Resultaten (23)
An Introduction to Intercultural Communication - International Student Edition
Identities in a Global Community
2021 || Paperback || Fred E. Jandt || SAGE
This book prepares today's readers to successfully navigate our increasingly global community, introducing communication skills and concepts that will enable readers to interact successfully with different cultures and ethnic groups. Jandt offers unique insights into intercultural communication, at home and abroad, through an emphasis on history, culture, and popular media.
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Alles begint met A
2020 || Paperback || Diedrik van der Wal || Harmonie, Uitgeverij De || met inkijkexemplaar
‘Er zijn ontzettend veel letters en het worden er steeds meer. Je komt ze tegen op de gekste plekken, vaak enigszins vermomd maar toch nog herkenbaar: appjes, boeken, contracten, dagbladen, e-mails, facturen, gevels, huiswerk, incunabelen, jaarverslagen, kerstkaarten, liefdesbrieven, manuscripten, notitieboekjes, ondertitels, poëzie, quotes, romans, stembiljetten, T-shirts, uittreksels, verhandelingen, websites, xeroxkopieën, ijspapiertjes, yoghurtpakken, zerken.’
Letters maken onderdee...
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Media and Communication
2020 || Paperback || Paddy Scannell || SAGE
Media and Communication traces the historical development of media and communication studies in the 20th century, forming an invaluable resource for students across the discipline as well as cultural studies and sociology.
Ethnographic Fieldwork / 2nd edition
A Beginner's Guide
2020 || Paperback || Jan Blommaert e.a. || Multilingual Matters
Ethnographic fieldwork is something which is often presented as mysterious and inexplicable. How do we know certain things after having done fieldwork? Are we sure we know? And what exactly do we know? This book describes ethnographic fieldwork as the gradual accumulation of knowledge about something you don't know much about. We start from ignorance and gradually move towards knowledge, on the basis of practices for which we have theoretical and methodological motivations.
Jan Blommaert and ...
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Le Petit Nicolas
2020 || Paperback || Rene Goscinny e.a. || Gallimard
Een dun Frans literatuur boek geschreven door Goscinny-Sempe. Het gaat over een Franse schooljongen in de jaren zestig.
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Media, Democracy and Social Change
Re-imagining Political Communications
2021 || Paperback || Aeron Davis e.a. || SAGE
A timely and provocative exploration of contemporary political communication from a world-leading author team. In an age of "fake news" and Youtube algorithms it can be tempting to see politics as all mediation, but this book refocuses on the broader contexts or neoliberalism, elites, populism, activism and so on. There's more to Trump than Twitter.
Intercultural Communication - International Student Edition
A Contextual Approach
2020 || Paperback || James W. Neuliep || SAGE
This resource looks at every aspect of intercultural communication from extensive number of insightful angles, including of contexts such as cultural or ethnic, geographic and situational, covering both verbal and non-verbal interaction, alongside a range of theories and perceptions. The 8th edition continues to be a proven resource for media, culture and communications students.
Transcription, Production, Acoustics, and Perception
2020 || Paperback || Henning Reetz e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
An accessible yet in-depth introductory textbook on the basic concepts of phonetics, fully updated and revised
This broad, interdisciplinary textbook investigates how speech can be written down, how speech is produced, its acoustic characteristics, and how listeners perceive speech. Phonetics: Transcription, Production, Acoustics, and Perception introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of the discipline, providing coverage of all four areas of phonetics. This comprehensive textbook also...
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Index on Censorship
Complicity: Why and when we choose to censor ourselves and give away our privacy
2020 || Paperback || Rachael Jolley || SAGE
Fremdsprachenerwerb - Fremdsprachendidaktik
2022 || Paperback || Jörg Roche || UTB
Der Band stellt die Grundfragen, Grundkonzepte und Grundpositionen der Spracherwerbsforschung und -didaktik verständlich, übersichtlich und anschaulich dar. Linguistische, kognitionslinguistische, psycholinguistische, lernpsychologische, inter- und transkulturelle, medien- und handlungsdidaktische Aspekte bilden den Leitfaden für die kohärente Darstellung der komplexen Thematik. Der Band nimmt stets unmittelbar auf die Lern- und Lehrpraxis Bezug. Zahlreiche Beispiele und eine Fülle von I...