Resultaten (22)
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Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence
Improving Indonesian Law and Practice in Investigating Cybercrime
2020 || Paperback || Josua Sitompul || Eleven international publishing
The success of many cybercrime investigations depends on the accessibility of electronic evidence (e-evidence) stored abroad. Whereas cybercrime knows no frontiers and cyberspace remains an un-territorialised realm, a State has territorial boundaries. Indonesia and many other States have attempted to resolve problems of cross-border access in obtaining e-evidence from cyberspace. This book investigates aspects of international law, criminal procedure law, and data protection law as foundation...
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Research Methodology for International Crimes
An Introduction to Research Methods
2017 || Paperback || Catrien Bijleveld || Eleven international publishing
International crimes are the gravest crimes we know. International crimes – under which are classified genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – entail murder, rape, looting, destruction, and in general the uprooting of families and entire societies. The study of these crimes is not without its own peculiarities and obstacles. The purpose of this book is to discuss the methodological and statistical particularities from a non-technical, conceptual point of view. The book has been...