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Changing the Game / 1st edition

Sustainable Market Transformation Strategies to Understand and Tackle the Big and Complex Sustainability Challenges of Our Generation

2020 || Paperback || Lucas Simons e.a. || Taylor & Francis

We are at the beginning of the sustainability era. The biggest challenge of our generation is to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. For this we must be willing to understand and change the root causes that create these challenges in the first place.

The system itself needs to change. But how to do that?This ground-breaking book Changing the Game reveals the missing insights and strategies to actually achieve system change. The authors Lucas Simons and Andre Nijhof bring decades of real ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications / 4th edition

2020 || Paperback || Daniel Crowl e.a. || Pearson

The #1 Process Safety Guide, Now Extensively Updated for Current Industrial Processes, Systems, and Practices Process safety has seen a dramatic consolidation of concepts in the past few years. Chemical Process Safety, Fourth Edition, provides students and working engineers with the understanding necessary to apply these new concepts to safely design and operate any process. Long the definitive guide in the field, this edition fully reflects major recent advances in process safety technology ...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

ISE Fundamentals of Electric Circuits / 7th edition

2020 || Paperback || Charles Alexander e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. A balance of theory, worked & extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 580 new or changed homework problems complete this edition. Robust media offerings renders this text to be the most comprehensiv...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis / 8th edition

An Introduction

2020 || Paperback || T.A. Brown || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Known worldwide as the standard introductory text to cloning and DNA analysis in Genetics The eighth edition of this well-recognised textbook preserves the tradition of excellence created by previous editions. Comprehensive and authoritative, the book explores all of the topics crucial to an understanding of gene cloning in an approachable way. An easy-to-follow and user-friendly layout is presented in full-colour throughout the volume, making it simple to absorb the clear and accessible mate...

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met 5% korting 28,31

Bosch techn. leergang electronica halfgel. 2

2020 || Paperback || MK Publishing

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Callister's Materials Science and Engineering / 10th edition

2020 || Paperback || Jr. William D. Callister e.a. || Wiley

Callister's Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 10th Edition promotes student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Cartography / 4th edition

Visualization of Geospatial Data

2020 || Hardcover || Menno-Jan Kraak e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This Fourth Edition of Cartography: Visualization of Geospatial Data serves as an excellent introduction to general cartographic principles. It is an examination of the best ways to optimize the visualization and use of spatiotemporal data. Fully revised, it incorporates all the changes and new developments in the world of maps, such as OpenStreetMap and GPS (Global Positioning System) based crowdsourcing, and the use of new web mapping technology and adds new case studies and examples.

Now p...

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PLC Controls with Structured Text (ST), V3

IEC 61131-3 and best practice ST programming

2020 || Paperback || Tom Mejer Antonsen || Books on Demand

This book gives an introduction to the programming language Structured Text (ST) which is used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

The book can be used for all types of PLC brands including Siemens Structured Control Language (SCL) and Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).

This 3rd edition has been updated and expanded with many of the suggestions and questions that readers and students have come up with, including the desire for many more illustrations and program examples.


- Background, benefits and challenges of ST programmi...

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Computer-Controlled Systems

Theory and Design

2020 || Paperback || Karl J Astrom e.a. || Dover Publications Inc.

Practically all modern control systems are based upon microprocessors and complex microcontrollers that yield high performance and functionality. This volume focuses on the design of computer-controlled systems, featuring computational tools that can be applied directly and are explained with simple paper-and-pencil calculations. The use of computational tools is balanced by a strong emphasis on control system principles and ideas. Extensive pedagogical aids include worked examples, MATLAB ma...

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met 5% korting 64,13

Mechanica + constructie 1 / Druk 1

Berekenen en ontwerpen van eenvoudige constructies van bouwwerken

2020 || Hardcover || V.G. Keijzers || Bouwen met Staal

Dit boek is een kennismaking met de mechanica van bouwwerken, waarbij de mechanica zowel onderdeel is van het constructief ontwerp als van de constructieve berekening.

• Hoofdstuk 1 verklaart vanuit de wetten van Newton ‘het in evenwicht zijn’ van constructies en bespreekt de gebruikte eenheden en de nauwkeurigheid van de constructieve berekening.

• Hoofdstuk 2 behandelt het grafisch en analytisch samenstellen en ontbinden van krachten én het effect van verplaatsen een kracht.

• Ho...