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Resultaten (154)
DaF im Unternehmen A1-A2. Übungsbuch + Audiodateien online
|| Paperback || Ilse Sander || Klett Sprachen
Kompetent kommunizieren im Beruf - mit dem neuen Wirtschaftslehrwerk DaF im Unternehmen für Erwachsene sind Lernende bestens dafür vorbereitet. Das Buch trainiert die wichtisten berufssprachlichen Kompetenzen sowie die Redemittel und den Wortschatz aus Alltag und Beruf kennen. Die kurzen und klar strukturierten Lektionen bieten viele Übungen. Die Aufgaben zu den telc-Berufsprüfungen und BULATS sind integriert.
DaF im Unternehmen A1-A2. Kursbuch + Audio- und Videodateien online
|| Paperback || Ilse Sander || Klett Sprachen
Das Kursbuch DaF im Unternehmen A1-A2 trainiert wichtige berufssprachlicher Kompetenzen und Redemittel und Wortschatz aus Alltag und Beruf. In jeder Lektion gibt es gezielte Ausspracheübungen. Dank schrittweisem Rechtschreibtraining und zahlreichen Rollenspielen kommen Deutschlernende schnell voran. Die Grammatik wird im beruflichen Kontext vermittelt. Das besondere Extra: Authentische Firmenporträts mit passenden Filmen sind im separaten Medienpaket oder kostenlos online erhältlich.
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L'atelier +A1 Cahier d'activites + didierfle.app
Méthode de français
2022 || Paperback || Marie-Noelle Cocton e.a. || Didier
Agir, interagir et apprendre avec plaisir
Coopérer pour construire du sens et résoudre des missions concrètes
Réfléchir ensemble au fonctionnement de la langue, pas à pas et en spirale
S'ouvrir aux autres et se détendre par des découvertes culturelles et des jeux
Développer et partager les stratégies d'apprentissage
Perfectionner sa prononciation avec 34 vidéos de phonétique
Faciliter et enrichir sa pratique d'enseignant avec le guide classe
morgen verzonden
Genki 1 Textbook: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese / 3rd ed.
an Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese
2020 || Paperback || Eri Bonno e.a. || Japan Times
Third edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability. Each lesson in the revised edition features a new section dubbed "Culture Notes, and now includes the audio CD companion which is in mp3 format ready to install on any music player.
New Sogang Korean 1B: Student Book
2017 || Paperback || Sogang University Press
The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean language. The format of the textbook and the workbook allows the learner to select and focus on any of the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). These skills are connected by a common learning objective in each lesson, enabling the student to build on each through new situations and repetition.
The students learn specific language functions through meaningful practic...
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A Basic Guide to International Business Law / Druk 6
2022 || Paperback || H. Wevers LLM || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- An accessible introduction to international business law and European law;
- offers an understanding of potential legal problems in international business;
- comes with a variety of additional study materials available online.
A Basic Guide to International Business Law aims to give students an understanding as well as practical knowledge of legal problems arising in the area of international business, and to equip them with the skills needed to prevent and tackle these problems.
All chapte...
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Disciplined Startup Founder
A Founder's Guide to Customer Discovery
2019 || Hardcover || Robert de Bruijn || Path Institute
Disciplined Startup Founder is the most comprehensive guide to conducting disciplined customer discovery introducing starters to six founder drives and leading them, step by step, through the process of customer discovery.
Quartier d'affaires A1
Cahier d'activités
2017 || Paperback || Delphine Jégou e.a. || CLE International
Travailler, socialiser, voyager... en français. Quartier d'affaires, méthode de français professionnel et des affaires, s'adresse à des étudiants grands adolescents ou adultes débutants. Elle répond aux besoins des cours de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) et aux objectifs de ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur français en contexte professionnel ou de recherche d'emploi dans un environnement francophone.
Communicative, actionnelle, claire et structurée, cette méthode abord...
The EU, European Identity, and the Future of Europe
2020 || Paperback || Berkeley || Oxford University Press
A major new interpretation of European integration. Leading scholar, Neil Fligstein, provocatively argues that European integration has produced a truly transnational European society.
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Good to Great
Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't
2001 || Hardcover || Jim Collins || HarperCollins
The Challenge
Built to Last, the defining management study of the nineties, showed how great companies triumph over time and how long-term sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the very beginning.
But what about the company that is not born with great DNA? How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?
The Study
For years, this question preyed on the mind of Jim Collins. Are there companies that defy gravity and ...