Resultaten (47)
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Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice
(8th AIDP Symposium for Young Penalists, Maastricht, 10-11 June 2021)
2022 || Paperback || Renata Barbosa e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
The system of international criminal justice was established in response to gross human rights violations committed during World War II. Despite its development over the past seven decades, challenges and critiques remain unresolved or have subsequently emerged, particularly in the context of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Key issues include amnesties, immunities, controversial acquittals, non-cooperation, interpretative fragmentation, and cultural clashes. Criticism emerged as a rea...
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Artificial Intelligence and Administration of Criminal Justice
International Colloqium, Buenos Aires, Argentina 28th-31st March 2023
2024 || Paperback || Juliette Lelieur || Maklu, Uitgever
Artificial Intelligence systems are used today in several parts of the world to support the administration of criminal justice. The most widespread example concerns “predictive policing”, which aims at foretelling crime before it happens and improving its detection. AI allows geospatial as well as person-based policing and is involved in preventing and uncovering economic crimes such as fraud and money laundering.Especially in the context of crime mapping – or hot-spot analysis –, its...
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Justice, Home Affairs and Security / Druk 4
European and international institutional and policy development
2023 || Paperback || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
This book offers insight into the development of the EU in the areas of justice, home affairs and security, embedded in a broader international context. In addition to the main part, dedicated to the EU, the book features chapters on cooperation in the areas concerned at Benelux, Schengen, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, G7/G20, OECD and UN levels.The chapter structure is identical for all cooperation levels addressed, discussing their actual policies after sketching their historical developme...
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Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI: Crisis or Palingenesis?
(International Colloquium Section I, Siracusa, 15-16 September 2022)
2023 || Paperback || Lorenzo Picotti e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
The study of the intersections between technology and crime is a well-established topic for criminal lawyers, gaining increasing significance over time. Initially, in the risk society, and even more so today, in the algorithmic society, the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) bring new complexities to light. AI systems are increasingly involved in perpetrating various kinds of harms. They can serve as new tools for committing crimes or directly cause serious harms to fundamental ...
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Criminal Justice in the Prism of Human Rights
(X AIDP International Symposium for Young Penalists, Bologna, Italy, 27-28 October 2022)
2023 || Paperback || Francesco Mazzacuva e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Criminal law occupies a central role in the “prism” of human rights, given the relevant impact of trial and punishment on the personal sphere of individuals, which may be instrumentalised in the name of security claims for political purposes. It is no coincidence that during the Age of Enlightenment the main fundamental guarantees of criminal law were enshrined in human rights declarations, with an approach now widely accepted at an international level. In fact, the “dialogue” between...
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Wetboek Strafrecht / Druk 45
Strafwetboek, Wetboek van Strafvordering, Bijzondere wetten
2024 || Paperback || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Deze 45ste uitgave van de pocket Strafrecht bundelt naast het Strafwetboek en het Wetboek van Strafvordering, ook een aantal uittreksels uit de Grondwet, het Gerechtelijk Wetboek en het Europees Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de fundamentele vrijheden. Bovendien bevat dit zakwetboekje tevens, chronologisch geordend, de bijzondere wetten die een algemeen belang hebben voor het strafrecht of voor de strafvordering. Zowel studenten als rechtspractici (politieambtenaren, ma...
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Zicht op first responders. Reeks Veiligheidsstudies
handboek bij het beheer van evenementen en noodsituaties in Nederland en België
2015 || Paperback || Elke Devroe e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
In Nederland en in Belgi
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De rol van seksuele scripts in seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag
2021 || Paperback || Laura Byn || Maklu, Uitgever
Eén op twee Vlaamse jongeren met seksuele ervaring werd al ongewenst aangeraakt. Ook generatie Z worstelt duidelijk met seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag, en zowel daders als slachtoffers reageren vaak schouderophalend of berustend.
Die banalisering aanpakken, vergt o.m. een bijstelling van de kijk van jongeren op relaties, gendernormen en seksualiteit. Die wordt sterk bepaald door hun seksuele scripts – cultureel voorgeschreven en genderspecifieke scenario’s voor seksueel contact.
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EU Criminal Policy: Advances and Challenges
2022 || Paperback || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Until the end of the 1990s, EU integration in the area of criminal law centred primarily around the regional deepening of traditional judicial cooperation in criminal matters and the development of law enforcement cooperation (including the setting up of Europol as a support agency). By the end of the 1990s respectively 2000s, the EU also gained (limited) supranational competence in the areas of substantive respectively procedural criminal law. Both judicial and law enforcement cooperation we...
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Online steungroepen voor niet-plegende pedofielen
Balanceren tussen therapeutisch en criminogeen
2022 || Paperback || Nena Decoster || Maklu, Uitgever
Discussies over pedofilie en pedoseksualiteit zijn vaak sterk gemediatiseerd, waarbij ook pedofilie resoluut wordt geassocieerd met seksueel kindermisbruik. Doorgaans is er weinig of geen aandacht voor niet-plegende pedofielen. Zij ervaren weliswaar een aantrekking tot jonge kinderen, maar proberen die actief te onderdrukken en bewust geen pedoseksuele feiten te plegen. Met psychosociale moeilijkheden gerelateerd aan hun geaardheid kunnen ze omwille van stigma moelijker terecht bij de traditi...