || Paperback || Bernt Hugenholtz e.a. || deLex B.V.

On September 23, 1912, the Dutch Copyright Act - Auteurswet - was enacted. A century after itsenactment the Dutch law is one of the world's oldest 'living' acts of the author's rights tradition. While the Act has seen many small and large amendments since its adoption in 1912, it has never been thoroughly revised, so its conception and basic structure have remained essentially intact.This book celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the Dutch Act. It traces and assesses, for an international...

Vandaag besteld,
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Trademark case law CJEU / druk 2

|| Paperback || Dirk Visser || deLex B.V.

This publication contains one page summaries of the most important decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) with regard to trade mark law and is intended as an overview of, or firstintroduction, to European trade mark case law. The facts and the relevant rule of law of most decisions are summarized in one or two sentences and often combined with the verbatim text of the most important paragraphs od the decisions. This book is an easy-reference manual in which the essence...

Vandaag besteld,
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Vandaag besteld,
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Renewed Dutch patents act / druk 1

2009 || Paperback || deLex B.V.

Vandaag besteld,
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The legal position and societal effects of security breach notification laws / druk 1

|| Paperback || Bernold Nieuwesteeg || deLex B.V.

The Legal Position and Societal Effects of Security Breach Notication Laws is the winning thesis of the Internet Thesis Awards 2014. This thesis tests the legal and economic effectiveness of proposals for security breach notication laws (hereafter: SBNLs) in the European Union. An SBNL obliges that a security breach must be notied to a

Vandaag besteld,
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The Law and Economics of Cyber Security

|| Paperback || Bernold B.F.H. Nieuwesteeg || deLex B.V.

The vast increase in digital in insecurity - posed by ransomware, DDoS attacks and data breaches amongst others - requires an intelligent cyber security strategy. Government and industry can shape this strategy with legal instruments, such as regulations and contracts. However, very little is known regarding the social costs and benefits thereof. This is worrisome: cyber security expenditures will rise exponentially in the future as mankind becomes increasingly dependent on the digital world....

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

The relationship between national and community trademark law / druk 1

2011 || Paperback || Tobias Cohen Jehoram || deLex B.V.

Trademark law has been harmonised to a very high level in the European Union. Still, we have to deal with national trademarks and Community trademarks which exist side by side. Having two seperate systems leads to frictions between harmonised and Community trademark law.

Many of the issues that we are currently faced with are discussed in the inaugual lecture of Tobias Cohen Jehoram, presented on 13 January 2011, accepting his position as Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Erasmus...