Resultaten (89)
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David Claerbout, Works
The Silence of the Lens
2022 || Hardcover || David Claerbout e.a. || Hannibal Books
Langverwachte monografie van videokunstenaar David Claerbout
In een gesprek met Jonathan Pouthier, filmcurator van het Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou (Parijs, Frankrijk), reflecteert videokunstenaar David Claerbout voor het eerst in de diepte over zijn werk van de afgelopen tien jaar in relatie tot actuele discussies over fotografie, film en het virtuele. The Silence of the Lens biedt een unieke inkijk in het maakproces van recente videowerken als The Close, Aircraft (F.A.L....
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Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration
28 Years of Collaboration
2022 || Hardcover || Mark Manders || Hannibal Books
Diepgaand overzicht van het oeuvre van kunstenaar Mark Manders
Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration biedt een overzicht van de langdurige samenwerking tussen kunstenaar Mark Manders (°1968) en Zeno X Gallery in Antwerpen. De publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van zijn recentste solotentoonstelling in de galerie en belicht enkele belangrijke exposities en bijzondere projecten waarvoor Manders in binnen- en buitenland werd uitgenodigd van de jaren negentig tot nu.
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The past inside the present
2018 || Paperback || Hans den hartog Jager e.a. || Onomatopee office and project-space
Art is artificial; it is a fake version of reality. The imagery of art represents, illustrates suggests and provides stillness- it sharpens our perspectives and deepens the experience of reality.
Esther Tielemans's work aligns opposites, like the two- and three-dimensional, the abstract and figurative, reality and artificiality. It forms an environment in which the experience of the new precedes the habitual of the familiar.
The authors of this book, Maria Barnas and Hans den Hartog Jager, de...
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Michael Raedecker
2023 || Hardcover || Kate Zambreno e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
The most comprehensive survey of the celebrated Dutch artist Michael Raedecker's work spanning his 30-year career
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Pélagie Gbaguidi
2022 || Hardcover || Pélagie Gbaguidi || Hannibal Books
Het geëngageerde oeuvre van Pélagie Gbaguidi
In deze publicatie toont Pélagie Gbaguidi (°1965) nieuwe schilderijen, werken met textiel en tekeningen. De kunstenares ziet zichzelf als een hedendaagse ‘griot’, iemand die het individuele geheugen en het voorouderlijke verleden met elkaar verbindt. Haar werk is een lezing van de tekenen en sporen van trauma en gaat de confrontatie aan met koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenissen. Ze hercontextualiseert archieven en verhalen om het proce...
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Vermeer's Little Street
a view of the Penspoort in Delft
2015 || Paperback || Frans Grijzenhout || Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
An incredible detective story! The exact location of Vermeer's famous Little Street has occupied art historians for centuries. Did Vermeer paint his own house, his view or did he invent this wonderful composition? With new information Frans Grijzenhout is finally able to identify the site of the Little Street. His story was world news. An astonishing discovery that sheds new light on Vermeer's life and work, and his family. In Delft you can visit the location of the Little Street. English lan...
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The Measurement of Presence
2019 || Hardcover || Benno Tempel || Hannibal
The Measurement of Presence
Iris Kensmil and Remy Jungerman
176 PAGES - 30 X 21.8 CM - SOFTCOVER - ENGLISH EDITION - ISBN: 978 94 9267 780 8 - € 30
For the Venice Biennale 2019, Benno Tempel,
director of the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
curated the exhibition The Measurement of
Presence, in which he combines installations
by Remy Jungerman with wall paintings and
paintings by Iris Kensmil.
The Measurement of Presence is a
transnational presentation that explores
traditions and the past, bringing...
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Pedro De Mena, The Spanish Bernini
2019 || Hardcover || Xavier Bray e.a. || Hannibal || met inkijkexemplaar
The Spanish Bernini
Pedro de Mena y Medrano (1628–1688) is
nowadays the most highly regarded master
of Spanish Baroque sculpture, on a par with
his contemporaries, the great seventeenthcentury
painters Velázquez, Zurbarán and
Mena’s contributions to Spanish Baroque
sculpture are unsurpassed in both technical
skill and expressiveness of his religious
subjects. His ability to sculpt the human body
was remarkable, and he excelled in creating
figures and scenes for contemplation.
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Luciano Fabro
reinventing Sculpture
2023 || Hardcover || Margit Rowell || Phaidon Press Limited
The definitive monograph on the work of sculptor, installation artist, and Arte Povera pioneer Luciano Fabro