
Paperback (17)
Hardcover (12)

Resultaten (29)

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met 5% korting 190,00

Strategic Human Resource Management / Druk 3

2023 || Hardcover || Rees || SAGE

A stellar author team guides you through the key topics of human resource management from strategic and international perspectives in this updated edition.

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met 5% korting 206,15

International and Comparative Employment Relations / Druk 7

2023 || Hardcover || Bamber || SAGE

International and Comparative Employment Relations text is the Employment Relations text for any lecturer taking a comparative approach, and this seventh edition has been thoroughly updated with new examples and discussion questions to engage students and encourage critical thinking.

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met 5% korting 43,70

Key Concepts in Human Resource Management

2023 || Paperback || Martin || SAGE

A practical and compact guide to the central concepts that define the field.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Think and Grow Rich by Developing Your MOJO

Simple Strategies for Building Unshakeable Confidence and Achieving Your Goals

2023 || Hardcover || Louis Trash || Mijnbestseller.nl

"Think and Grow Rich by Developing Your MOJO" by Louis Trash is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking success and fulfillment in their personal and professional life. In this book, Trash shares his years of experience and knowledge on improving personal MOJO and creating a rich and fulfilling life. He offers practical strategies and techniques that have been tested and proven to be effective in improving confidence, mindset, and overall success.

This book is perfect for anyone who is looki...

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Not for HR

Because inclusion is teamwork

2023 || Paperback || Wendy Broersen || Vakmedianet


This book is about action. We talk enough about diversity and inclusion, but how do you step-by-step progress towards a sustainably diverse and inclusive organization? What do you do at each moment to get everyone on board? Perfect for beginners, but certainly also for advanced individuals who will gain a clear understanding of the stages of inclusion, whom you need, and what you should do in each phase to create an inclusive organizational culture.

Concrete answers to the above (...

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Gratitude to Success

A Guided Journey

2023 || Paperback || Love e.a. || Brave New Books

"Embark on a transformative journey with 'Gratitude to Success: A Guided Journey.' This practical guide explores the powerful connection between gratitude and success, offering actionable exercises like journaling and reflections to seamlessly integrate gratitude into daily life. Discover how gratitude reshapes neural pathways and fosters a success-oriented mindset. This book is your roadmap to personal and professional triumphs, unlocking the transformative potential of gratitude. Ready to h...

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met 5% korting 64,60

Human Resource Development

2023 || Paperback || Sadler-Smith || SAGE

Combining theoretical rigor, practical relevance and pedagogical innovation, Human Resource Development: From Theory into Practice is an essential resource for students working towards a career in human resource development (HRD), human resource management (HRM), occupational and organizational psychology, and related areas of business management and organization.

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met 5% korting 128,25

The Trainee Coach Handbook

2023 || Hardcover || Watts || SAGE

This is an essential companion to your coaching training. It guides you through the foundational knowledge and skills, looks at ethics and practice issues, answers key questions about the training process, and includes top tips from students.

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 181,45

Managing Diversity and Inclusion / Druk 2

2023 || Hardcover || Syed || SAGE

Written and edited by leading experts in the field, this authoritative account sets UK and European practices firmly within a global context. It offers an in-depth and contextual account of enduring, contemporary and cutting edge theories and approaches to diversity and inclusion management.

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Reimagine Teams

2023 || Paperback || Frank Brilman || Vakmedianet

Traditionele teamontwikkeling werkt al tientallen jaren niet meer. Reimagine Teams legt uit waarom niet en biedt een heldere roadmap om teams te bouwen waarmee u wél zakelijke doorbraakresultaten kunt halen. U leert aan de hand van een groot aantal casestudies hoe teams uit de hele wereld een zakelijke transformatie en cultuurverandering tot stand hebben weten te brengen – en dat in slechts drie tot zes maanden!

Reimagine Teams leert u hoe u accountable kunt zijn en doelen kunt bereiken, e...