Resultaten (25)

Vandaag besteld,
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Let's make your dreams come true

Are you doing what makes you happy?

2022 || Paperback || Paul Emons ||

All you have to do is get started!

Forget everybody who says it's not possible. Forget the thought that you are useless. Or that you need to have a certain happiness before you can start making your dreams come true. You can make your dreams come true!

With advice from various successful entrepreneurs and people who are chasing or living their dream, you can also make your dreams come true. This book gives you information, practical examples and handy tools to get started yourself.

This bo...

Vandaag besteld,
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How to innovate and deal with resistance against new ideas

2022 || Paperback || Carmen Hutting || || met inkijkexemplaar


How to innovate and deal with resistance against new ideas

Ben je al die zwartkijkers die je nieuwe ideeën afwijzen of lachen om je innovatieve plannen zat?

Iedereen die zich bezighoudt met innovatie, onderzoek of het creëren van nieuwe ideeën kan je vertellen dat het overwinnen van weerstand een van de moeilijkste dingen is als je iets nieuws introduceert. Soms lijkt het schier onmogelijk om de zwartkijkers te overtuigen, en als je met argumenten komt wordt het alleen maar erger.

Het Nay-Sayers boek biedt een speelse en effectieve methode om met kritiek en weerstand van de zwartkijkers om te gaan. Je lee...

Vandaag besteld,
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Put it to Action

2022 || Paperback || Esther Samboe ||

The path of the righteous is as a shining light that shineth more and more, says Proverbs 4:18. A promise from God's Words I have only seen come to pass in my life as a few flickering light moments. Longer than a decade ago, I radically gave my life to Christ. The love I experienced was mind-blowing. Still, with the knowledge of the love of Christ, my life was a big mess. I was in burdensome financial debt, a people pleaser to the core, and severely wounded in my heart. So if you are experien...

Vandaag besteld,
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Victorious series

2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro ||

Hello dear reader,

how are you doing ?

I am doing good, and I am very excited

because I have translated all 10

books from my first series.

It has taken me some time to get it done,

because I have a business to run as you probably know, and a lot of greetingcards to sell.

Besides that I have also kept writing new books..

But by now I have only translated my first series into English, and I am very happy

to give you 10 books in this convenient


You receive :

book #1 Build your fortune


Vandaag besteld,
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Who do you believe in?

2022 || Paperback || Brigitte Holband ||

Oh, how fun and exciting at the same time that you are about to start Catechesis. As a beginner it is more than logical that you walk around with many questions. Catechesis is a Bible study for beginners. For young and old. Easy to use at school, at church, at home with your family. You can also use it in a prayer group, as well as for self-study. The author of this textbook is Brigitte Holband and she wants to pass on the content of the Christian faith in a contemporary way to future generat...

Vandaag besteld,
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2022 || Paperback || Peter Hendriks Okello ||

This book presents the reality that today’s Church faces a strong and growing influence of a society that has embraced and celebrates the various immoral lifestyles. It has become clear that many local churches and their spiritual leaders face the reality of such lifestyles but have to deal with members who also have accepted and embraced primarily homosexual relationships. Even many spiritual leaders are OK with welcoming LGBTQI people into their midst without any efforts to help people ov...

Vandaag besteld,
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The Road Forward

Cost-Effective Policy Measures to Decrease Local and Global Emissions from Passenger Land Transport

2022 || Hardcover || Michael W. Mehaffy || || met inkijkexemplaar

As we work to find effective solutions to the related challenges of climate change, environmental quality and urban livability, we know that streets and other surface transport corridors must play a central role. Here, in a concise and accessible format, is a book outlining many solutions. It is written for political leaders, decision-makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in the transport sector, as well as for those responsible for land-use and community planning. It provides them wi...

Vandaag besteld,
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An Honest Heart

2022 || Paperback || Frédéric Yaramis ||

An honest heart is a collection of poems, life lessons and themes that explore the raw feelings of love, loss, sadness and joy. Divided into four chapters, this collection takes you on a journey of deep reflection that reveals the many layers of our emotions.

Vandaag besteld,
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Consciously Mastering Skills

They key to knowing and overcoming your limitations.

2022 || Paperback || Marc Lambotte ||

Marc Lambotte uses stories to illustrate the business insights he acquired. Business insights that he wished someone had shared with him earlier on in his career. In this book he takes the reader from story to story. Stories that are recognizable for anyone with experience in business. Stories that are of great value to young professionals, who will certainly recognize them as they build their careers.

This book challenges you to continue working on your personal development after having rea...

Vandaag besteld,
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The five of us in Rome

An artist’s family in the Villa Strohl-Fern 1892-1896

2022 || Paperback || Tine Cool || || met inkijkexemplaar

THE FIVE OF US IN ROME is the delightful story told by a young girl who arrives in Rome in 1892 almost five years old and who leaves in 1896 just nine years old. The story received the prize of the best book for girls in 1928 in Holland.

The girl's father is an art painter who rents an atelier and family living quarters in the Villa Strohl-Fern, a mansion full with other artists, situated in a lush park close to Villa Borghese and the Academies of Art. Nations had the Prix de Rome for their ...