Resultaten (37)
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Narrative Networks: Storied Approaches in a Digital Age
2022 || Paperback || Brian Alleyne || SAGE
Illustrated with examples from a range of fields and disciplines, as well as the author's own work on hacking cultures and cultural activism, this title is a must for anyone wanting to learn about narrative networks and how to conduct successful narrative research in a modern age.
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The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice
2022 || Paperback || Martyn Hammersley || SAGE
Structured as a series of probing questions, and covering a range of methods, this book reflects on the challenge posed by the idea that social research should serve evidence-based practice.
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Praktijkboek sociologie / Druk 15
2022 || Paperback || Harry Hendrix e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
De sociologische theorie helpt de zorgverlener om meer inzicht te krijgen in het eigen gedrag, dat van cliënten en hun problemen. De theorie maakt ook duidelijk hoe belangrijk het is om de omgeving te betrekken bij de aanpak van die problemen, want juist daar liggen veel kansen. Het Praktijkboek sociologie maakt de praktische kant van de theorie inzichtelijk aan de hand van uiteenlopende en aansprekende praktijksituaties. Het laat zien hoe zorgverleners hun kennis van de sociologische theori...
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Het beschavingsfront
Hoe rampen en oorlogen ons menselijker maken
2022 || Paperback || Frank Hermans || Uitgeverij Noordboek
Een nieuwe beschavingstheorie in de traditie van Norbert Elias en Johan Goudsblom.
In de loop der eeuwen zijn we gevoeliger geworden voor het leed van de ander. Opmerkelijk genoeg zijn het juist rampen die dit sensibiliseringsproces aanjagen. Oorlogen, hongersnoden, rampen en pandemieën maken het leed van de ander zichtbaar en zetten ons zo op het spoor van meer empathie en meer beschaving.
Frank Hermans laat zien hoe dit wereldwijde beschavingsproces zich heeft voltrokken en hoe gezondhei...
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Sampling and Choosing Cases in Qualitative Research: A Realist Approach
2022 || Paperback || Emmel || SAGE
Helping students to become familiar with various sampling techniques and how to make empirical and theoretical claims from the cases they choose, this text introduces widely used sampling methodologies and identifies key theoretical assumptions
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The Body and Social Theory
2022 || Paperback || Chris Shilling || SAGE
An agenda setting new edition of a classic text. Chris is a leading authority in body studies and this comprehensive text provides chapter-by-chapter coverage of the major theories, approaches and studies.
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Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Social Research
2022 || Paperback || Malcolm Williams || SAGE
Providing concise, focussed introductions to everything from the central research methods, to ethics, to metaphysics, and with helpful features such as real-world examples, cross-references and lists of key thinkers, this guide is an ideal introduction.
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Social Research and Reflexivity
Content, Consequences and Context
2022 || Paperback || Tim May e.a. || SAGE
The leading experts in the field set the agenda with this book, covering the history of reflexive thought alongside a genuinely original way forward in research practice.
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Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity
2022 || Paperback || Nasar Meer || SAGE
An accessible exploration of both long standing and contemporary arguments within this key area of social science teaching and research.
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Assessing Inequality
2022 || Paperback || Hao e.a. || SAGE
Through developing a decomposition analysis of the inequality measures and promoting their effective use in research, this book provides readers with a step-by-step understanding of the inequality measures that are currently used.