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Tales of my heart
Never forget who you are and where you came from
|| Hardcover || Letitcia Stoc || Brave New Books
When I was little I started writing stories about how I felt.
I wrote for hours sometimes days.
Sometimes I couldn't seem to find the words.
But after all, they came along.
I have been writing for a very long time.
So I decided to share a few stories online.
I decided I wanted to make a book,
with all the stories and poems I wrote.
I call them the tales of my heart because
everything that I write, comes directly from the heart.
Some are deep, some are not.
Some are serious and some funny.
Depression is a gift
if you have the courage to survive
2019 || Hardcover || Aylin Ozturk || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Het boek geeft in dichtvorm de gevoelens van een depressie en suïcidale gedachtes weer.
Daarnaast staan er unieke ervaringsverhalen in van anderen en sluit de schrijver af met het beschrijven van haar eigen ervaring.
Safety by Design
Engineering Products and Systems
2020 || Hardcover || Mohammad Rajabali Nejad || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
The human, the technical system, and the environment are the three elements for safety or three axes for the safety coordinate system. They have three mutual interactions. These form the six fundamental aspects for safety assessment system, represented by the Safety Cube. The Safety Cube is a theory, a method, and a game-changer for engineering safer products and systems.
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Rising of the James Webb Space-Telescope General Observer and its Fundamental Blindness
The Fundamental Blindness in a non Euclidian Space
2022 || Hardcover || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Einstein understood “Quantum Mechanics” and “Quantum Field Theory” better than many modern physicist does, because he understood the Deeper Layers in Physics. The fundamental layer in physics, that probability is not the “Foundation of our Universe”. Albert Einstein was much more like Isaac Newton who saw and understood, 300 years ago, through his tiny little telescope the fundamental foundation of the universe better than most modern physicists do. When modern scientists observe ...
The Internal Black Star
The Complete Philosophy
2022 || Hardcover || Ewell Juliana || Brave New Books
Dear Explorers,
Obstacles, complex conditions, and the behaviour of inadequacy will prevail. Perhaps we may suggest that there are enormous and heavier forces that show in our routine activities, which we call >life.
Frequently, we neglect to seek ourselves, our own understanding, and value ourselves. It is nice to acknowledge that each expression educates another to illustrate themselves and to endure.
You and I can get substantially better by making significant steps and creating an enjoyab...
The Keyholder
2021 || Hardcover || Ewell Juliana || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
My potential = infinite, just like yours. I keep visualizing, and so I keep using my thoughts to create wonderful things. I share this with you and I have a smile on my face. It is nice to work with you even for a certain period wherein principle time does not exist but our ultimate creation.
Love - A History of Hate in SURINAME. Hide, Flee or Suicide
2023 || Hardcover || Ivan Patrick Liesdek || Brave New Books
Six years of research with the purpose of having the untold account of Suriname’s LGBT history at long last comprehensively divulged and documented, has resulted in this publication:
Love – A History of Hate in Suriname - Hide, Flee or Suicide
Execution Extinction Existence Expression - An Insight into a Country’s Gay History.
Until now, due to taboo, legal and social repercussions from a repressive ‘heteronormative’ biased society, this has been a forgotten, concealed disguised o...
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The legacy of Leigh Bowery
King of Queer
2023 || Hardcover || Bamber Delver || Brave New Books
In 1988 Dutch journalist Bamber Delver interviewed Leigh Bowery. By then, Leigh wasn’t world-famous yet but a well-known clubber in the underground-scene of London. Leigh’s fashion career was just as wild as it was short-lived: he died in 1994, 33 years old. Decades after his death, Leigh Bowery’s influence is omnipresent. From Alexander McQueen to Cirque du Soleil, from Lady Gaga to the drag queens of RuPaul. In this book 15 artists around the globe admire his guts, his looks and fashi...
Plumb Bob
The western efforts in building and supporting the Iraqi State
2023 || Hardcover || Mohsin Shawkat || Brave New Books
This book
The subtitle of the book summarizes its content (Western efforts in building and supporting the Iraqi state).
The book is surveying the time period (1914-1958) in Iraq, highlighting the first steps in building the institutions of the Iraqi state, including education, health, transportation, agriculture, irrigation, survey, internal security, and others. The book follows the process of transferring administration from the hands of the British to the Iraqis, and from the military to ...
Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition
The gods reward the bold, Aeneas
2024 || Hardcover || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
In recent years, Kiev and Russia have been in the news negatively almost every day. In the West, we know very little about Europe's largest border country and they view us there through rose-tinted glasses. Through a number of social issues, the author takes the reader on a quest through thisformer impressive country with a very fascinating history and culture, strongly intertwined with that of Russia. We in the West are far too complacent and have a lot to learn from Eastern Europe. The aim...